6 - feelings

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-Notice: I made a few changes regarding spelling and grammar.-

It was Monday, the day Jisung dreaded the most. He was already walking towards the school with heavy steps, but just hoped the day would end quickly. It was way too cold in the mortal world, it was around negative sixteen degrees and nothing could keep him warm in that temperature. As soon as he stepped foot on the cement a huge wave of cold wind had hit him which sent him goosebumps everywhere. He was walking towards the school until again, he felt a warm hand on his cold wrist. Not gonna lie he loved the feeling of warmth there it was sort of refreshing.

Han: "Minho, what do you want this time." He said looking at him dead in the eye.

Minho: "You, to talk to me."

Han: "Aight, I'm leaving." He said leaving his pinned up position.

Minho: "Wait please, Jisung. I seriously need and want to talk to you." He said grabbing his wrist again.

Han: "Minho, I've already talked to you about this. I don't want some devil to play with my feelings." He said still not facing him.

Minho: "I won't play with your feelings." He said seriously.

Han: "And how can I trust you with that, Minho. You've played with so many peoples feelings and why would I be any different. Also don't forget the fact we're complete opposites, you're a devil, I'm an angel. That just wouldn't be possible." Jisung sighed

Minho: "Because..." He said looking down.

Han: "See, Minho I'm leaving." He said getting out of Minho's grip and walking away.

Minho just stood there with guilt slowly overcoming his body. 'Why couldn't I answer? Gosh I'm so stupid. I let him just leave like that.' Thoughts like those filled his head as he just stood there thinking about what he could've done. After about a few minutes which felt like days, he finally moved from his position, walking towards the school in a daze. He slowly made it to class and sat down on a random chair he chose. He was still in a daze about what Han said and didn't notice his friends calling him.

Hyunjin: "Minho, bro you good?" He said aggressively tapping Minho's shoulder.

Minho: "Oh Uh, Yea I'm fine." He said rubbing his eyes slightly.

Class continued like that, Han focused and took long notes, Minho just simply looking out the window. The bell rand signaling lunch time, all the students happily skipped along the hallways meeting their friends and heading to the cafeteria. Han sat with his friends group and started having lunch while talking with his friends, all in all having a great time. Minho was able to find something else to think about which is, planning what to do in the weekends with his friends. Yes it was Monday but what's too bad about planning ahead? Minho and Han couldn't have any contact with each other especially with Chan closely watching the two. After lunch the students gathered there notebooks and books and went to their perspective classes. Minho and Han had the same class, science. Minho was pretty happy that none of Han's companions were in the same class, so was his too. He wanted to take the time and get close to Han and bandage up what happened earlier and just leave it in the past.

Teacher: "Alright class, settle down. In today's project it'll be fun for both you and me. We're going on a trip, but not a science filled trip."

Most of the students cheered some booed, but both Han and Minho were happy.

Teacher: "We'll be able to connect with other classes as well because we're going with other classes as well."

The class roared to the good news. Han was quite happy with the news as well meaning he could go and see Seungmin and the others.

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