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It was the next morning and Jisung was once again, on the porch swing all cozy and using his phone. It was snowing quite hard that day. Some of the students that day were oblivious of the rules so they went outside and played in the snow while it was snowing, one of them being Minho and his other companions.

Han: "If you idiots get sick, i wont take care of you."

Changbin: "Like we will." He rolled his eyes before continuing; "We're grown ass men, we ain't kids anymore." He said grabbing a snow ball and throwing it harshly onto Hyunjins back.

They played around for around two more hours. They got inside and showered with warm water to freshen up. Jisung was still on the porch swing with his MacBook Pro on his lap and two huge comforters around his upper body and around his legs, and yes he packed both of them. He was scrolling through YouTube hoping for some interesting content. He ended up watching animal videos that were mostly consisted of cats, dogs, hamsters and squirrels. He adored all of them and couldn't stop watching them. Minho came out and took a seat beside Jisung waiting for him to cuddle against him. To Minho's avail, he did. Han rested his head on Minho's shoulder and leaned his weight onto his. Minho placed his hand on Jisungs waist and cuddled closer.

Han: "I was just about to watch Netflix, wanna watch with me?" He said with puppy eyes which would be hard to resist for everyone.

Minho: "Okay, what show baby?" He said booking Hans Nose with his finger.

Han: "Umbrella Academy" He said happily pressing on the series.

Minho: "You've got taste in both men and series'." He said winking at the blond.

Han: "But of course." He said winking back at the older.

They both bursted out giggling and watched the series together.

After watching about four episodes together, their lunch food arrived. They grabbed all the plates and bowls and headed inside. Once they did the cabin was echoing with sneezes and coughs the younger just rolled his eyes and set the food on the table.

Han: "Told you, new sit your butts over here before the food gets cold." He said clearly annoyed by the fact his hyung's ignored him earlier and got sick.

Hyunjin: "Alright but what's the food?" He asked lifting his body up lazily.

Han: "Kimchi stew with pork and veggies, rice and curry. You can have me stew tho, the both of you need it."

Han really liked Kimchi stew but because of his angel heart he gave it to the both of his stubborn sick hyungs.

Changbin: "Your the best." He said squishing the cheeks of the younger.

They all ate happily and as expected the three older ones, finished their food and Jisung didn't. He ate up all of his curry but not his rice. He only finished half but gave it back to the teachers.

After the meal Jisung grabbed medicine from his bag and gave one each to Hyunjin and Changbin. He placed a cup of water beside each person and told them to swallow the medication. The older males were grateful for the youngers kindness towards them even though they didn't listen to him.

Minho and Jisung went back to their comfortable position on the porch swing and continued watching the 'Umbrella Academy' on Netflix. After completing another episode Minho felt the sudden urge to kiss Jisung. Jisung felt the same. They felt so comfortable with each other's presence, it was amazing.

Minho: "Hey can you close your eyes for a moment?" He asked slyly.

Han knew where this was directed but listened anyway because maybe, just maybe he was wrong. Han closed his eyes and waited what'd happen next. Minho touched Jisungs chin lightly and made him face him. He leaned in close enough so he could feel Jisungs breath on his and Jisung could feel his, and slowly he shortened the gap and made their lips touch. Although Jisung did expect this he was still shocked. He opened his eyes for a moment before closing his eyes agin and kissed back. Jisung could feel Minho smirk in the kiss and it made him happy. Their lips moved in sync it was perfect.

Wc: 721
Date: September 6, 2020
Hi author here, sorry if you wanted a detailed kind of kiss. I dont really know how to write those but maybe next time??? And also it did happen even with little details 😉
Thank you for 500 readssssss my heartue go boom boom ❤️ 💗💞

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