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Third POV:
"Man, I'm still having that nightmare after what happen yesterday since we almost took down Kira father." Okuyasu groan. "Wanna get some treat at the cafe? It may help your-" Josuke didn't finish his sentence that some kind a dog jump over the fence along with a stand. "Woah! What it that?!!" The boys were surprise. They were about to bring their stands out "Y/D/N!!" A girl jump over the fence went towards her dog. "Don't run like that or else someone may take you away." "Y/n!!!" The girl turn around "Hey guys, nice to see you again. Fellas, meet y/d/n he's my dog and has a stand. Meet his stand Speed White." Y/n introduce.

Okuyasu and Josuke walk up to them "I didn't know you had a dog." Josuke said "Jotaro told me that my dad bring some kind of backup to help us and he is the backup." Okuyasu held his hand almost touching the dog head but the dog growl at him, Okuyasu move his hand back. "Sorry, he doesn't like to be touch by strangers." Y/n chuckle. The dog catch a scent look to left side of the field, the dog bark gave the groups attention. They follow the dog along where it looking at see a guy lay on the ground.

"Who it that?" "Doesn't matter but we gotta help him." They ran towards him stand by his body form. Than sudden the guy open his eyes widen than levitate himself up that he didn't bend his knees. "Hmm? Where am I?" He ask. "Your in the middle of the field, are you okay?" "Yes I'm, but what is this planet?" The groups look each other confused. "Your in earth. What happen to you?" Josuke replied. "My name is Mikitaka and I'm from another planet." Mikitaka answer.

"Alien? Hold on Josuke. He doesn't seem to be like an alien." Okuyasu whisper. "Look at his neck, there's no alien blood just normal human blood like everybody else." Josuke and Okuyasu whisper each other, Y/n scan Mikitaka features. She walk up to him "Are you sure you an alien?" Mikitaka nod yes as response. Y/n pull small pack of tissue from her pocket handed it to him.

Mikitaka grab the tissue pack and ate it, the groups were shock that he ate it. He than swallowed it, "Thanks, it was delicious." Y/n walk back to the boys "Yep he is an alien that he ate the tissue." She whisper. "I'm name Y/n, and these boys here by me are Okuyasu and Josuke. It's a pleasure meeting you." Y/n said. Mikitaka notice a dog by her, he crouched the dog level held his hand moving toward the dog head. The groups try to warn him but he didn't listen, y/d/n was about to attack him but he froze in place that Mikitaka place his hand on the dog head. About a second the dog lean his touch and the groups were shock.

"What an interesting creature, seem soft and fascinating." Mikitaka was amazed. "This is y/d/n and he's my dog, as you can see this dog is an animal and can be a pet to have one." Y/n explain. "Anyway fellas you should probably head to school now or else you gonna be late." "Oh right! Let's hurry!" The boys grab their bags in hurried and walk away. "Y/n! What about you?" Josuke said "I'm gotta go help Kakyoin and Jotaro with some important stuff." She answer back.

While the boys are out of sight, Y/n turn back facing Mikitaka "So....can you prove me that your an alien." She said.


"Damn, I'm so tired since we've been doing some lot of paperwork in classes." Josuke yawn. "Yeah me-Hey is that Mikitaka and Y/n?" Okuyasu said. "Hey guys, I was giving a tour around with Mikitaka. Oh and he brought something for you both." Mikitaka pull two pack of ice cream cone "Here, it's a gift." He hand it to them. "Huh?... hold on do you had a laser gun or something inside your bag?" Okuyasu question. "They're in my mothership." "Come on Okuyasu, give him a break, I know if you believe or don't believe what he is. And by the way, few hours ago he transform." Y/n said.

"What? He can transform?" Mikitaka was about to say something but a loud siren interrupt him. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" The groups look at him shock. "W-what's going on with him?!" "T...this loud noises....I'm a-allergic to it!" Mikitaka jump in the bushes. "Let's get away from this guy!" "Yeah but he's sunburn, we can't leave him in this condition." "He said it's allergies, I'm out." Okuyasu walk away. "Come on Josuke, let's help him." Y/n and Josuke walk through the bushes see Mikitaka lay on the ground curl up into a ball.

