Episode XX

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Anakin flexed the fingers of his new hand, testing the way they could hold his lightsaber hilt. A strange feeling ran through him, but he pushed it aside and dropped the weapon onto his belt as he caught Brye approaching. She looked well and he was unsure why that surprised him.

They were not alone in the Temple's hallway. Other Jedi had clustered around them, waiting to hear what the Council was going to do with the clones. There had been lots of whispers about them circulating the Temple lately. Anakin had done his best to avoid any such rumours.

Not that he'd been around the Temple much since the return from Kamino. He had ensured Padmé had returned safely to Naboo and dealt with some business there after having his injures seen to. Business he would not mention to Brye should she ask why she had not seen him lately, or to even Obi-Wan.

"How are you doing?" Brye asked. Something was different about her. She seemed happier, almost. Anakin hadn't noticed she had been particularly sad before, but that spring in her step, the ghost of a smile on her face - something had definitely changed.

"Well enough. I'm still alive, aren't I?" he said.

"That you are. I heard about the Count." She shook her head and looked down for a moment. "The Council don't want to do anything about what happened at Kamino - with you appearing, I mean. They seem too concerned about other things. You're off the hook."

Anakin hadn't considered the Council's disapproval of what he had done, so he simply gave her a small nod. "What else have the Council been saying? Any news of Dooku?"

"None. But they'll find him soon, I'm sure. We have an army of Obi-Wans at our side now. That has to count for something."

An army of Obi-Wans. Anakin couldn't help but wince a little. Considering how hard it could be to deal with one of his Master, now there were thousands of him, each version somehow different from the original. He doubted Obi-Wan would be any happier about it.

"Which clone was you're favourite then?" Brye continued, falling into step beside him as they walked down the hall. The Council wasn't going to come to any conclusions soon, it seemed, so a walk would not do them any harm. Besides, Anakin was not overly fond of the stares from the other Jedi.

They talked for a bit, then Byre admitted she had never considered how parting with Kollen would affect him. She had presumed he would pick up another padawan and move on, but he hadn't done either.

Anakin considered confessing he hadn't thought of a time when Obi-Wan would not be around and decided against it. Somehow he knew even when he became a Knight Obi-Wan would always be close by. And even if he wasn't, there was a whole army of him now. A sea of faces that would ensure Anakin was never without his Master.

"How is the Senator?" Brye crossed her arms inside her robes. "She fought well in the arena. I know about the run-in with the Trade Federation on Naboo, of course. It was just a little surprising to see her in action. Politicians and fighting." She gave a small laugh. "I take it she is fine?"

More than fine, Anakin wanted to say. Or perhaps less. Things with Padmé were complicated now, but he couldn't tell Brye. He couldn't tell anyone. Not even one of the thousands of clones of his Master which lined the path before them.

So he simply tried a smile. "Happy to be home, I think."

"Good." Brye said. "Although I doubt it will last long. Dooku and Geonosis has changed things. But we shouldn't let that stop us from being happy. Not at least, for a little while."

Anakin arced his head to find Obi-Wan with some others on a balcony far above. He hoped Brye was wrong. He hoped Padmé was happy for a long time and that he himself could escape to a place of bliss, and then he considered Obi-Wan and how many sighs he had performed during their escape from Geonosis.

"I think the Chancellor will see to it that things are taken care of," he said, then turned from the clones to find out just what would become of the army.

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