Episode X

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With his mother safely returned to her new family, Anakin had nothing to keep him on Tatooine. Shmi would recover in time and Obi-Wan had indicated they could visit again later to see how she was doing. Still, Anakin hated leaving his mother for a second time.

Whatever had happened to Obi-Wan, Anakin wasn't sure he was entirely comfortable about it. But he made sure to keep his concerns to himself. If Obi-Wan had had a change of heart, if he had finally decided that sometimes it was best to ignore the Jedi Code, then Anakin knew his training would go a lot smoother.

He turned in the pilot's seat having just landed their ship on Kamino. Obi-Wan was sitting with Brye near the droids and she seemed to be inspecting him, a weary look in her eyes. Her presence was discouraging, as was her insistence that they returned to Kamino.

Brye stood. A wave of dark hair fell over her shoulders, her lips somewhat pouted. "Aright," she said. "You should stay with the ship. Master Kenobi and I will return shortly."

"Aren't you going to explain what's going on?" Padmé pressed as she rose to her feet.

"Perhaps later, but Master Kenobi and I will have to talk first. Really, this assignment is complicated." Brye lead Obi-Wan to the ramp that reached down to the platform, a hand inching towards the saber on her waste. She was watchful - frightened, almost.

"Alright," Anakin said. "We can wait here for a while."

After nodding her head, Brye disappeared out the ship. Anakin looked to Padmé, her pretty features twisted in curiosity, then he started walking to the door. The protocol droid he had built as a child protested and Anakin shook his head at C3P-O.

"We're just going to take a look. Brye won't even know we're there." Anakin motioned for Padmé and she quickly joined him outside. It was still raining heavily, the wind whipping Anakin's robes.

They hurried inside and entered the white corridor. No one was there to welcome them this time - not Taun We or the other locals Anakin had spotted on his first visit. He lead the way, Padmé at his heels, neither of them making a sound.

Stopping at one of the overhanging balconies, Anakin motioned for Padmé to watch his back while he stole a glance over the side. Below one of the city's expansive round chambers was bristling with life, countless strangers doing various tasks.

While speaking with Taun We, Padmé had discovered the locals were working on a cloning program. She had not managed to get much information out of Taun about the project, but the idea of procuring a clone had captured Anakin's imagination.

Anakin glanced up. Across the way, Brye was standing on another balcony. Obi-Wan was with her, alongside one of the locals. They were too far away for him to hear what she was saying, but he could tell from the way Obi-Wan was scratching his beard it was nothing good.

"Annie," Padmé said softly. She had moved closer, leaning over the edge. The other Jedi would be able to see her. "Annie, those people down there - the clones - don't they look like Obi-Wan?"

"That's impossible." Anakin stepped out from hiding to get a better look. Sure enough, now that he had a better view, he could make out the familiar features of the red-headed strangers below. Not that they were strangers. The crowd below all wore his Master's face.

When he turned back to Padmé, Anakin noticed the Brye's balcony had been standing on was now unoccupied. Not good.

"Obi-Wan is going to kill me," he groaned, noticing Obi-Wan and Brye approaching. Neither of them looked impressed by his and Padmé's exploration and the softness in Obi-Wan's eyes had faded.

"Master, that wasn't you I was with earlier, was it?" Anakin asked before the lecture could begin.

"What gave it away? The clone's lack of sense or his inability to keep you under control?" Obi-Wan sighed. "Anakin, what you did was reckless. Brye told you to stay out of this. She had good reason to."

"Let us help," Padmé interrupted.

"The Council assigned Anakin to guard you, Senator. With all due respect, there is a reason for this." Brye glanced at Obi-Wan as if waiting for him to back her up and he crossed his arms, a sign he too didn't want Anakin or Padmé getting involved.

Taun We drifted around the corner, greeting them by inclining his long neck. "I don't mean to disturb you all but it seems we have encountered a problem."

Obi-Wan sighed. "This day continues to improve."

"What is the problem?" Brye turned her attention to the alien. Her shoulders stiffened.

"We have received news that one of the new clones has taken a ship. He claimed he had important business to attend to. I'm afraid that the unit has left Kamino without instructions to do so," Taun said. "This has never happened before in any of our facilities."

Obi-Wan and Brye began a brisk walk. "We must retrieve that clone," he said sharply. "Or the Council will have words to say to both of us."

"You haven't told them about this yet?" Brye's eyebrows raised.

"I didn't have any time to." Obi-Wan sounded offended and Brye did not press the matter further.

"Master, let us help. You know I can fly better than anyone else here." Anakin did not know much of Brye, but he guessed from the way she had landed her ship she was not an experienced pilot. If they wanted to catch the clones quickly, he was their best hope.

"We have reports of multiple escapes," Taun We added from behind. The group came to an abrupt stop and Obi-Wan sighed once more. "This shuttle we managed to track. It is moving towards Coruscant."

"Two of the clones have escaped? This incident won't remain secret for long." Brye dropped her folded arms.

Tuan We's face gave away nothing. "Perhaps more, I'm afraid."

"More?" Brye shot.

"Well this is excellent," Obi-Wan commented. "It seems we will need Anakin's assistance, after all."

"The clones have been made from your genetic information," Taun We said dreamily. "We exaggerated certain aspects of their personality in our search to make the perfect unit, as per our instructions. It should not be hard to track them down."

"Instructions from who?" Padmé planted her hands on her hips.

"I'll explain later, right now we've got several copies of me to catch." Obi-Wan led them on, taking a direct route to the landing platforms. "Let's hope the cloners didn't exaggerate my traits too much, or we'll never catch them."

"Let's hope they still have your skills when it comes to flying." Anakin smiled.

"Now is not the time for jokes, Anakin."

"Sorry, Master. I'm aware the difficulties of the situation are multiplying."

Obi-Wan opened one of the exit doors and flipped up his hood, preparing himself for the rain. "It's a good thing they didn't clone you. The whole galaxy would have fallen apart. Now, come on. We've got clones to catch."

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