Managa Artist

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Third POV:
"Wow! You two became lovers. Since when?" Kakyoin ask. The crew were outside of the cafe having a conversation. "About 3 or 4 days ago? Jotaro told me his wife cheated with another man so he divorced her and took his daughter away. He ask his mom that she need some accompany to keep an eye on her." Y/n explain. "We should probably head out now." Josuke help Joseph up from the chair walking on the sidewalk together. "Seems Josuke is getting hang with his father." Koichi said. "Yeah, it's like he's being a gentleman." Okuyasu said.

"Lets go Y/n, we had important stuff to finish." Jotaro grab her hand and they stood up walking away "Farewell lovebirds! I'll be meet you both at the hotel later!" Kakyoin called out in happily tone. Jotaro tip his hat down covering his blush face "I still see your blush." Y/n chuckle. Jotaro grab her chin crash his lip on her causing her blush in much red, he pull the kiss away look at her red face "Now your blushing." He smirk. Y/n pull her hoodie down covering her face in embarrass.

-Next Day-

Y/n POV:
I walk on the sidewalk while listening my Walkman. I gotta make sure nothing is gonna happen since there's some stand users around here.



I pull out out my flip phone and took off my headphone, I answer the call "Hello?"  "Hallo mein kleiner spoin!"  "Papa! I thought you had meeting today at the speedwagon foundation."  "They cancel it because they had some emergency stuff to tended to." Papa explain. "Really? Huh? You know you can stop calling me your little spy, I'm all grown up Papa." I chuckle. "I know, but your still bit short, I'm still taller than you." He laugh through the phone. "Dad I got some news I need to tell you so don't freak out."  "Don't worry, I'll handle it. So what's the news?" I took a deep breath than spoke "Jotaro and I became lovers because his wife cheated on him with another man so he divorced her. He tell me he likes me because of my personality since 10 years ago back in Egypt !" I pant that I talk fast.

"......." " You there?" "MEEEEEEEIIIIIN GOOOOOOOTT!!!!" I held up the phone away from my ear that almost give me deaf. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!"  'He's.....not mad?' I place my phone back onto my ear "Your not mad? "NO! I'm just so happy you got a boyfriend! I'll see back in Japan. Are you two going get married soon?" I feel my face heated up. "Papa!"  "I'm kidding. Hope you two have fun together as a couple." He hung up. I place my phone back inside my pocket. "Y/n!" I look up straight see Josuke and Okuyasu by the large house. "Come here for a minute." I walk up to them. "Why are you two-"  "Koichi went inside this house for no reason." Josuke cut me off. I feel my body tingling 'A stand user.'  I jump on the rooftop by the window, I look through the window see a green hair guy and see Koichi and Hazamada.... what happen to them? Some of their body parts become like book pages.

I broke the window letting myself in "Y/n! Be careful! If you look at Rohan page you'll become like a book page." Koichi warn me. I use my tendrils aiming at Rohan but they become papers. "You can't reach me, my stand ability will turn you into paper. Once I stole something from yours it be my next work." Rohan said. I walk up to him slowly "Don't go up to him!" Hazamada scream but I ignored him and Koichi who try to warn me. Once I'm closed enough of Rohan I held up my hand, he look at my hand and me confused "Give me the paper, I think I could see it just once." I said. Rohan was shock than change to smirk, he handed me the paper and I look at it. I look all the details of this "Not bad, I think this page is great for your manga." I said.

Third POV:
Rohan, Koichi and Hazamada were shock that the page didn't do anything on her. "What?! How are you not-!" Rohan was punch on the face by hamon fist. Koichi and Hazamada turn back to normal "W...we're back to normal." They look at unconscious Rohan "Come on boys, let's go." Before they head out "You know what, you boys go on without me. I see you later." Y/n said. The boys look at her confused and head out.

Y/n knee down by Rohan unconscious body, she place her hand on his face than her hamon healing his wounds. "You'll be fine, don't ever do that again to someone else. It's bad to steal someone's life or pages." She let out her tendrils fixing around the office room from the damaged. Once she finished cleaning, she carry Rohan bridal style heading to his room. She open the door that be his room placing him on the bed. She step out from the house meeting the boys standing on the sidewalk "You guys go to school now.".

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