Heart Attack

876 14 13

Third POV:
"Oh! Mr. Jotaro! Ms. Y/n! How are you both doing today?" Koichi said.  "We're doing good, we're looking for a place like people trying new clothes. Shigechi Harvest found this button on the floor after I fight that blond guy." Y/n held the small bag of yellow button that cover in blood. "Where you guys heading now?" "Well...Just up this way, Hey....that store...it might look like a shoes store." Jotaro said.

"And look at the sign on the glass window, it said 'Now accepting orders for simple clothing repairs and alterations.' Maybe a worker might know this button. Let's go" Y/n said.

Inside the shoes store, the shopkeeper examined the button. "What you say about this button?" He ask. "We're wondering if you seen this button before that is similar by one of the clothing." Y/n replied. "Don't worry, I remember the customers names who come here. A customer come here since yesterday and ask me to reattach one. See? Same button here." The shopkeeper answer.

"Really?!" "Good grief...we found it." "Do you remember which customer was? Know his name?" "Of course, I never forget their name, I always remember them once they come here." The shopkeeper get up from the chair that he was sitting held the name tag closed to his face from a purple suit. Y/n sense an aura 'You got to be kidding...'.  Suddenly his fingers were blast by some kind of laser.

"WH-WHAT THE HELL! M-MY HAND!!!" He yell. "I'm over here..." the others were shock see a stand on the shopkeeper shoulder. "A-A stand?!" "Step back Koichi" "Is that a killer stand?!" "Guys look!" They look at the door where Koichi pointing at. See an arm from the changing room reaching for the purple suit, than grab it pull it back inside the changing room. "That must be him, he was there the whole time since we came here." Y/n growl.

'Never imagined that anyone track me from a lost button...did they see my name? Wonder why all of this has been happening as of late. They should disappear just like that Shigechi kid but that mysterious lady Y/n save him and almost beat me. So closed to kill that kid if that Y/n haven't get in my way.' Kira thought

"Guys....that must be one of stand user ability, but it could only had one stand not two or more." Y/n said. "Your right....but why or how he got two stand? You told me he had only one stand." Jotaro said.


"Watch out!" Y/n use her stand tendrils grab Jotaro and Koichi than use her tendrils as  a barrier shield protecting them.


Y/n retrieve her tendrils back "You okay guys?" They nod and look around the store that become a mess and almost tore into pieces. "The killer got away!" Koichi freak out "Don't chase him." Jotaro said. "What do you mean 'Don't chase him'?"  "We got to be careful to observe the situation. So close that the shopkeeper about to say the killer name." Y/n said. "Plus, I don't think we can chase him. That bomber stand is still nearby." Jotaro said.

"Over here..." "Huh?" Koichi about to turn his head over his shoulder "No! don't turn around Koichi!" Night Slash grab the tank throw it outside. "STAR PLATINUM! THE WORLD!" Jotaro freeze time. "Let's take this little scheisse down." Star Platinum and Night Slash punch the tank in full speed. "Time begin to move." Jotaro unfreeze time.

"Is it defeat?"  "Something not right..." the smoke fade away see the tank stand wasn't destroy or even a single scratch. "W-what!...it wasn't destroyed!"  "Get away!" Jotaro order. The tank flew back inside the store about to flew towards at Koichi "STAR PLATINUM! THE WORLD!!" Star Platinum grab pieces of wood create a fire. "How is this gonna work?" Y/n question.

"The reason this thing attack the shop owner first was because he drink hot tea. And reason for Koichi was his body temperature rose up from being so worked up." Jotaro answer. "Time move again." He unfreeze time. The tank flew next direction from Koichi flew towards the fire.


Jotaro quickly move away from the tank stand than it explode. The explosion cause Jotaro splatter out blood everywhere on him and crash on the floor.

