Episode VI

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Dismounting from her ship, Brye patted her astromech droid. She had, in truth, not been expecting to find anything at the co-ordinates Master Yoda had given her. Kamino wasn't on any of her maps, nor in the Temple's archives.

Yet here it was. A dull, wet planet, with waves raging below the city. Brye had travelled far across the galaxy, but she had never encountered such a grey planet.

Rain soaked through her hood and splattered against her skin. She hurried across the walkway, feet slipping on the wet ground, and frowned as the door inside automatically swung open.

It was bright inside the building - perhaps a little too bright for her liking. Brye had spent most of her life in Coruscant and she was accustomed to flickering banners, names above clubs and streetlights, but this was something else entirely.

Voices drifted down the corridor. Brye hadn't been expecting anyone to greet her at the door, so she flipped back her wet hood and started down the hallway. The corridor had a smooth arc to it and she soon found herself at another entrance way.

A tall, long-necked alien was speaking to two humans. One, dressed in dark robes with his hair a mess, looked as if he were about to explode. The Chosen One some of the other Jedi had called him. Yet Brye saw Anakin Skywalker as a young Jedi, and nothing more.

Beside Anakin, Senator Amidala was standing with her hands on her hips. She had a small frame, her skin glowing under the blazing overhead lights. A heavy white scarf hung over her shoulders.

"Master Kenobi is quite well," the alien said smoothly. "He is having something to eat. Would you like to join him?"

Senator Amidala moved to take Anakin's arm, as if she were going to hold him back from doing something he would regret. Her dark eyes winded when she noticed Brye standing behind them in her wet Jedi robes.

"Greetings," Brye said quickly, ducking her head. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You're the Jedi the Council sent?" Anakin asked. Brye couldn't help but notice the way he was looking her up and down. It was almost as if he saw her as a threat to his personal mission to save Obi-Wan.

"Yes. Brye Gallia." She tried a small smile and the alien, who must have already introduce themselves to Amidala and Anakin, blinked at her blankly. "I'd like to join Obi-Wan too, if that's alright."

The alien motioned with a long arm towards the awaiting corridor. "This way."

Brye hung back and allowed Amidala and to take the lead alongside the alien. She wanted to speak with Anakin, to warn him of her instructions of the Council, but he kept his eyes forward, focused on the task at hand.

I should be reporting you. I should be telling Masters Yoda and Windu that you have endangered the Senator by bringing her here.

None of this she said aloud, of course. Nor did she make an excuse to get back to her ship to make contact with the Temple. Brye would assess the situation first, decide if she needed Anakin's help to solve it, and then she would do what was needed.

She had been left with little choice. Kollen had made it clear how important this assignment was. If she were to fail, if she had to call and request aid, it wouldn't impress anyone. Brye knew she shouldn't have been thinking like that, but it was hard to shake Kollen's words from her mind.

Anakin wouldn't be able to tell the others if he did end up helping her. And Brye doubted Obi-Wan would blame her for Anakin's involvement.

As for Amidala, Brye wasn't sure what the woman would tell other people. Brye supposed she wouldn't mention the change of plans to her protection detail. If anyone one found out from her, Anakin would be forced to meet the consequences of his actions.

The corridor opened up into a rounded room. The walls stretched to meet a ceiling far above, with countless balconies and viewing platforms jutting out from higher levels.

Although Brye sensed their were others near by - others with a strong connection to the Force - she could see only their small party and Obi-Wan. The elder Jedi sat alone at one of the long tables.

"It seems Master Kenobi has retired to his quarters," the alien said. "I shall escort you there now."

"What do you mean? He's right there, I can see him." Anakin stepped forward, crossing the space between them and Obi-Wan's table with a few long strides. "Master," he said, his voice echoing around the chamber.

Amidala turned to get a better look at her surroundings and Brye shifted inside her robes. Something was wrong - something off. It seemed Amidala, even without Jedi training or a connection to the Force, could feel it too.

"Master," Anakin repeated.

"What?" Obi-Wan looked up from his plate, his features clouded with confusion. "Anakin, what are you doing here? You're suppose to be on Naboo!"

"I came for you Master, I sensed ... something." Anakin glanced to Amidala for assistance, but Brye strolled forward first.

"Master Kenobi, the Council sent me to make sure everything was alright." Brye, having spoken to Obi-Wan before in the Temple and during her training with Kollen, expected him to recognise her without an introduction.

Obi-Wan merely blinked at her. "The Council?"

"Yes, the Jedi Council."

"I don't remember telling any council anything."

Brye exchanged a glance at Anakin. "What do you remember?" he asked. "Do you remember Master Yoda? Master Qui-Gon?"

Obi-Wan's lips parted slightly, but his expression remained the same. Dazed. Confused. Utterly bewildered as to why Anakin, the Senator, and the Jedi who's name he could not recall were staring at him.

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