4 - bickering

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-Notice: I made a few changes regarding spelling and grammar.-


It was lunch time so i entered the cafeteria to be greeted by the fresh smell of food and loud chatter

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It was lunch time so i entered the cafeteria to be greeted by the fresh smell of food and loud chatter. My gaze landed on a pale arm waving at the left corner, sooner I realized that it was Chan so I approached the table and sat comfortably. I dismissed myself and got up, grabbing a tray and walked towards the food in front. I was striding back towards my group of friends when I felt something shift in my left pocket, I reached out for it and found a paper, identical to the paper Minho gave me. I set my tray on my table and opened the paper secretly. "Meet me at the lockers just outside the cafeteria." I could already tell by the style of the letter that it was from Minho. I quickly excused myself from the group and went to the lockers right in front of the cafeteria. I met eyes with a dark brown haired man wearing a maroon hoodie and black ripped jeans.

Han: "What do you need help with?" I said, way kinder than expected.

Minho: "More proof you're an angel." He said teasingly.

Han: "Hey!" I shushed him. "Be quiet about that."

Minho: "I will." He chuckled.

Chan: "What the fuck?!" He said as he stepped out of the cafeteria.

He stomped his feet towards us, clearly furious. He pushed Minho away harshly, and that's the scariest I've seen him.

Chan: "I fucking told you to leave him alone you whore!" He said punching him directly at the face.

Minho: "Shit! Calm down you ass." He said dusting himself off.

Everyone just stood there in shock including me. I've never seen Chan so agressive towards someone or something. He was a complete different person.

Chan: "I can't fucking calm down when you, a complete fucking mess is probably trying to sleep with my friend!" He said, his tone getting louder.

Minho: "Oh for fucks sake! I don't just sleep with anybody I lay eyes on!" He said screaming back.

Chan: "Stop lying in front of my face, it's disgusting."

It looked like two male lions, fighting to see whom would fit the title "king of the jungle" best. It was getting bloody, literally. They were punching and kicking each other in the face and I finally decided it was enough after a few other blows.

Han: "Stop, you two!" I yelled.

Both of their heads snapped towards my direction and so did everyone else's.

Han: "What're you even fighting about? Look at you two covered in blood! What's so wrong about Minho talking to me anyway?"

Random student: "Because Minho broke so many people's hearts. You dumb Fuc-" A random pupil yelled.

Han: "Ok, besides that, I don't think he meant harm anyway. Chan hyung just follow me." I cut the other pupil off, sighing towards the end of my sentence.

I grabbed Chan's hand and helped him towards the nurse's office while he sent Minho the 'I'm watching you' look.

Han: "Minho are you coming?" I asked him.

Chan's eye's winded to my last statement as Minho just nodded and smiled sheepishly.

Minho: "I don't think I can walk. Mind carrying me?" He said faking his whimpers and everything.

Han: "Oh shut up Minho and lift your ass off the ground."

Minho: "Someone doesn't know how to play." He pouted but eventually caught up to us.

Chan: "I'm surprised you know where the nurses office is." He said looking at me.

Han: "I have my ways." I smirked.

When we got over to the nurses office, no nurse was present so I'd have to bandage these dorks on my own

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When we got over to the nurses office, no nurse was present so I'd have to bandage these dorks on my own. I grabbed the First aid kit on the desk and took out some ointment and cotton buds to gently dab in on the wounds. They hissed at the pain on a few wounds but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle anyway.

Minho: "Thanks" He showed me that sheepish smile once again.

Chan: "Yeah, thanks." He said glaring at the other.

Han: "It's no problem you two. But expect a punch from me if your stupid asses fight again." I said playfully.

Minho: "Not so angel like I guess." He playfully smirked.

Han: "You're just a devil." I snapped back.

His eyes winded at my statement but wen't back to his frowned appearance once again. Chan didn't get anything but just rolled with it anyway just thinking it was just a random choice of words. The rest of the day continued on normally except for the fact that Chan told me off about Minho, besides that it was normal.

Date: August 24, 2020
Hi author here, I've seen some readers who read my other book and came here, thank you for really checking out my new book! Please continue to support my book! See ya next chapter!

Words: EDITED Date: August 24, 2020Hi author here, I've seen some readers who read my other book and came here, thank you for really checking out my new book! Please continue to support my book! See ya next chapter!

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"Not so angel like I guess."

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐒Where stories live. Discover now