"Please! Take me away!" He than started to transform flew toward Josuke feet and transform into a sneaker. "What the- WWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Josuke flew away so high. "Dear god...that's so cool." Y/n use her hamon jump following him behind. They land on the balcony of the building, Mikitaka pull himself away from Josuke foot started to transform back. Josuke lay on the floor heavily breathing. Y/n bring out her Night Slash front of Mikitaka "Can you see him?" She ask "Hmm? Who?" He tilted his head confused. 'Yep. Not a stand user. I was right.' Y/n bring back her stand. "What the heck was that?!!!" Josuke said. "My apologies, you see from my planet people are allergic and poor from the loud noises. When we heard a sound it made us crazy or upset." Mikitaka explain.

"Anyway thank you of saving me, I like to repay that kindness, it at least I can do now. Shall I'll turn into a fan for you? Or probably a back scratcher?" "I didn't even get you out of there in something of return!" Josuke see a magazine in Mikitaka hands. "Hey I think I had an idea." Y/n face palm sigh 'Got bad feeling about this. I'm out.' She about to jump of the building "Y/n! Your coming with me!" "WHAT?!!!"


"This is a stupid idea to get some cashes from Rohan." Y/n sigh. "But it's a perfect idea! I know you won't give me money since last time so I'm gonna get some!" Josuke exclaim. They stand front Rohan house, Josuke knock the door and the door wide open. "Josuke? Y/n? What are you guys doing here?" Rohan question. "Well you see-"  "Josuke want to challenge you a dice game. He's flat broke." Y/n cut off his sentence. Josuke was shock "Really Josuke? A dice game?" Rohan sigh. "Y-Yeah." "Here are the rules, whoever win shall take the yen but if the loser lose they won't keep the yen." Y/n explain.

"Ugh.... alright than. I'll set the game here. Give me a minute." Rohan close the door. "Thanks, you come up with rules did you?" "I made it up that's all. Can't believe I'm going with you, plus I promise to meet the Jotaro and Kakyoin back at the motel." Y/n said "Please! I want you to stay with me and keep an eye on Rohan  to make sure he didn't wanna know about Mikitaka that he's a dice." Josuke beg. Y/n look at Josuke face giving her a puppy face, but it didn't work. "Sorry, that face doesn't work on me. Come on y/d/n, let's head back to the motel." Y/n walk away along with her dog.

"No wait! Don't-" "I'm back. Wait? why Y/n leaving?" Rohan ask. "Ummm....she got a phone call from Jotaro so she gotta meet him at the motel." Josuke lied. "Okay. Anyway let's begin the game."

Y/n POV:
I walk on the sidewalk heading back to the motel. Josuke is wasting my time to be with him. Hope he and Mikitaka are doing alright from playing dice game with Rohan. Once I'm front of the motel building,I went inside and head to the elevator. I press the number heading to Jotaro floor room. Once I'm on the top floor I knock on the door than it wide open. Jotaro was standing there and behind him see Kakyoin sitting on the couch enjoying his cherry pie.

He looks happy that I gave him that pie to him today. "Where were you?" Jotaro ask. I look back to him "I was with Josuke and Okuyasu hanging out together." I lied. Jotaro let me in, I sat on the couch by Kakyoin. He wave at me with a smile, I wave back to him. Jotaro took a seat on the chair begin to talk.

It was an hour talk but sudden my flip phone rang. Kakyoin and Jotaro look at me "I'm gonna take this if that's okay." They nod. I pull out my flip phone from my pocket than answer. "Hello this is-" "Y/n I need your help over here!" It was a voice from Josuke. "Fine..." I close my flip phone get up from the couch. "I gotta go, it's an emergency from Josuke, y/d/n be a good boy and stay here. I be back." I exit out from the room.

I walk on the sidewalk to look for Rohan house, I see a black smoke coming from that house not too far. And that house seems familiar.....OH SHIT!!! THAT'S ROHAN HOUSE!!

I ran towards Rohan place and see his house was on fire. Josuke and Rohan are outside standing by the house. Josuke run this way and pass by me, I follow him behind. "What happen?!!" I yell. "Rohan burn his house down by magnifying glass! He forgot about it!" Josuke explain. In his arms was Mikitaka transform himself back. "You appear be a low spirit, was I of assistance of you?" "S-shut up!"

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