Bites the dust

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Y/n POV:
"Aaaaand... done!" I finish fixing Kakyoin tie. I buy this at the clothing store that caught my eyes. It had green color with cherry. "I love it, it seems expensive to buy this. You don't had to-" "it's fine Kakyoin, it's a gift anyway." I smile at him. "You's been a while see you smile the first time back in Egypt." I playfully hit his chest.

"I gotta go now, I'm taking y/d/n for a walk." I grab the dog collar from the table place it onto my y/d/n neck. I exit the hotel room went into the elevator to go down. When I'm on the first floor I went outside walking with y/d/n.

"ARF!" I look at y/d/n barking at the alleyway, I look up see a man had white hair and black stripes. Sudden I feel this familiar aura from him. Could he be? No way! He's Kira?! What is he planning?"

I carry y/d/n jump onto the tree by me to hide myself. I look through leaves see he's behind the young boy. I look up see Rohan stand by his car. He must be wait for that boy but why is he here? Something is definitely going on with Kira, what is he up to?




My eyes widen in shock what I'm seeing. Rohan was shot on the chest three times out of nowhere but where did it come from? Rohan stumble back hear him breath heavily. I gotta do something. I can't let Kira win this time.

"Y/d/n! Stop Kira!"

Third POV:
Kira was about to turn around before he was pin down by White Speed. "W-What is this?! Who are you?" He heard footsteps coming up to him. He look over see Y/n. She look at the boy shake in fear, she place her hand on his head to comfort him.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna let him hurt you." She smile at him. The boy calm down a bit "H...Hayato." "Hayato, that's a nice name." Y/n look back at Kira struggling to break. "I'm not gonna let you win this time Kira, can't let you escape." She growl.

"Y/n?" She turn around see Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi, and Jotaro walk up to her. "Josuke, help Rohan, he's injured." Josuke nod help Rohan to heal him. "Guys, this is Kira....finally found him." The groups look down at Kira. Suddenly a voice caught their attention "I won't let you hurt my son!" Out of nowhere a white slash appeared on Y/n left cheek, small blood slide down on her cheek. They all look up see Yoshihiro. He hold a scissor in his hand and had blood on it that was from Y/n.

"DEADLY QUEEN!" Kira stand was about to touch White Speed. A black tendril grab Deadly Queen wrist stopping him. "You made a mistake punk." White Speed get off from Kira, grab his collar and throw him at the alleyway with force. "I'll kill you!!!" Yoshihiro charges towards White Speed but he was caught by Night Slash. He held the photo front Y/n "I told you, when I see you again..." Night Slash slowly rip the photo "I'll tear you apart." He rip the photo in half than tear it into million of pieces.

"Come on, we gotta stop Kira!" Josuke said. The groups went up towards to Kira but they were stop by his stand front of them. "He...he..he.... do you guys think you all can stop me. Well you may lose that I had a ability to make it a bomb with a small touch. You try to fight me and you explode." Kira said while groan in pain. "Starting with you! You stupid lady!" Deadly Queen was going to touch Y/n.

"Star Platinum! The World!" Jotaro froze time. "Thanks Jotaro, that was closed one." "Good grief, let's make this quick." They summon out their stands punching bot Kira and Deadly Queen.



"Time resume" Kira flew back to the wall. His body form was cover his blood from the hard punch. " *Pant*.... how... they're so...*pant*....strong." Two shadowed figure went up to him. He look up see Y/n and Jotaro stood front of him. "This end now Kira, we won't let you win and kill everyone else here." Y/n growl. "He...hehe...hehehe." "What's so funny?" Jotaro ask. "Oh nothing, but gotta remind...better watch you back." Jotaro turn around shock see Deadly Queen touch Y/n shoulder. He held up his hand, he was about to press the button.

His hand was push down by Act 3 freeze ability. 'Can't...let them...take me down!' Deadly Queen use his other hand about to press but Night Slash appear front of him move his hand apart away. "Don't try, it won't work." Y/n pick up Kira by the collar "Go to hell." Kira than black out.

Kira open his eyes widen see he's in the alleyway. He look over his body see no blood on him or injuries. "What? What happen? Am I still in the alleyway?" "Hello...Kira." He turn around hear two voices. He saw Reimi and f/n stand there with dark expression on their face. "W...who are you?" Kira step back from them, they slowly walk up to him. "You don't remember? The girl you kill and the dog you kill from long time ago. Don't you know what you done?" Reimi turn around facing her back to him.

She slip her dress showing him her scar "This! This is what you had done to me! Your the murder who kill me that night." She said. "And now, your going to be punish." F/n said turn around. Kira felt a dark aura behind him, the cool of breeze sweat him that he felt the fear. He slowly turn around and was shock see black portal. "What! What is that?!" Multiple hands grab him pulling him in the portal. "Where is taking me?!" Kira panicked. "Who knows, they're taking you to hell." Reimi said.

Kira was pull back through the black portal "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Well...Kira is finally gone." "Yes, Indeed. Now he's gone we must get going now." "Don't forget us." Reimi look both sides meeting the others. "You guys... come here to see me for last goodbye?" Josuke went up to her. "Yeah, we're here and sad to see you go. We're all here for you." He smile at her. Y/n look down at her friend with sad look on her face. F/n notice she sad, she went up to her hug her leg. Y/n pick her up hug back "I'm gonna miss..." she sniff. "Me too... I know we gotta spend time together but for now I be gone forever. Can you do me favor?" Y/n nod her head "Promise me...that we never forget each other in our life."

F/n held up her pinky, Y/n smile at her and gave her pinky promise. Than Reimi and F/n start to flee up in the sky. Everybody in the group say goodbye to them. "Goodbye! We're gonna miss you guys!" Reimi called out. "Remember to keep the promise!" "Don't worry! I'll never it in my life!" Reimi and F/n faded away in the sky send into heaven.

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