Episode XVIII

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Anakin watched his master from atop the Reek's back. He would have liked to have help Obi-Wan with Clonie-Wan since the pair seemed to be having trouble with the giant acklay, but Anakin had more pressing concerns.

The first of which was Padmé.

She leaned over the edge of her pillar, a cluster of chains in her hand. Despite everything she did not appear to be frightened. A small smile threatened to make its way onto Anakin's lips and he shook his head.

He was still having trouble believing what had happened before they had been pulled into the arena. What Padmé had said-

The reek shifted its balance onto its back legs. Anakin gripped its thick skin and concentrated his efforts on calming the beast down. He manoeuvred the creature so it was under Padmé's pillar and motioned for her to jump.

Thankfully Padmé did not hesitate. She dropped off the pillar and landed gracefully behind him on the beast's back.

Now for Obi-Wan and his clone. It was hard to consider what Dooku and his friends were thinking about seeing two of the Jedi Master. Anakin himself was still having trouble. One Obi-Wan could be hard enough to deal with at times.

Times just like these, Anakin mussed.

"Master!" he called, turning the Reek.

Obi-Wan looked up, Brye running around his far side. Dust from the ground covered his boots and his hair was unusually messy. "Anakin, look!" He pointed and Anakin twisted in his seat.

Around the stadium the crowds were parting, making way for Jedi who had suddenly revealed themselves. There were five of them - three of which appeared to be identical to Obi-Wan. The others were Qui-Gon Jinn and the Jedi Anakin had met twice before, but failed to remember his name.

"Kollen," Brye breathed. She and Clonie-wan sunk closer the Reek as Obi-Wan climbed onto its back.

"Ben," Obi-Wan said, pointing to the chubbiest of the clones who landed heavily on the ground at Brye's heels. After Ben came another clone Obi-Wan claimed was called Ken, who looked highly unimpressed, then Obi, who sighed and tugged on the sleeves of his robe.

"This lightsaber is green," Obi explained to Brye when she asked what was wrong.

"I can take it from you," she said with a small smile. Obi seemed to think things over for a moment before handing over the blade. Brye thanked him and he crossed his arms with another sigh.

"Let's see how good these clones are at playing rescue," Anakin said over his shoulder.

"Now, now, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "It's not a competition. There's no need to get upset because my clones are more effective than you when it comes to saving people."

Padmé shifted and looked to Qui-Gon. "Master Qui-Gon, it's good to see you again."

Qui-Gon arched his neck, looking up towards the podium. "Some it is better not to see again."

"Count Dooku," Kollen mussed. "Truly, a wonderful mess." He glanced at Brye. "You were supposed to investigate Kamino. It must be an interesting story as to how you ended up here."

Her shoulders slumped and Brye moved to answer, but the beast at the other end of the arena had taken an interest in them again. It started strutting over and Brye along with two of the clones stepped forward, weapons raised.

"As touching as your appearance is," Obi-Wan said to Qui-Gon. "Do tell me the others are on their way."

"Patience," Qui-Gon said.

"Annie." Padmé nodded to the balcony where Count Dooku and his companions were standing. Something was happening, but Anakin could not make out what it was. A hooded finger had made their way onto the balcony.

Around the arena lightsabers were activated. On the balcony, a purple blade flickered to life and Mace Windu revealed himself. Anakin watched as the Geonosians scrambled to take up arms and more Jedi joined them in the arena.

"Reinforcements," he said more to himself than to anyone else.

"There's supposed to be more," Kollen quipped.

Anakin considered telling the elder Jedi that with five Obi-Wans on their side their was little they couldn't accomplish. But he stopped short, the thought vanishing as the gates around the arena opened once more.

He prepared himself for another set of beasts, the Reek doing its best to challenge his control over it. The chains twisted in his hold and Anakin reassessed his position in relation to the acklay.

Oh, he had a bad feeling about this.

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