Kira need a quiet life part 1

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Third POV:
"Excuse me, Mr. Kira....if your free would you like to had lunch with us?" The girls ask. He turn his head and said "I'm sorry but I can't, I had to deliver this documents.... perhaps some other time." He walk away. "Give it up! You don't want date this guy. Let me put it this way... he's Kira Yoshikage, he's 33 years old, single. A man does his job in flawlessly, he's popular with the ladies, when he not at work he work in errands or making delivery or whatever. Not saying he's a bad guy, he's a boring guy as a lone person on the planet." The guy told them.

-Somewhere in bakery-

"Come on, why are you angry? It was about those girls was it? They just ask me to had lunch with them but I rejected them. I haven't forgotten my promise to eat with you. Won't you help me pick out some sandwich. Hmm.... oh you broken the wrapping and there's sauce all over... I'll clean that up for you." Kira held the flesh hand place it to his mouth. He didn't know someone watch him from behind. The black cloak figure glance at him 'The fuck? Something going on with him. I never seen that guy before from the data. If he do something bad I gotta warn the others.' They thought.

-At the park-

"What a beautiful day out here, it's a perfect spot to picnic here." Kira ate the sandwich that he held with the hand that hold it. Before he take another bite he smell from the hand 'She starting to smell, wonder if it's time to cut off our relationship.' He place hand inside the bag.

"Shigechi!" "Okuyasu! Josuke! Good to see you guys again!" The boy ran up to them. "Can you do us a favor? Can you spare us few bucks for lunch? We kinda forgot our wallet." Josuke nervously ask. "What?! What you two try to pull off? Why not ask Y/n?" Shigechi ask. "You forgot? She said 'Don't spend too much on these, if you guys ask me to handed you some of my money, the answer is no.' She said that." Shigechi made an 'O' sound. "Speaking of which where is she?" "Oh she walking around somewhere, she gonna find any stand user to put them in custody once she find them." Josuke answer.

"We'll pay you back! We promise." Okuyasu said. "Find I'll lend you 10,000 yen... but I'm gonna put it on tab so you won't forget!" The boys nod. "Let's get going, we had plenty of time to hurry there." Josuke said.

The dog appeared out from the bushes caught the bag, Shigechi didn't notice that the dog took it ran away. "Welp... time to head-huh? Where is my sandwich?" He look around than spotted a bag by the tree. 'Oh it's all the way over there. I must set it down there, hope anyone else didn't see it, I gotta keep it close to me or else they took it away.' He took the bag than ran off catching up with the others.

Kira turn his head and he was shock that the bag was not by home anymore "What?!" He look over from behind see Shigechi had the bag with him. 'I can't believe it! He mistook my bag for his! And if he open it he'll report it to the police! I gotta get it back before he does.' He stood up walking him behind.

Y/n POV:
I walk around in town to find that blonde hair guy that I saw from the bakery. I lost him an earlier ago because crowded people. Could he be a killer since he had that flesh hand with him? I gotta hurry to find him or else he'll do something bad. I use hamon jump landed on the rooftop, I stand by the edge looking around but my eyes caught someone else.

I look closer see Shigechi not too far and he's heading to school and there.....that's him! That's the blonde hair guy and he's behind him in sneaky way. I jump high not too far, landed on next rooftop. I follow them behind see the guy was trying to reach the bag from Shigechi hand "Shigechi!" The guy step back and act natural "There you are! You lucky so of a gun you know that." I saw Okuyasu and Josuke came up to him "The lunch beat us here in a rush and they all out of Saint gentleman sandwich." Josuke said. "They sold out Huh? Well is it that a shame."

'I must head to the school to keep an eye on that blonde guy. Can't let him do something bad.' My body started to tingle. It can't be.... is he? A stand user! 'What kind of stand ability he had? I gotta hurry to the school to spy on him.' I rush to the school straight ahead.



I pull out my flip phone answer it "Hello?" "It's me, where are you?" "I'm at the park just chilling." I lied "Okay, listen, you must find the stand arrow by tomorrow since Chili Pepper took it and don't know where he put it somewhere that he hid." "Sure, I'll find it as soon as possible. Bye." I hung up.

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