Kira need a quiet life part 2

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Y/n POV:
I jump onto the school rooftop, look down see blonde hair man crawl into the window heading inside the room. I jump off the roof than grab hold the wall by using my hamon to help me stick on the wall. I look at the window see him crawl inside the vaulting box. Josuke and Okuyasu came inside the room and inside having conversation.

'Gotta think of something or else that guy may cause some trouble.' I see the guy held a metal line going towards the bag. He caught it but it slip out and reveal the hand that show off a bit. Josuke look at the bag curious, before he grab it "Hey! What are you doing?" Shigechi came into the room. "I saw the bag was down and-." "Lied! You try to steal my lunch! Get your hand away from my sandwich!" Shigechi demand.

"Hey! Are you boys in there? If you are I'll send you to principal office!" The boys exit from the room in hurry rush. The blonde guy quickly grab the bag and about to exit coming here. I crawl back to get away from him, he crawl out from the window. "Finally got you, let's head home now." Before he's about to walk away "Hey! Why you had my lunch?!" Shigechi came out of nowhere.

I crawl back to the rooftop sat on the fence watching them see what's gonna happen next. Sudden I feel his aura around him like he's gonna summon his stand, than by him...... was a stand, and his looks is like a cat. Shigechi got his Harvest out launch at him and his stand. One of his Harvest flew towards Shigechi hold a yen "A yen? What are you gonna do this coin?" He ask. "My Deadly Queen has ability, when it touch an item it will explode."

'Wait! What! Gotta stop him! Can't let that guy explode him.'

Third POV:
Before Deadly Queen about to press using his thumb down, a tendril grab his hand from pressing his thumb. A cloak figure jump out of nowhere land on the ground, the smoke scattered around them. Kira cover his face with his arm from the smoke, the smoke faded reveal the cloak figure.

Shigechi was shock "Y.....Y/n!" She remove  her hoodie reveal herself. "I had been following you sir and I know you had a stand. I know something going on with you earlier." Kira titled his head confused. "What do you mean...earlier?" He ask. Tendrils appear under her cloak "I saw you at the bakery place, you held a hand but not any hand..." one of the tendril grab the bag off his hand than ripped it show off the hand. "It was a flesh hand, maybe you use your stand to kill innocent woman's around here in Morioh for their hand." Y/n replied.

Kira clenched his teeth in anger 'That brat! Have she been following me behind without noticing me? She some kind sneaky person to spy on someone.' He thought. Y/n grab the yen from Harvest tiny hand throw it away "Shigechi don't warn everybody else here, only tell Josuke and Okuyasu. Hurry." Shigechi than ran off. "Deadly Queen!" Kira stand charge at her but the tendrils grab him hold him tight from escaping. "I know your a murder, I check everybody data and your not in it, your the one who kill Reimi that she told me everything about the murder what he looks like. And now this is what you look like."

She throw Deadly Queen on the ground so hard cause Kira couch out blood from his mouth. 'What kind of stand ability she has? Her aura....they're strong....what kind of person is she?' Y/n called out Night Slash "Fierce Kick!" He kick Deadly Queen in full speed. Kira call his stand back, he collapsed on the ground breath heavily. Y/n walk up to him crouch down "Can't let you hurt everybody here in Morioh."

"He...hehe.....hehehehe...." Kira laugh in crack tone. Y/n titled her head confused "What's so funny?" Kira get up in stumble still laughing "You really think you can take me down that easily?" Y/n eyes widen turn her head around saw Deadly Queen touch her behind and held his hand. She quickly took her cloak off throw it in thin air, Deadly Queen press his thumb down cause the cloak exploded. "Geez...that was gift from my dad." Y/n turn back and Kira not lay on the ground anymore. "You got to be kidding me." She sigh.

-At the alleyway-

"So you see him what's he look like?" Reimi was shock. "He had short blonde hair, purple business suit, and don't know what his name is. That's all the describe I got." Y/n told.  "Glad your alright, plus we gotta find this guy where he is or where he live." Jotaro said

"Everyone listen up, once we find him we'll take him to custody. But be careful, he may use his stand, his stand ability is when he touch anything that is an item he'll use his hand like he press the button than it create an explosion." Y/n told the group. They nod in agree and walk away in different directions.

"Y/n" she turn her head around look at Reimi and F/n with worried look on their face. "Don't worry, once we find him he be gone for good." Y/n gave them a small smile, they smile back than faded.


A man sat on the chair patching his wounds to cover the blood of his, he groan in pain from moving but still patching his wounds. 'That lady....she too strong by using her stand.....but....when I saw her took off her cloak....her left arm was shown many scars....and her other arm....was not was some kind of robotic arm...once I kill her....She'll be gone. I, Kira will defeat that lady.' He thought

-At Morioh Hotel-

"So he exploded your cloak?" Jotaro ask "Yes, it was a gift from my dad. He made it for me after my mission." Y/n sigh. Jotaro grab the box from the table hand it to her, she look at the box and look back at Jotaro in confused "Just take it." Jotaro grumbled. Y/n grab the box opening it, her eyes widen and her jaw wide open.

She pull something out from the box reveal a cloak.

 She place the box down and put on the cloak, she examined it than look back at Jotaro

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She place the box down and put on the cloak, she examined it than look back at Jotaro. He pull his hat down "I found it at the store so I pay it and thought you might-" his lip was slam together by Y/n kissing him in surprise. He kiss her back wrap his arms around her waist, about like a second they broke apart.

"I love it so much! Thank you!" Y/n smile wide. Jotaro smile place his head on her head "Your dear." He whisper.

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