Chapter 9 - Who were u calling a loser?

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Riley's POV

I went home and looked at all the outfits she gave me, I decided tomorrow I would wear white high wasted shorts and this mint green crop top. I'll get my sister to do my makeup. "Hey em" I ask walking into the living room. "Yeah ri" she says, not taking her eye off the TV. "Can I do my makeup tomorrow" I ask. "OMG YES YES YES! GOUR FINALLY TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF, WANNA WEAR ANY OF MY CLOTHES" she squeals running to me. "I've got some clothes already" I state "okay!" She says "so are u dating James" Emily asks. "No but he's taking me on a date tomorrow" I half say half squeal. "Be careful, u know how he's like" Emily starts, "I know.. But maybe he's changed" but maybes he's changed" I shrug. "Maybe" Emily says. "I just don't want u getting hurt" she says hugging me. I hug back. "I'm going to go to bed, it's getting late" I say. I walk upstairs and flop down in my bed. I hop under the covers and slowly fall asleep

*the next day (still Riley's POV)*

"RILEY" my sister yelled causing me to leave my sleep "what" I say closing my eyes again. "Get up get dressed then come here" she moans. "Kk" I say. I drag myself out of bed. I grab the clothes and get changed. It looks...good! I walk into my sisters room. "Nice outfit, now sit down!" She's has clapping. I sit down in her desk chair and she faces me. "So what colour eye shadow?" She asks "Ur choice" I say. After about 30 mins of keep still! close your eyes! Open you mouth! Open your eyes she finally finished. "Thx sis!" I said starting to leave. "I'm doing ur hair!" She says grabbing me and pulling me to the bathroom. She puts small curls at the end, and it looks pretty good. I thank her. I walk downstairs. "Hi ri..." My mum starts. "Since when do u wear makeup" she ask. I laugh. "thought I would change it up a bit" I laugh again. I grab an apple and make my way to Emily's car. Se agreed to give a ride today. I hop in and wait for her. About 10 mins later she finally arrives. "Soz let's go" she says starting up the car. We make small talk then we finally get to school. I say goodbye and try to Michelle or Chloe. "Riley" Michelle says. I whip my head around. "OMG u look great" I squeal. "U to!!" She squeals. "Hey girlies" Chloe says walking to us. "YOU LOOK GREAT" I say. "Both of u do" Chloe says. We start walking into school when someone grabs my wrist. "Hey us three all squeal. "Hi" the boys say. I see it's James west and Eldon. "Michelle is if true Daniel spilled water on u on purpose?" Eldon asks. "Umm yeah" she mumbles. He fake laughs "be right back" he says sounding angry. James and west hold him before he goes. "Let me go!!!!!" He says. We all laugh. "James u know he called riley ugly!" Eldon says. James let's go and runs "DANIEL" he yelled. Eldon soon caught up to him. "Well I already dealt with Daniel." West says. "West is that ur loser girlfriend and her friends!" Daniel laughs we turn around to face him. His jaw drops when he sees us. "Who were u calling a loser?" West smirks. "Umm-ugh-" he starts. "Daniel!" Eldon interrupts. "Did u spill water on Michelle yesterday!" He asks. "What! I would never do that!" He says "u did" Michelle said. "Shut it dweeb" he growled. Michelle steped back. "Don't pick on any of these girls! Get it! Now go before u won't be able to" Eldon says. He walks away. "Thanks Eldon" Michelle said. "Where's James?" I ask. "Right-Here" he says puffing. "Daniel has been delt with" Eldon smiles. "Good" James says. "Hey I'm throwing a party tomoz want to come?" West asks. "If the dates go well" Chloe smiles then we walk away. Leaving them speechless! We got shoved into the Lockers but when boys looked back to laugh, they ran back and helped us up and apologised. We finally got to our classes. Finally lunch came around. "Hey Jamesy Poo" a high voice said. James turned around. "Beth, it's James" he sighs. "Wanna go on a date" she asks, my mouth drops. "I don't like u! and I'm already going on a dare with this lovely girl" he says pointing to me. She glares at me then leaves. "Sorry about her" he says. We finally make it to the cafeteria. "Come sit with us, chlo and Michelle is to" he says. I walk to his table and Daniel is there. "Girls arnt aloud to sit here" he moans. "Especially not them" Daniel continues. "Who thinks these three should be laid to sit here." West asks Eldon and James put there hands up. "Soz Daniel" west says. We all get our lunch except Michelle. I know why. "Where's ur lunch" Eldon asks. "Not hungry" she says, but that's a lie. "Ur lying" Eldon says. "Fine I have no money" she whispers ashamed. "Here" Eldon says passing her 50$. "I'll give u the change" she smiles. "No" Eldon says. She went and got her lunch and came back. The bell went signalling we need to go to class. We separate our own ways.

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