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Third POV:
"I'm telling you the truth! We saw two ghost girls from the alleyway! Reimi said she been murder by a mysterious guy." Koichi said. "Its true guys, she didn't get a look from that murder face since it was dark from 15 years ago. We don't know who is this guy but he still around here in Morioh. We need to look for this murder or else he'll kill more people around from using his stand or whatever." Josuke and Okuyasu nod. "Koichi look out!" He was grab behind from almost hit by the car. "Be careful! You need to look both ways." Josuke said. The car window slide open reveal blonde hair guy, he stare at them and drove off.

"I gotta go guys, I going to meet Jotaro and Kakyoin at hotel." Y/n jump away. "By the way, Koichi, you said two ghost girls there, the pink hair girl name Reimi but who was the kid?" Okuyasu ask. "Her name is F/n, Y/n childhood friend since they were young back in the past. She said she was murder from Japan along with her family." Koichi answer.

Y/n POV:
I sat on the couch sipping cup of tea while listening Kakyoin and Jotaro talking about some business that we must tended to.  After like a minute from talking, I stepped out from the room heading outside to get some fresh air. I can't stop thinking about F/n, it was so long ago that I miss her since she was dead after being murder and yesterday she become a ghost along with Reimi.

"Damn it! What the hell?!"

I stop my tracks turn around see Okuyas and Josuke running this way. "Y/n! There's a stand front of us! Look down!" I look down see....mini stand? Before I grab the small stand it jump away from my hand running away. Where is this stand heading to? Than I saw more like the one and there's more coming from out of nowhere! I chase after them and they head to different directions. That must be the park where they're heading.

We hid behind the bushes see the stands launching coins pile on the ground. "Good work guys. These will be enough to buy." A strange boy from behind the tree reveal himself. "So that guy is a stand user? Why would he want money?" Ask Josuke. "Maybe he needed more money to buy anything." I notice the boy caught us and coming this way. I come out from my hiding spot ignore Josuke and Okuyasu trying to warn me. "You had a stand did y'all?" I said. "You can see Harvest?! So cool."  "It's called a stand, they manifest in people soul. Only stand user can see them." I explain. Josuke and Okuyasu come out from their hiding spot introducing themselves. The boy tell us his name was Shigechi.....and he talk too much about his life.

"I'll give you guys half of my 150 yen to you!"  "Really?! Lucky us! Wait, look you shouldn't give other people money things so easily." Said Josuke. "Than I Give it to you the hard way! We are friends!" Shigechi did his hard expression like begging. I walk up to him place my hand on his head calming him "Josuke right, plus I know you like to steal some money's from around here in this town." I sigh. "Well we're friends! Please take it!" He did his hard expression again. Guess I had no choice, it get on my nerves when people beg. I grab the can of coins swiftly from his hand than shove it to Josuke chest. He look at me confused "Don't give me that face, it get on my nerves when people try to beg." I sigh

-Timeskip cause I'm lazy-

Third POV:
"Alright, let's see what we got!" Okuyasu pour the tickets into the trash can. "So what we gonna do those lottery since we can't find the right number?" Josuke ask "Just leave it in the trash-"  "THE NUMBER IS 121314 FROM THE SG GROUP!! IT'S FIVE MILLION!!!" Okuyasu shouted. "What did you say? Are you fooling around?........ GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Y/n chuckle of their reaction "Wait! Wait! Calm down! Let's check this one- Hey!" The ticket was pull away from Josuke hand "He's right, it's 121314 sg group. I know a place where to give." Y/n said.

-Somewhere at the business place-

"Congratulations you four! Of course this ticket is expired but I assume you it still perfect valid. You had won with over 5 million yen! So which one of you that purchased the ticket." The employee ask. "That would-" "Me." Y/n cut off Okuyasu sentence. "Hey I was-Hmm?!" His mouth was shut by her tendril. "You? In that case, may I ask you to present your ID or at least a student ID?"  "Sure, okay."  "Good! Follow me to the privileged room it's where all customers come in." The employee smile. "Not falling your tricks, I can see you look nervous from that look on your face." Sweat drop appeared on employee face.

'Damn! How did she know?! What's that look on her face?! Why is she so calm?!' He call the security whispering him into his ear. "Guys this  is getting worse, he call the security and- Hmmm?!" Okuyasu mouth was shut again by tendril. Night Slash manifest himself went behind him lean to his ear. "You didn't check the back did you?" Y/n whisper through her stand. Okuyasu eyes widen in shock "Don't worry, since I swipe it away from Josuke hand I had a backup pen so I wrote my ID and phone number, nothing to be worried." The tendril release from his mouth.

"Sorry for long wait, here's your check. By the way, where you buy this ticket." The group sweat dropped "Where we find it? Um well....we-"  "The convince store, we buy it at convince store." Y/n answer. "Now how about the 5 million that your gonna give us." She smirk. The employee breath heavily 'You brat! You can't fool me!! You think you can-'  "By the way, do you know a guy name Mr. Howler?" He was shock what he heard from her words "Y-yeah! He live in German than move out living in Japan and he's rich, what about him?!" Y/n chuckle and spoke "He's...... my father." The employee turn pale "WHAAAAAAT?!?!??!?!"

The boys look at her with shock expression "It's true, I'm his daughter. My name is Y/n Howler."  "Stop with this made up stuff!" The employee growl. Y/n pull out her flip phone typing the number than answer "Hello?"  "Hallo papa, how's it going?"  "Good my kleiner spion. What is it you call me?" She tell him everything "Hand the phone to him..." she handed the phone to the employee. "Hello Mr.-"  "Listen here, if you don't give money to my daughter friends I'll report you and close your bank. You got that?" The employee shake in fear from his dark tone. "O-of course sir! I-I'll give your daughter friends money right away." He stutter. Y/n grab her phone back "Thanks papa, Ich Iiebe dich."  "Hab dich auch lieb." He hang up.

"Now about that money." Y/n smirk. "Right away Ms. Howler!" The employee exit from the room in hurried, came back with money in his arm place them on the table "Go ahead! Take them!" She swiftly took the money "Let's go boys." They exit out from the bank "That's so cool! I didn't know your father was rich! Why you didn't tell us?" Shigechi ask. "You guys didn't tell me." The boys made 'O' sound. Y/n gave the money to them "Don't spent too much, if you guys asking me to give you more  money than the answer is no." They nod "By the way, why you change your last name since you told us that your last name was L/n?" Josuke ask.

"It's a long story, it's a secret so I'll tell you that later. Wanna know why my dad is rich?" They nod "You see, he became a spy when he was a teenager like 17 or 18? And move out living in Japan, few years later he became rich as business man." Y/n told them. "WHAT!!!! THAT SO COOL!!!" The boys exclaimed "Do me a favor..." she place her index finger front of her lip "Keep it as a secret. Promise me." The boys nod "We promise!"

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