The Man on the Transmission Tower

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Third POV:
"Hey, it that Y/n with her dog?" Josuke and Okuyasu saw the cloak lady not too far. "Hey guys, we're just waiting for you." "We?" "That would be me." Mikitaka transform back from binoculars. "So what you doing here?" Okuyasu ask. "I was taking a walk with y/d/n and sudden I met Mikitaka here telling me about the pylon tower." Y/n explain.

"Pylon tower?" The teens titled their heads confuse. "Take a look." Mikitaka went up to Josuke transform into binoculars. "Look up high in five meters." Josuke look through the binoculars see clothes were hang, a couch, and a tv. "What... there's furniture there. But who is living there?" "What? Let me see." Okuyasu grab the binoculars from Josuke hands look through. He than saw a man cooking "Hey look! There's a guy up there." "What?!"

After the guy cook he try to balance on the metal railing, the teens were shock "Hey! Be careful!" Suddenly he jump off but a nail fly towards, the guy land on the nail and jump on next metal railing. "He's a stand user. And he control the tower. Josuke said. "Hey! You guys need to step back, I took a relived." The guy said. The boys were confused, until a sprinkle come from the pipe sprinkling on them. "Ah! Is this! Gross!" The high schoolers run away. "I told you to stay away, I'm watering the flowers."

"That's gross...what's your name?" Y/n replied "The name Toyohiro, pleasure meeting you fellas." Toyohiro introduce. "Hold on, why you live there and how long you were staying there?" Josuke ask. "This is my home, I pay it for like 100,000 yen, I lived here 3 years." "3 years!!" Y/n saw a photo fall off from Toyohiro back pocket. Josuke notice "Hey you drop something." Toyohiro was shock "No! Don't touch it!" Josuke look through the binoculars and was shock see Kira's father. "What! You!" He ran towards the pylon to grab Kira's father and came in the tower.

"He He He... so you finally came in. I been waiting for this." Toyohiro said. "Nice work Toyohiro, well done luring that idiot into superfly." Yoshihiro fly away. Josuke was about to grab him but half of his body turn into metal like a robot. "What the?!!" "When someone force themselves out, they become part of pylon themselves." Toyohiro explain. Josuke pull himself back turning back to normal.

"Okuyasu, is there anything I can do?" Mikitaka said. "You get hurt, stay out of this. Your job is over, if you could actually turn into dynamite instead of dice or binoculars and blow this pylon down, things might be different. Leave this to me." Okuyasu bring out The Hand. Josuke bring out his Crazy Diamond, the boys punch the metal railing cause the tower to shake.

"Oi! It's not gonna work by using your stand. Do you know about 'Law of conservation of energy?' It runs energy around when it has to be able to escape from somewhere." Toyohiro smirk. "Wait...Okuyasu duck!" Suddenly they were punch back by energy stand, their stands block the attack.

"Ha ha ha! You both are not gonna make it up here!" Toyohiro smirk. "You know you forgot someone." Said the voice. Toyohiro turn around see Y/n and her dog stand on the metal railing. "What! How?" He step back away. "I can teleport by using my skills, it's easy to come up here." Y/n said. Her dog called out his white Speed. He charge towards Toyohiro, the blades come out from his arms. White Speed attack him but he dodge his attack.

"Nice try but I'm way too fast from getting attack." Toyohiro said. Sudden he was caught in thin air "What?! Who's holding me?" He look up see Night Slash hold him using his tendrils "My stand is a sneaky guy, he always good capturing people behind." Y/n smirk. Night Slash throw him to the ground, Toyohiro close his eye ready to get impact but nothing.

He open his eyes see he was closer from touching the ground. He was pull back up land on the pylon. "How did-" "My dog has wind power to control wind." The dog slash on Toyohiro chest gave him large bloody scar. Before he fall again White Speed use his wind power setting him down gently on the ground.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I'm sorry I attack you! Please let me stay here this pylon." Toyohiro beg. "It's fine. By the way, did Yoshihiro said anything to you?" Josuke ask. "Well...he said one of his stand soldier eliminated Koichi." The groups were shock what he said. "What! One of his soldier eliminated Koichi! When?" Okuyasu growl. "He told me one of his soldier eliminated him earlier, that's all I know." Toyohiro said.

"We gotta find one of Yoshihiro stand soldier who eliminated Koichi. I could use my hamon search to find the enemy stand where he's at." Y/n said. "I think I had an idea." She look at Josuke confuse "Do you know the motorcycle gang?" "What are you-.....are you freakin serious?"

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