Highaway Go Go

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Third POV:
"It was a great date Jotaro." "It was, I love you my dear." Jotaro grab Y/n hand place a peck of kiss. Y/n blush a bit from his charm "By the way, I had something to tell you til we go back to Japan." Jotaro said and walk away. Y/n still smile and walk on the sidewalk to walk around. Out of nowhere a pair of foot coming straight at her in high speed, once she saw it she feel an aura from it. "You got to be kidding me." She run away from the pair of foot chasing after her.

"Y/n!!" She heard familiar voice by her side, she look over see Josuke riding on a motorcycle. "What are those right behind me?!" "Rohan was attack by a stand since he went inside the tunnel but than he saw a door that was inside the tunnel. Once I look inside I saw him and his whole body was turn into like a skeleton and he can't move. Once the stand touch you he'll stole your strength." Josuke explain. Y/n think for a second and she perk up an idea "Josuke! Call Koichi who is this stand user. Call me once he found him." She teleport herself.

"Don't know how long I could hold that bastard but Y/n has that a great idea. I need a phone to call Koichi." Josuke said.

-With Y/n-

She was now by the bus stop, she pant heavily from running. "Hope Josuke is doing alright. Gotta find Rohan first to save him." She teleport again and she now inside the tunnel. She notice a bright light coming from the door, she slowly walk towards the door to see. She peak in the room and she was shock see Rohan sat on the floor lean on the wall. His body was almost turning into skeleton and he look tired.

"Rohan!" He look up see her "What are you doing here?" He said in crack tone. "Don't worry I'm gonna-" "No" He cut her off "If you come inside....you become like me and your strength be drain away." He explain. Y/n took few step back away from the room. She place her index finger and thumb on her chin to think and perk up an idea. "I had an idea but don't worry I'm not going in so close your eyes." She said.

Rohan nod his head closing his eyes, Y/n use her tendrils charge inside the room than grab Rohan form. She pull him back away from the room gently place him on the ground. She use her hamon to heal him than his skeleton form vanished and he's back to normal. "You can open your eyes now." He open his eyes and shock that he's normal.

Y/n pull out her flip phone from her pocket that was buzzing. She answer it "Koichi figure who's the stand user was. His name is Yuya and he's in the hospital. Koichi is heading there." Josuke said. "Okay. I'm on my way." She hung up place her flip phone back inside her pocket. "Head home now Rohan, you need to rest." She teleport.

-Somewhere at the hospital-

"Please tell me." "Didn't you hear me tell you go home? Worthless brat like you are such a bother. Your just a kid who think he-" "Ahem." The cough caught their attention. "Sorry to interrupt your talking but I'm looking for a guy name Yuya. Know him?" Y/n spoke. The nurse sit back down take a deep breath and spoke "I'm sorry miss but-"


Y/n slam the table cut off the nurse sentence "Listen here and listen carefully, I'm just asking where's Yuya because I need to talk to him. But if you don't answer my question..." her tendrils caught the nurse neck held her up. The nurse was struggling trying to break free "I'll strangle you to death." Y/n finish her sentence.

"H...he's...in the....525..room... fifth...floor" the nurse answer. The tendrils let her go cause her land on the floor harshly. The entrance was smash open, Koichi and Y/n see Josuke speed towards the elevator. "Josuke! Yuya is in the 525 room on the fifth floor." Koichi said. Josuke crash in the elevator, he see the foot are getting closer to him. Suddenly an orange barrier cover the elevator so the foot won't get to him. "Go! We take care of it here!" Y/n said.

Josuke press the button which is the fifth floor and the elevator door close. "Y/n! They're heading inside the vent!" Koichi freak out. "I got this." She teleport.

Josuke made it on the fifth floor and saw the sign on the door said '525'. He grab the doorknob but he was tackled behind by the foot . "G...gotta...get in-"


The pair of foot were thrown away from Josuke, he stand up groan and one of his arm was hang on someone shoulder helping him to stand up. "Got you pal." Josuke look over see Y/n. Y/n kick the door wide open, there stood three girls stand by Yuya laying form on the bed. "Who are you?!" "Get out from here!" "What are you bastards doing here?" The girls growl. Y/n use her hamon to heal Josuke quickly.

The girls charge at them with their wooden weapon but they were throw away from by the tendrils. Once the girls are out from the room one of the tendril lock the door and the girls bang on the door loudly. Josuke and Y/n walk up towards Yuya form. Josuke use his Crazy Diamond punch Yuya in full speed. With a last blow, Yuya was throw away from the building crash on the water fountain.

"Not bad, you sure didn't show him mercy." Y/n smirk. "He deserve it... AH! I forgot about Rohan!" Josuke freak out. "Don't worry, I took care of him since I found him inside that room from the tunnel. He's heading home to rest." Y/n said.

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