Episode XII

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Brye had turned out to be a harder shell to crack than Kollen had anticipated. He had thought with enough probing she would have let at least one small detail about her assignment slip. But she had kept her lips sealed when it came to matters on Kamino.

Thankfully, Kollen had a second plan. Brye might have had the desire to impress the Council and show she could work by herself, but everyone knew Obi-Wan Kenobi was capable. The man had no reason not to tell Kollen what had happened.

So, with his robes smartly straightened and head held high, Kollen took a stroll to the quarters of Obi-Wan. He had never understood why Obi-Wan had taken on his reckless padawan, nor where either of them found the time to run through all those lightsabers and cloaks, but Kollen guessed Obi-Wan would have a stash of weapons for his student in his room.

When Kollen had been teaching Brye, he'd made sure to tell her how important it was too keep her lightsaber well looked after. She had never lost or destroyed her weapon. As much as Kollen respected and admired Obi-Wan for taking on such a challenge as Anakin Skywalker, he had his doubts about his teaching methods.

"What you told me about Obi-Wan has me concerned," Qui-Gon Jinn said, matching Kollen's stride perfectly. "It's not like him to keep secrets."

"I'm sure there's a perfect explanation," Kollen said. He had bumped into Qui-Gon on the way and decided it would be best if he brought the Jedi Master along. Obi-Wan might be more willing to speak with his former Master.

Kollen knocked once on the door and stepped back, weaving his fingers together while he waited. He had never been left long on Obi-Wan's doorstep and, soon enough, the door was opened.

Only it wasn't Obi-Wan who opened it; but rather a strange version of the man himself. This stranger had his hair cut neatly around the back of his neck, much shorter than Obi-Wan's current mullet state, and was free from a beard.

Taking time away from assignments to change his style was not how Obi-Wan operated. He wouldn't dare do something like that when he should be out solving the galaxy's problems.

"Greetings," Kollen said loudly. "I was hoping we'd run into each other."

The stranger frowned. "You knocked on my door. I'd say you were more than hoping."

"Right, yes, of course."

This man was most certainly not Obi-Wan - not the one Kollen knew, anyway. It was as he had feared when he saw the imposer in the kitchen. That disturbance in the Force had warned him something terrible was coming there way, and now the horror had arrived.

Kollen could only hope Anakin had not also been duplicated. The Jedi Order would surely fall apart with multiples of him running around.

"Well?" the stranger pressed. "What is it that you want? I've got things in here which I need to be getting on with."

"My apologies, I don't mean to bother you. I only swung by to ask a few questions. If you don't have time, I can come back later." Kollen made sure to smile.

He sensed this person was not to be messed with. The real Obi-Wan was quite something when it came to fighting - all kicks and surprises. Kollen didn't want to know what this version would be like should things come to such dramatic ends.

"What's the matter, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked. He too appeared to be treading lightly.

The strange seemed to hesitate, then he threw his arms up and stepped aside. "Someone has stolen one of my robes. There is a robe missing. I can't have people just taking my things. They're my things. Mine." He pointed at himself viciously.

"Well," Qui-Gon said, a smile on his lips. "I'm sure we can help you find it, if that's what you'd like."

"I'd like to have my stuff back."

"We'll get you your belongings." Qui-Gon nodded to Kollen. "Perhaps you could search out here."

Kollen looked around them at the empty hallway and withheld his distaste of the idea. "Of course. We'll have that robe found in no time."

Nodding his head, the stranger quickly swept back into the room, Qui-Gon following. Kollen did not linger too long but he made sure to take a look at the chamber. Obi-Wan's wardrobe contents had been neatly organised onto the floor in bundles. 

Kollen paced to the end of the hallway, wondering how long he had to wait before returning to the bedroom. There was certainly nothing out here to find. It was most likely Obi-Wan had thrown the robe somewhere on a distant planet and left it behind.

He turned on his heels, ready to try Anakin's room for the real Obi-Wan, but stopped short. Two figures were moving towards him, both dressed in the same robes with auburn hair and locked in conversation. Their expressions mirrored each other.

Thinner than his counterpart, the true Obi-Wan sighed when he noticed Kollen. "I was hoping we wouldn't be interrupted," he said.

"What's this?" Kollen gestured at the second Obi-Wan and the stranger held out an arm, fingers posed to shake his hand.

"Ben Kenobi. I do believe we know each other," the second Obi-Wan said.

It was not in Obi-Wan's nature to make light or a joke out of something like this. No wonder Brye had not dared to say anything about her assignment or Kamino to Kollen. Something had gone awfully wrong there. Something so awful that Obi-Wan had been cloned.

"I think it would be best if we continued our walk," Obi-Wan said firmly. "My friend and I were just talking about how nice it would be for him to have a rest."

"Him!" The call came from down the hallway where the first of the Obi-Wans had emerged from his room, Qui-Gon at his side. "He's wearing my robe. Take that off, it's mine!"

"Oh, my," Obi-wan said, stepping forward to shield the second clone. "I think we can agree to share my robes. We all have the same taste, after all."

"What exactly is going on here?" Kollen interrupted.

"Nothing good," Qui-Gon added as Obi-Wan struggled to heard the two versions of Obi-Wan into his private quarters. The door slid shut behind them and Obi-Wan sighed again, pushing his hair back and glancing between Qui-Gon and Kollen.

"That's two down," he said heavily. "I am afraid I must go. There are others still out there."

"Others? You mean there are more of - of those things out there?" Kollen bristled.

"Quite a few more. But I mustn't waste any more time." Obi-Wan turned to Qui-Gon. "If you could make sure those two stay put, I would be ever so grateful."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Alright. It would seem careless to have it any other way."

"You must make sure no one outside the Temple discovers what has happened. The Council were unimpressed by Brye's report. Until it is decided what happens to these clones, we must ensure the matter is kept within the Order."

"You said more copies are out there?" Kollen couldn't help but imagine how confused the other Jedi would be - the younglings most of all - if they were to see several Obi-Wan's walking around together.

"There is one more in the Temple. Another has gone elsewhere, but -" Obi-Wan stopped himself. "That one should be dealt with soon. We must find the last one here before things get out of hand."

"I shall help you search," Kollen decided. There was no need for two of them to stand by the door. Besides, these clones did not have lightsabers on their belts and Kollen had not seen any weapons in Obi-Wan's room.

"Brye heard of a disturbance in the archives. We should head there." Obi-Wan nodded to his former master in passing and Kollen joined him on a brisk walk to the library. He couldn't help but wonder why these clones were acting as they were.

"How does it feel to talk to yourself?" Kollen asked.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Tiresome."

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