Episode XXI

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Obi-Wan sighed. "You don't mean to keep the clones, Master Yoda?" he said whilst looking over the balcony. Below them the replicas of Obi-Wan were lined in the way of an army, some of them meditating, others standing like they had been ordered to do.

It was an unnerving thought that the Council and the Chancellor saw it fit to use the clones in a war. And Obi-Wan would be expected to fight along side them as well as the other Jedi. What was to stop people from getting the clones confused with him? 

And, worse, what would happen when the clones did not survive the upcoming battles?

"A risk, it is," Yoda mussed. "But one we must take. Powerful, this army is."

Obi-Wan glanced at the clones again. "I don't like it."

"Difficult this will be." Yoda nodded.

Mace Windu did not seem to understand Obi-Wan's concerns. He crossed his arms and inclined his head towards the cloners. They were standing aside from the army, checking over some important details with a chosen group of Jedi.

"We will see to it that the clones are given a uniform. A mask will be included." Windu turned to Obi-Wan. He could have towered over him if he wanted to, but Windu stayed back - reserved, head high. "The Republic needs this army to face the Separatist's droids. It won't be simple, but we must use what we have."

"And what am I to do?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Lead, as the other Jedi will." Yoda shifted his head, looking up at Obi-Wan from a strange angle. "Perhaps good company, the clones will be."

It was challenge for Obi-Wan not to sigh again. "Oh, I have a bad feeling about this. I liked it better when I was the only Obi-Wan."

"Only one, there is still," Yoda said.

"We must be careful. What's coming will be difficult. Hard times are ahead," Windu interjected.

"Harder for some more than others." Obi-Wan planted a hand on his beard and watched the army below, wondering and questioning how he would survive the Clone Wars.

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