Chapter 12- the dates

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Michelle's Pov

After the bet was explained, I understood. Eldon grabbed my hand and led me to his car. He opened the door, and I got in. "Thx" I say. He closes the door, and gets in the other side. I smile at him, and he gives a smile back. I turn on the radio and "Am I ever gonna see ur face agin" made by AC DC was on. I sing quietly because I love this band. "U like acdc?" Eldon asks. "Uhh yeah" I say, abit embaressed. "Arnt u supposed to like one direction, and Justin be ober?" He laughs, "never been a fan" I shrug. We make small talk until we arrive at the secret location. "Okay! Close ur eyes!" He says. I close my eyes and hear his car door close, then mine open. Someone grabs my hand and leads me out. "Don't make me bump into a pole plz" I laugh. He laughs to. "No promises" he says. About 5 mins later we come to a stop. "Okay open ur eyes on the count of three! 123" he yells and I open my eyes. I see a picnic, candle lit and fish and chips. "It's beautiful" i say. He smiles. We sit down and start eating, we laugh talk and more. "Hey Eldon!" A high voice says. We turn around and see.. Carrie. "Carrie u need to go" Eldon says. "Why? We used to date! Doesn't mean we can't be friends!! And Michelle and I are besties" she giggles. "She's lying" I say. Carrie gives me a death stare. "I know what happened! Go" Eldon says clenching his fists. She walks away, kicking my side on the way. Eldon starts to stand up but I hold his knee and gustier for him to sit back down. "Don't worry about it" I smile. He smiles and calms down. I can't believe she came to our date. We laugh and talk again until we finish eating. He plays a stereo and we start to dance. When the songs over I look right into his eyes. He looks into mine. He leans and kisses me, I hesitate at first but then kiss back. His soft pink lips moved with mine, we pull away. "Ur a good kisser" he smirks. I blush. We walk to his car and start driving home.

Chloe's POV

West and I just arrived at this fancy restaurant. He opened my car door and helped me out. "My lady" he joked in a British accent. I laughed. "Thank u sir" I continue the joke and link arms. We laugh. He opens the door for me. "West I think it's closed no one else is here" I say. It was completely empty. "I booked out the whole restaurant" he smile. My jaw dropped! The whole restaurant! "No" I say. "Yeah" he smiles. He leads us to the table in the middle of the place. He hands me a menu as the waiter comes. "Hello I'm Lucy I'll be..." She started. I recognised her straight away. "Hey west," she smiles. "Chloe" she spits. "Uhh Umm hi" I say, nervous, "can we have a different waitress" west asked. "Okay baby!" She smiles kissing his cheek. He pushes her away. "Get off u psycho" he yells. She stomps away. "I'm so sorry about that he says, "Don't worry" I smile. A different waiter comes up. "Were so sorry. Anyway, what would I guys like" the waiter asks. "A steak and chips please" I smile giving him my menu. "Me to" west says handing the menu, "and 2 cokes plz" I say. The waiter nods and walks off to the kitchen. West and I talk for a while until our meals come. We quickly eat them up then talk more. We hop in his car and drive to my house. "U want to come in?" I ask. "Sure if that's okay" he smiles. We pull up to my house. "want to watch a scary movie" I ask. He nods. I put in the movie and join west on the couch. He yawns then puts his arm around me. "Cheesy much?" I giggle. He smiles. The scariest part of the movie comes up. "AHHH" I squeal hugging west and putting my head in his chest. "It's over" he says playing with my hair. I look back at the movie, but keep hold of west... It felt right.

Riley's Pov

James and I sat on the beach staring out into the ocean. "So for dinner I've planned sushi" he smiles. I smile back. "Yum" I say. Yum? Really riley that's all u could say. He laughs. All of a sudden a man comes up giving us sushi. "Thank u" I say. He Walks away. We start eating and laugh and talk about our life's. "Jamesy poo!" A voice says. Beth. We turn around and see her there. "Beth go away" James moans in annoyance. "Why! We are supposed to be on a date" she says. "Beth I don't like u!" He says, she runs off. We finish eating. "Did u bring any bathers?" James asks. "No" I say. "I brought three pairs. Try them on" he smiles. He hands me a pink purple and mint pair. "There tiny!" I say. He smirks. "Perv" I laugh. I decide on the mint one. I walk up to a toilet cubicle and get changed. I walk back to James to see him in his swim shorts. He has nice abs. I didn't realise I was staring at them till James interrupted me. "Face up here" he laughs. "I know what u were staring at!" I say in defense referring to my chest. He laughs as I join him. We walk down to the ocean. We get in and start splashing each other. He picks me up and spins around. I hit his back and he let's go. We lean in and kiss. Best date ever!

Im back!!! 💋💋💋

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