Toshikazu Hazamada (show off)

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Y/n POV:
I'm on the rooftop of high school, I held up the photo of a black hair boy. His name is Toshikazu Hazamada and he's a stand user, I gotta find him or else he'll cause some trouble. I look down see Josuke and Koichi we're talking to short guy. I jump off the roof land front of them cause them surprise. "Y/n? What you doing here?" Said Josuke "I'm looking for the stand user name Toshikazu Hazamada." They seem shock. "Who are you?" The short guy ask "Tamani this is Y/n she our friend." Koichi introduce him for me.

I held up the photo "This is him, I look around earlier and I can't sense his aura. Don't know what his stand is but he gotta be somewhere else. He's a third year student here in this school. I heard he kill his friend with the pen stabbing himself on the left eye." I said.

"Listen, whenever you see him be careful. Call me when there's trouble." I handed them two pieces of paper with my phone number. "So you gonna continue searching for him?" Ask Koichi  "Yeah, I need to find his aura where he's at. Good luck you two." I walk away.


I look every town and no luck finding Toshikazu. I heard buzzing from in my pocket, I pull out the flip phone than answer "Hello, this is-"  "Help us!" Held up the phone away from my ear. 'Guess that's Josuke who's calling me.' I place my flip phone back in my ear "We found him! It's Hazamada! His stand is a puppet!" I almost drop my flip phone. I jump on the rooftop look around than something caught my eyes. I saw Josuke and Koichi ran after Hazamada and......another Josuke?

I follow them behind "Guys!" They look behind "Y/n! That other Josuke is a stand! Josuke touch the puppet than it copy himself." Koichi explain. I look up see Hazamada and his puppet stand, I ran faster as I can catching them up. The stand look behind notice me "Another person catching up to us!" Hazamada turn his head shock "What?!" I manifest Night Slash chasing after them. "A stand?! It's coming after us!" They turn different directions. I jump off the roof Koichi and Josuke stop running catching their breath "We can't catch them, they head to different directions." I told them.

"How we gonna chase after them?" Koichi pant "Hmm... guys I had an idea. Listen carefully."

Third POV:
Jotaro got off from the taxi "Jotaro!" He turn around see Koichi and Josuke ran up to him "We made it on time!" They stop running catching their breath "Oh you guys made it on time." Jotaro said. Josuke explain everything about Hazamada and his stand "Copy? So when a drop of blood touch the puppet they copy?"  "Yeah. When the puppet copy it forced people moves like an actual puppet." Josuke said.

"Alright. Let's take a break for abit than we'll find them." Jotaro said turn his back. "By the way, where's Y/n?" He ask. "Huh? Oh she um... I don know." Josuke was shock and confused what he said 'What? I didn't say that. Hold on.' He look down at his hand see he's holding a pen 'Why am I holding Jotaro pen?' He turn around see his reflection at the mirror but the his reflection move itself. 'What! He was there the whole time?! Oh no, he's gonna force me to kill Jotaro.' The puppet made him click the pen hold it up.

Hazamada watch the scene from outside that he's inside the shopping place. 'Josuke, your gonna stab Jotaro head and kill him instantly. This is your fault! Now kill him!' Before Josuke stab Jotaro,  Hazamada was hit on the head. The pen flew off from Josuke hand land on the rooftop. "Huh? What's wrong Josuke?" Jotaro turn back "Oh... it's nothing."

Hazamada turn his head terrified who hit him "You know, it's wrong to kill people in public." Y/n grab him using her tendril exit out the store. She pull out her flip phone "It's done, you can destroy the puppet now."

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