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Third POV:
"The view look beautiful seeing the ocean around." Y/n said. "Hey! Guys!" The groups look at the shore see Josuke "Hey old man! Can you hear me?" Josuke shouted. "Oh...I guess I should say goodbye to my son." "The picture of my mom that I just gave you, do you had it?" "Yes! I place it into my wallet." Jospeh called out. "Wallet Huh? Well good thing I had the edge of the picture. Crazy Diamond!" Joseph wallet was pull out from under his coat by Crazy Diamond ability.

"What!!" "Thanks old man!" Josuke smile at Joseph. But he was slap behind the head and the wallet was pull away from his hand. He turn around and was terrified see Y/n dark expression. "Stealing people money was a mistake kid. Learn some manners." Josuke brace himself from getting into another slap but never come. "Take this instead." He look over his arms see some moneys in Y/n hand. "It's 40.000 yen, I know what you gonna say so just take it." Josuke grab the money from Y/n hand.

He look up at Y/n "Thank you!" He hug her while crying of joy. Y/n pat his back to comfort him before she teleport back to the ship. "How much you gave him?" Kakyoin ask. "40.000 yen. It gave him enough few days to use them." Y/n answer. "Y/n" she turn around meet Jotaro. "Remember that I wanna talk to you til we go back to Japan?" "Yes. Til we go back home I'll remind you." Y/n smile at him.


The ship dock by the shore, the groups get off from the ship see Holly, Y/n father, Suzie Q and Kakyoin parents. The family rush up to them giving them a hug. "HA HA HA HA HA!! It is good to see you my daughter. How was your day been in Morioh?" "It was great papa." "Jotaro is good to see you home." Holly pass Jolyne to Jotaro. "Daddy! Welcome home!" Jotaro smile at his daughter.

"Jotaro, you said you had something to tell me that we got back here. Right?" Y/n told. "Ah Yes, one second." Jotaro place Jolyne down pull something out from his pocket reveal black box. Jotaro went down onto one knee. The family know what he's planning. "Y/n, since 10 years ago when we first met each other after fought Dio together and I didn't get a chance to confess my feelings towards you after your gone. So what I'm saying is that..." he open the box reveal a diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Y/n cover her mouth with her hands, tears slide down on her cheeks. "Yes!" He stood up and smile. He grab her hand slip the ring into her ring finger. The family and friends clap their hands. "So when the wedding start?" Y/n father ask.

-5 Weeks later-

Y/n was in the dressing room with Holly helping her with the dress she wearing.

Y/n was in the dressing room with Holly helping her with the dress she wearing

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"I'm so happy that my son is marry to you. I'm so proud of you." Holly exclaim. "Thanks Mrs. Kujo, I had no idea he fell in love in me back since he hate girls. And now he feel love and same thing to me. It's like we're connected." Y/n smile.

Holly finish fixing the dress she handed Y/n bouquet of flowers. "It's almost time, let's go." Y/n step out from the dressing room and saw her dad stood there. Tears slide down on his cheeks while he smile at his daughter. "Tears of joy papa?" He wipe the tears away "I'm just so happy that my daughter is growing up so fast marrying to the Kujo." Y/n chuckle from her dad sentence. They went up to double door, Y/n wrap her arm to her father's arm. The double door open wide reveal the aisle.

Jotaro stood on the alter in white suit. He smile at her see her in a wedding dress. Y/n and her father walk through the aisle. "Your just like your mother wearing that. She be proud of you." Her father said before he walk away sit next to Joseph. Y/n steps on the alter. "We are gather here today to represent the lovely couple they had met each other from long time ago." The priest spoken "Do you Jotaro Kujo take Y/n as your wife?" "I do" "And you Y/n L/n take Jotaro as your husband?" "I do"

"Now may we had the rings." Kakyoin walk up to them hold the pillow, top of it was two silver rings. Jotaro slip the ring on Y/n finger, Y/n did the same to him. "Now before we begin does anyone had something to say?" The crowded were silent. "No one? Okay than, I present you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Jotaro and Y/n kiss each other. The crowded people cheer at them loud of happiness.

Everybody were now outside at the backyard of the church. The music had started to play, the people begin to dance together on the dance floor. Jotaro and Y/n went to the dance floor to join in. Jotaro place his hands on Y/n hips and Y/n wrap her arms around Jotaro shoulder. "Your sure are a kind man Jotaro." Y/n chuckle. "You are perfect to me, my ex wife was terrible. Can't stop thinking about you after your death. And here you are alive after for so long." Jotaro place his chin on Y/n head.

Star Platinum and Night Slash manifested themselves. They look each other's moment before they dance holding each other like their owner does. "Did they manifested themselves?" Jotaro question. "I believe so, never knew they are very closed to each other after we left Morioh." They look at their stands than they carry on dancing.

-1 year later-

"I'm home!" Y/n step in the house after her mission. She met a small hug from her legs, she look down see Jolyne hugging her legs. "Welcome home mommy! I miss you!" Y/n pick her up "How is my little butterfly doing? Are you behaving with grandma Holly?" "Yep!" Jolyne giggle from her mother kissing her face. "Y/n! Welcome back! How was your mission doing?" Holly pop out from the kitchen.

"It was a rough one, sorry I had to call you to take care Jolyne for us since Jotaro has work to go early and I had errands to work on." Y/n said. "It's okay, I always taking good care of her. She a sweet girl." Holly smile. "Let's cook dinner together before Jotaro come back from work."

Jotaro open the front door after he finished his work. "I'm home" he took off his shoes before he was met by a hug. He look down see familiar prosthetic right arm and flesh left arm. He chuckle "Hello hun." He turn around facing Y/n. He captured her lip, she kiss him back. They broke the kiss to breath "How was work?" "It was alright, what about you?" "Rough, I had to take down the Mexican boss from targeting few states by using his missile. He's a stand user so I show him no mercy." Jotaro smile gave her kiss on her forehead. "Dinner is ready, me and Holly cook together."

Jotaro, Y/n, Holly, and Jolyne eat dinner together and had a conversation. After that Holly left to go back home say goodbye to the Kujo family. Later at night, it was time for bed. Y/n tuck Jolyne in bed "Mommy, can you sing me a song?" Jolyne ask "Of course dear, what song you like?" "Hmm? something relaxing." Y/n smile at her, she open the music box from the night stand and start to sing.

After that Jolyne went into her slumber. Y/n walk out from her room quietly close the door. She went into her share bedroom that she share with Jotaro.

She open the closet grab her pajamas, she went into the bathroom to change. She come out after she change. She wore black tank top and sweatpants. She went to the bed and turning off the lamp, she feel pair of arms wrap around her form. She turn her body around now facing her husband, he stare at her and smile. He gave her quick kiss on the lip.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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