The Paper Boy

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Y/n POV:
Josuke heal Yuya from the hospital because it was his idea to bring him back. Does he know he attack Rohan and himself? We walk around the sidewalk to find enemy stand user. But I noticed I saw a school bag lay on the grass of the park. "Guys. Could that be Koichi bag?" We walk towards it.

Yuya pick it up sniff it to catch Koichi scent. "Anyway luck?" Josuke ask. "I'm still getting it." "I go look around to find the enemy stand user. I don't know why we had to bring Yuya with us Josuke." I use hamon to jump away from them.

I land on the building and use my hamon search to find the enemy. I jump everywhere building to find the enemy around. I swear with that enemy to something to Koichi I'm going to kill him. One of my hamon spark came back to me pointing left direction. I follow where's it pointing at, I stop my tracks that I'm closed to....the park?

I jump off the building and I was shock what I'm seeing. Josuke try to pull back from sinking in the paper. By him was a boy had short white hair and wore some kind an outfit. "Hey! Let him go!" I yell. The boy look at me and smirk. I ran towards to Josuke to save him-Oof!

I slip from the ground, I look around and see that I'm surrounded by......marbles? Where do they come from? "So your another stand user, the name Enigma and yes I'm a stand user." I growl at him.

Third POV:
Y/n move the marbles away stood up from the ground. "Your the one who took Koichi." "Indeed, he's right here." Enigma held folded paper between his fingers. "Y/n! Be careful! His stand ability is to trap people inside the paper!" Josuke warn before sink in the paper. Enigma pick up the paper of Josuke from the ground.

"Now excuse me..." Enigma throw another paper in thin air and a taxi pop out from it. Enigma went inside the taxi and drove off. "We gotta stop him, we can't let him get away." Yuya and Y/n use their stands to catch up the taxi. "Hold on, I had an idea." Y/n explain the plan at Yuya. After she explain Yuya smirk "Sounds great to me." Than Y/n teleport.

Yuya keep chasing the taxi but it stop middle of the grass hill. He open the car door see a folded paper lay on the backseat. He pick it up sniff it, suddenly a scorpion crawl out from the paper. "What the! Highway Go Go!" His stand punch the scorpion away. But a small bottle was pull out spill on the paper. "What is this liquid!" Than it started a fire. "I had no choice but to open!" Yuya unfolded the paper see Koichi and Josuke name on two folded papers. "Josuke! Koichi!" He was about to grab them but a shock of electricity shock his hand away.

He throw it on the ground. The paper was going to pop out again. A machine was pop out shredding some papers. "A...Shredder! Josuke! Koichi!" Yuya try to turn off the shredder but it didn't work. "Ha Ha Ha Ha! It's no used Yuya. You won't pull them out." Enigma laugh that he was behind him. "You sure about that?" Enigma hear growl voice behind him. He slowly turn around see Y/n stand front of him surrounded black aura around her. She grab his neck held him up "You better let them go or else." Enigma smirk like he doesn't care.

"Or else what?" Night Slash manifest himself. He gave him dark expression and punch him on the face in full speed. Y/n let him go that he is knock out. Night Slash cut the shredder into pieces. Yuya unfolded the papers freeing Koichi and Josuke. Enigma sit up on the ground, a figure shadows front of him made him look up and scared see the groups gave him shadow expression.

"You messed with the wrong people punk." Crazy Diamond punch Enigma in full speed. With a final blow he was flew up in thin air and crash on the ground. The groups see his unconscious form on the ground.

Y/n use her tendrils wrap him around so he won't escape "I'll take him to jail, I gotta talk to him about Kira." She than left along unconscious Enigma.

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