"JOTARO!!!!" Koichi and Y/n run towards his unconscious form helping him up. The tank about to move towards them, Koichi use his Act 2 using it tail create a heat ball than attach it on tank shell. The tank follow the ball of heat moving around. Y/n and Koichi  jump out from the store and inside the store explode. They place Jotaro on the wall "Hang in there Jotaro, I'll bring you back." Y/n heal him using her hamon. "Act 2! Where are you Act 2?!" Koichi called out.

The smoke fade away and Koichi see his stand was split into two and become rusty. "Act 2!! He's dead by explosion!" He freak out. 'Wait... I remember before... it look like Reverb died once become too. A-and that means...' a small person jump out from the smoke than floating in thin air. "Reverb Act 3!" Koichi was surprise. 'Well I'll be, He almost look alike Kakyoin stand, he and Hierophant look alike brothers or aliens.' Y/n smirk.


Deadly Queen punch through Koichi chest, he pull his arm back than Koichi collapsed on the ground. "Well, time to head home."  Kira about to walk away.  "I don't think so." He turn around see Y/n with shadow expression on her face. "Oh? I was wondering where you were." Kira smirk. Y/n close her eyes and open them widen.

Her h/c hair change into silver, her left eye change into black, black scars appear everywhere on her flesh arm, and her nails become claws. Kira was shock seeing her form 'What the!!! What kind of-' his thought was cut off that he was kick on the face. He flew back on the wall slide down. Blood pour out from his forehead, his body didn't move that he was kick hard.

He was held up by one of the tendril facing at Y/n glaring dagger at him. "You really pissed me off, hurting Koichi and Jotaro was a big mistake. And now....you'll be perished. NIGHT SLASH! SHADOW STRIKE!!" Night Slash punch Kira under his chin, he flew in thin and crash on the ground. Y/n turn back to her normal form "Let that be a lesson." "Koichi! Jotaro!" Okuyasu and Josuke ran pass by the alleyway and move back see a horror scene.

"How did you guys came over here?" "We got a call from Koichi about like a minute ago." Josuke answer. He use his Crazy Diamond healing Jotaro while Koichi was heal by Y/n. "Listen guys, the murder we found was that blonde hair guy. He had a stand." Y/n explain to them. They turn around see Kira crawling away, they walk up to him behind. "Where do you think your going?" Josuke growl.

"Deadly Queen!" His stand chomp off Kira left hand. "I-it hurts....so painful. And I'm bleeding a lot." The tank manifest from his hand "Heart Attack, I leave the rest to you. Protect me!" Kira get up and ran away. Heart Attack about to flew at Josuke, he manifest his Crazy Diamond punchin it in full speed. "It's not broken!" "No, if that guy left behind...his hand will lead us the way where he's at." Josuke explain.

The hand float in thin air and flew away, the group follow it behind. "Wait I had an idea to find him fast." Y/n use her hamon search. "What was that?" Josuke question. "Hamon search, it look for the the enemy and come back fast. Once they come back, it gave us directions." One of sparkle hamon come back to Y/n and crawl on her fingertip pointing straight. "Follow me." They Follow her behind.

They stop front of the building, "Salon Cinderella?" "What is he doing here?" "Aya! Are you in there?" They burst through the door. They saw Aya dead body lay on the floor, by her was the man, his head was lay on the table. "Why is Kira dead?!" "Wait look! That man isn't Kira! He had his left hand!" Jotaro told them. "He...he force...he brought in the man here and kill him front of me.....he made me switching his face using Cinderella....he force me...." Aya stutter.

"His...his name." Josuke called out his stand to heal her "No wait don't!" Y/n tendrils grab the others pulling them back and protecting them behind.



The tendrils retrieved back and the others were shock that Aya was gone. "Aya trying to tell us that he become someone else, he use her to swap his look." Y/n told them. They follow the hand that push the door open which lead the exit, they exit out from the door shock see everybody else walking around.

"Dammit! Which one is he? Where is Yoshikage Kira?" "There's so many!" "Kira you coward!!!!"

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