Chapter 140 - Savor

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The days went by without any issues. Roger did not have any times when he could be alone with the wolf, for which he was regretful. He had to spend the rest of his afternoons helping the wolf's little brother with a project that he thought should have been done.

Time at school was fairly easy. Everything was loud and noisy, as was the norm when it came to the end of the school year and they had nothing left to do except wait for their final grades. The essay score had come back, and as expected, the fox had received full marks. The wolf, however, had a B minus.

It was not a bad score, but it was the wolf's lowest. There were no explanations for the grade, though, so the fox would not be able to figure out what to fix in the wolf's writing style, unfortunately. He would just have to test out the wolf's ability by letting him write things and then correcting them on his own.

The days felt like they were blending together. His parents finally got back to him, saying that they had managed to get some time off of work to go on the trip that he had mentioned to them earlier. Everything seemed to be coming together, and he was happy about it. He had to remind himself a couple of times that the weekend was coming.

It was Hunter's turn to stay a night or two at the fox's house this weekend, and Roger could only think of all the things that he had wanted to do ever since he had gotten released from the hospital. It seemed that life was throwing everything it had to get in his way, but now there was nothing left, and it was the perfect time to celebrate the wolf's new-found success.

He figured that if he had to bite his tongue and wade his way through the rest of school, it was fine. Even if he had to tiptoe around Matt's meddling, it was acceptable, as long as the news did not get out that he saw the two of them hugging each other. It seemed like a trivial and silly thing to be worried about, but such a small thing could cause so much harm.

The rest of the week was like pulling teeth. Another couple weeks and the seniors would be attending their graduation ceremony while everyone else would be heading into their vacation. So far, it seemed like their summer vacation would be nice enough. A nice beach trip would be relaxing, at least.

Hunter had been quite pleased with himself over the past week, coming into each of his classes with a smile and bounce in his step. It was noticed by pretty much nearly every student, and it made him attract that much more attention from those that would-be suitors. It was a side effect that Roger would just have to deal with, it seemed.

He saw a large boost in the wolf's confidence, which was good, but at the same time, he wondered if that confidence would distance the two. Part of him wondered if Hunter only decided to be with him because he did not have any other options, and yet, now he had plenty. Only time would tell what he was really thinking.

He hoped that it would not happen that Hunter would eventually find someone else, but it was a possibility that he had to think about. There was always going to be someone better, some more affluent, someone more charming, someone stronger, someone faster. Roger might just have been a place keeper for someone else.

He wondered if that was all that bad for the wolf. If that was the case, he would live a happier life. While the fox would be sad for a while, in the end, it was better for the wolf. He would cross that bridge when the time came.

The rumours began to die down as the school year neared its ending. It was not that the students no longer cared about Hunter, but they were worried about what they would be doing during summer, though some of the students knew that they would be there for summer school. It was usually the same bunch, but this time, Hunter would not be joining them.

Roger was getting tired of the school year, so it was best that it was ending soon. As soon as they ran out of things to do, as soon as a class simply became a chat session, it became boring. The material was never really challenging, but now there was no material, and the fox did not want to really to mix with the other students. The only class that went well was the only class that he had a friend in, which was his first class.

He saw his old friends every so often, and he waved or nodded at them, but did not go to speak to them. He saw the vixen he once held feelings for, and part of him still found her attractive, but he knew that it had not worked before, and he did not want to try again, especially if it meant losing Hunter. It was no longer his focus.

He managed to tell the ferret about being able to go, and all seemed copasetic. They would be leaving almost immediately after vacation started.

On the last day, Roger found himself heading back to his house by himself. Hunter was going to head to back to his own house to grab some clothes, and then he'd be on his way to the fox's house.

Roger returned back home. It was quiet, it was dark, and it was lonely. He turned a couple of lights on and headed toward his room. He tidied his room a little, moving some dirty clothes off to the side, straightening out his bedsheets, and turning his computer on. They might watch a movie to pass the time if it came down to it.

Roger found a water bottle that held a couple of memories of a more painful time. He blushed when he looked at it, and he figured that it was best to use the rest of the time to prepare himself, in case things ever escalated to such a thing.

He turned the water on in the shower, closed and locked the door. He removed his clothes, looking at the fox in the mirror. Something about him looked different. Maybe it was just nerves. He looked thinner somehow, maybe worn out, maybe tired. His fur was the same, the orange, the brown, the white. Even the patches that had to grow back were nearly normal, but not quite.

He turned the water on and filled up the bottle. He sighed.


His preparations had to end after he heard the entrance open and close. He was already complete, in any regard, but he took the time to enjoy the water while he could. It was getting hot out, so some cool water felt nice.

He finished drying himself off and put some underwear on. He thought to head out in just his boxers but thought better of it. He had no guarantee that whoever was at the door was the wolf.

He put the rest of his clothes on, grabbed his dirty clothes and hung up the towel to dry. He opened the door and looked around. There was no sign of anyone, so he walked over to his room. He saw the wolf's bag set on the floor, and so he entered, tossing his dirty clothes off to the side.

He was met with a hug from the large wolf, and he felt warm once more. His nose met with Hunter's, and for a moment they paused, until they kissed, and for a while, all seemed right in the world to the fox.

He sighed happily, finally getting the very thing that he wanted.

He broke free from the wolf's grasp for just a moment and said that he would return. He turned off the lights in the house until only his room light was on, and then locked the front door. Nothing was going to distract them this time around.

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