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Stormchaser stood rigid in fear before she managed to turn to Wolverine Claws. "Get the pack back to the camp," she ordered as she looked to Iceshard who sprayed his plasma. "We'll take care of this."

Wolverine Claws dipped his head before he darted forward and waved his tail over his back. "North Star Pack retreat," he howled before he darted forward, the rest of the pack following.

Wind Racer frowned as he turned his head to look at Stormchaser. "We can't just leave them," he complained in a terrified whimper.

"We have to go," pointed out Russet Feather as she pushed her head against Wind Racer's haunch and pushed him forward. "They'll be fine."

The rest of the wolves bounded forward, their paws churning against the muddy ground. Swiftstream bounded forward and blocked Iceshard from charging after the wolves. "This is not a battle for them," she growled as she lowered her head into her shoulders. "This is a fight for you and me."

"Swiftstream," he chuckled a bit as he spat hot plasma on the ground and steam rose up. "Never thought I'd see you again." He looked past her to Darkflight and Stormchaser. "So those must be your offspring. Pathetic!"

Darkflight growled and was about to charge forward but Skypacer rested a wing on his shoulder gingerly. "Stay here," she murmured gently. "It would be a mistake to take him on."

Stormchaser gulped and watched as Iceshard lunged for her mother. He sunk his teeth into Swiftstream's leg and yanked. Swiftstream cried out before she slashed her claws against Iceshard's shoulder, trying to push him backwards. He let go of her leg and she lapped at the wound and cringed a bit in pain.

She watched as Iceshard lowered down before he exploded forward. She veered sideways and whipped her tail against Iceshard's face. It didn't draw blood but it stung his face madly and cried a bit in pain. He shook his head before he leaped back for Swiftstream. He sliced a paw forward and dug deeply into Swiftstream's head, blood oozing from the wound and splattering on her legs and chest.

Swiftstream groaned in pain as the blood ran into her eyes. Iceshard chuckled before he leaped for her neck and sunk his teeth into it. "No," wailed Stormchaser as she crouched on the ground, watching Iceshard hurting her mother.

"Stay back," croaked Swiftstream as blood bubbled from her lips.

She then fell sideways, blood oozing from her neck and she groaned in absolute agony. Iceshard turned with blood oozing from his mouth, Swiftstream's blood. He then sunk his teeth into her neck again until he met the back of her spine. He snapped it easily and she fell limp, blood oozing from that area.

"Mom," wailed Stormchaser as she pushed off Skypacer's wing and plunged toward her mother. She lowered beside her mother and tears showed in her eyes. "Mom wake up!"

"Good-bye," rasped Iceshard as he spat blood on the ground. "Sister."

Stormchaser pushed her head against her mother's shoulder. "Please wake up!"

Darkflight padded down the bank with a hollowed look in his eyes. He lowered beside his sister and draped his wing around her and held her close. The two lowered their heads and gazed at the wound that Iceshard had inflicted on their mother. Grief overwhelmed them.

Skypacer pushed forward and narrowed her eyes at Iceshard. "You killed your own sister," she cried at Iceshard as her wings opened.

Iceshard turned away. "She stopped being my sister long ago," he pointed out before he took to the sky, yowling as rain continued to fall around him.

Heavystep and Skypacer clustered closer and gazed at Swiftstream's limp body. Rain was beginning to cleanse her wounds but it wouldn't bring her back from the dead. Skypacer sighed as she took a step forward and laid Swiftstream on her stomach with her legs tucked under her. She then plastered her wings against her side and made sure that her eyes were closed.

"What are you doing," asked Darkflight with his tail tip twitching in displeasure.

"I'm setting her up for a vigil," she answered as she made sure that Swifstream's head was placed on top of her paws so it seemed like she was looking straight ahead.

"A vigil," echoed Stormchaser as she pressed her nose gingerly against her mother's shoulder and let out a moan of grief.

Skypacer nodded. "Yes a vigil is when you stay up a night and honor the one who has passed," she answered and once she was finished readying her friend for the vigil she took some of Stormchaser's blood and made a Night Fury symbol on her head. "Now she will be remembered for generations to come."

Darkflight and Stormchaser sat back on their haunches and watched their mother. Heavystep and Skypacer sat on the other side and spend the night grieving for their loss.


Early the next morning Stormchaser awoke to Darkflight nuzzling her gently. "Hey, wake up," he breathed into her ear.

Stormchaser yawned and shook the rain from her wings and shivered a bit. "Sorry," she whispered. "I must have fallen asleep."

Darkflight nodded. "How about you try and get some sleep? I'll be in a in a bit."

Stormchaser wanted to argue but she couldn't. She padded into their den with the scent of Swiftstream almost engulfing her. She laid down in her own nest, her tail curled around her while a moan sounded in her throat. She couldn't believe that she had lost her her mother to Iceshard. Iceshard was her mother's sibling! That should never have happened.

It wasn't long before Darkflight padded in with mud covering his paws. When Stormchaser looked up she gazed at his paws. "We buried mother," he replied simply before he laid behind her. He draped his wing over her side and drew her close. "I'll protect you now Stormchaser, I promise."

Stormchaser wanted to argue that she didn't need protecting but she thought better of it. She knew that Darkflight was only trying to help and he was doing a very good job. She felt safe with her brother pressed against her. Plus they had Skypacer and Heavystep as well. They'd never be alone.

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