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Stormchaser blinked open her eyes and realized she was laying on a bed of soft feathers and moss. She raised her head a bit and saw large, black paws. Stormchaser looked upward and saw her father standing over her.

"Dad," breathed Stormchaser as she rose to her paws and looked at her father.

Deathwhisper dipped his head. "Welcome," he murmured as he gazed at his daughter with pure affection in his eyes for it.

Stormchaser pushed her head into her father's chest and took in his scent. It seemed like forever since she had seen him. She had almost forgotten what he looked like. To her surprise Deathwhisper wrapped his wings around her and held her close. They stood there for a moment before Deathwhisper broke the silence.

"I am so proud of you," he told her after a while. "I couldn't be more proud of you."

"But I lost everyone that I cared about," she protested as she pushed away from her father and hung her head. She felt like a zero, not a hero.

Deathwhisper tilted his head in surprise. "Is that so?" He suddenly lifted a wing and to Stormchaser's surprised a tiny black Night Fury with orange paws, ears, and a few marks on his face. Stormchaser had never seen a Night Fury look like that before. It's eyes were a bright green and Stormchaser didn't recognize him.

"Who is that," asked Stormchaser as she looked to her father and tilted her head.

The Night Fury tilted his head in shock. "You don't remember me? You named me as an egg," he whimpered.

Stormchaser blinked her eyes a few times. "Gentlewhisper?"

The Night Fury nodded and Stormchaser darted forward. She wrapped her wings around her son and held him close. "It's me mom," murmured Gentlewhisper.

Stormchaser tried not to cry in front of her son. "I know now. I'm so sorry that you didn't hatch."

"It's not your fault," assured Gentlewhisper as she pulled away from his mother and pawed at the ground. "Besides I'm having a great time here! I'm with my brother and a wolf!"

"A wolf," echoed Stormchaser but she already knew who Gentlewhisper was talking about. As if on cue a dark brown wirily wolf with green eyes padded over a hill. Stormchaser saw Rainchaser beside him and a rumbled rolled in her throat. "Wind Racer."

Wind Racer darted down the hill with Rainchaser right behind. She stopped in front of Stormchaser and he dipped his head. "H-Hi Stormchaser."

Stormchaser took a step forward and wrapped Wind Racer in a hug. "I missed you so much Wind Racer! Thank you for looking after my little one."

Stormchaser then released him and he took in a breath. "It's no problem Stormchaser! I've always wanted to be a father."

"Yeah Wind Racer is the best," cried Rainchaser as he leaped onto Wind Racer's shoulder and tried to push him down. However Wind Racer was stronger and he just reared up and Rainchaser fell.

Stormchaser rumbled before she turned her head and saw Heavystep and Cold Breeze. The two walked side by side and stopped beside Stormchaser. Stormchaser dipped her head to them before she heard a gentle voice.

"Told you you wouldn't have to live long without me."

Stormchaser gasped as Thunderheart flew down from the hill, his wings now healed and his stomach closed. He stopped beside his mate and smiled warmly. She didn't say anything and he frowned. "What? You didn't forget me, did you?"

Stormchaser pushed forward and tackled him to the ground. Thunderheart was a bit confused but Stormchaser pushed her head against his chest. He folded his wings around her and held her close. "I love you so much," breathed Stormchaser as she took in her mate's scent.

Thunderheart looked at her in the eyes. "I love you two. We'll always be together and now our job will be to held protect other dragons so that they don't end up like we did."

Stormchaser smiled in agreement. "That's a great plan. However how will we do it?"

Thunderheart rose upward and Stormchaser leaped from him. He spread his wings at the dragons and wolves assembled. "We have our assets right here. We'll be able to do so much good."

Stormchaser dipped her head but out of the corner of her eye she saw Smolder Moon. She was sitting down next to a young pup that Stormchaser didn't recognize. However she was glad that Smolder Moon had allowed her back into Starbound.

Stormchaser looked to Deathwhisper as he bowed his head. "Will you lead us, Stormchaser?"

Stormchaser had no idea why her father would want her to lead. However a lot of the other dragons and wolves bowed their heads in agreement. Thudnerheart waved his tail. "Go on Stormchaser. This is what you were destined for."

Stormchaser wasn't sure about that but she agreed and took a step forward. She opened her mouth and blasted plasma into the air. The other animals let out yowled and howls of glee and Stormchaser gave a tiny nod. She would be the leader of the dragons and wolves in Starbound. She would stop the killing of dragons by other dragons or by vikings. How would she do that? She'd use her brother.

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