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The Gods continued their conversation and came to the conclusion of letting the worlds connect and how Minho would finally become an angel.

Jeongin: "So you're staying?" The youngest said a little dimple smile popping onto his face.

Han: "Yes and Minho hyung is becoming an angel! Can you believe that? That one bad boy everybody loved and hated-" The blond kept going on and on until his boyfriend cut him off.

Minho: "Enough of that baby, it's not like I'm going to have a whole celebration about this, I'm just going to go to Heaven and act like an angel." The soon to be angel stated.

Han: "Be an angel, not act." The blond corrected.

Minho: "Right, angel." The ginger said, after kissing the top of his nose and smiling at the younger.

Changbin: "No wonder you kept calling him angel!" The raven exclaimed, finally getting the nicknames.

Hyunjin: "You just got that now? You must be a thin crust pizza then." The brunette said before running away from the raven.

Jeongin: "Pizza?" The youngest asked, confused.

Han: "Look at his face." He explained to the younger.

Jeongin: "Oh! But why thin?" The youngest asked again.

Minho: "Cause he a dumb fu- funk star." He corrected.

Han: "Thank you for trying." He said before pecking the older lightly in the cheek.

Minho: "And thank you for loving me." The ginger said, pulling the boy closer, if that was even possible.

Han: "If I believed Chan we wouldn't be together you know?" The blond said pointing at Chan.

Minho: "Chan is a basta- balloon, he kept trying to separate us." The older complained.

Han: "Let's just be happy he let it slide." The younger said before taking off to the air, in which Minho followed shortly.

The couple flew around the school, conversing a little bit. But in the midst of their flying session, there was something in Minho's wings that caught Jisung's eye.

Han: "Hyung! Your wings, their becoming white!" The blond exclaimed, stopping in his tracks and admiring the transition.

Minho: "Really?" He asked, trying to get a look of them while flying.

The two flew down, admiring the way the black feathers soon became white. The older shook his wings a little bit and there, was pure white wings with gold outlining. The two hugged tightly and peppered each other with kisses.

Chan: "Woah!" The male said from behind.

Hyunjin: "What woah? Woah!" He said after seeing Minho's transformation.

Changbin: "Hyung an angel? I thought the three of us were going to hell together?"

Minho: "Sorry but my little angel over there is more important." He said before winking.

Hyunjin: "Excuse me? Bitch, just to clarify— never mind, I should be like my Seungmin." Hyunjin giggled.

Changbin: "I should be just like Felix." Changbin giggled with him.

And after that day, all the worlds soon connected, more angels flew around the earth, more devils too. They transformed the earth, making it more suitable for both mortals and non mortals. The eight boys hanging out almost everyday, Minho who had proposed to Jisung 3 years after. Hyunjin finally asking Seungmin out and would propose to him in 5 years time. Changbin? He proposed to Felix 3 years after, almost the same with Minho and Jisung. What about Chan and I.N? They'll find their match. But just to clarify, they're both bendy as fuck.

Thank you for this wonderful journey I had for this book. By far, this is the most successful book I have in my page. Thank you for all the kind words and support, it means a lot.

I l𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, and thank you.

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