Chapter 22 - Return

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Roger checked his watch. It was perhaps a little past two in the afternoon and the sun was still out. While still being early in the year, the place of which they lived in generally had moderate weather throughout the year. It was a little chilly, but anyone could still wear shorts and a t-shirt and still be comfortable.

They had managed to find the store not far from the mall. It was just a local grocery store, adequately priced and fairly populated. There was fresh produce outside and in, and he knew what he wanted to get. He grabbed a basket and walked inside, followed by the wolf.

Hunter looked around. By his appearance, he had not been in too many similar places. Roger guessed that his mother kept him away from stores so as not to invite unnecessary desire and envy. It made sense to him since oftentimes he would go to a store and wish he could purchase many things, but never had enough for what he really wanted.

It was mostly just food, though. Perhaps, he wondered, that was what caught the wolf's attention. He seemed to be able to eat a lot but never had the chance to really eat more than scraps. He did not fault anyone, it was just as the hand had been dealt.

He began to put non-perishable food in his basket, stuff he figured the wolf would like. Canned food, boxes of dried food. Fruits, meats, bread, just things that he could find that he figured since he liked them, the wolf might, as well. It was faulty logic, but the wolf did not seem picky, so he figured it would be okay, since he did plan to eat the food, as well.

It was a pretty short venture through the store. He did not put anything extravagant in his cart, just things that seemed to sustain life well enough would last a while, and was affordable. By the time he made his way to the cash register, his basket was full, almost too much so. The cashier rang it up, put his items in bags, and he paid what he needed to, stuffing his change in his pocket.

They left and he held two bags while the wolf held three. There was not too much to carry, but for some reason, they gave them an excess of bags.

Hunter seemed confused as to why the fox needed to buy so much food, but he did not question it. He just looked at the fox and wagged his tail.

Roger lead the way back toward the house, explaining, "We'll go back to your place. If we get too bored, we can play some ball, if you want. Maybe study a bit."

The wolf nodded without any arguing. They wandered back to the house.

For some reason, it seemed longer to return to it rather than the trip to the mall. He figured it was because they went to the mall from the park, which was slightly closer but not by much. He shrugged. Perhaps he was just tired.

It was quiet for the most part aside from the cars that seemed to pass by every so often down the road. His arms were getting tired from carrying the bags, but he made no notion of it. He did not want to see weaker than he really was to the wolf, as a matter of pride. Hunter seemed to be having no trouble, though.

The house came into view, and not long after they entered. He had begun to pant and sweat. The wolf helped him place the food off to the side. Roger explained that he had bought it for the wolf and his family, as well as for himself as a sort of repayment and self-nourishment.

"You didn't need to," the wolf responded. He had his ears folded and stood with his legs turned inward, in a sort of awkward embarrassing stance. He only looked at the fox out of the corner of his eye, seemingly grateful but ashamed that he was.

Roger patted him. "It's alright. I don't mind."

He did not seem any bit reassured.

Roger prodded at the football and said, "Well, let's play a bit, then." He was still tired and his arm was sore, but he figured it would get the wolf's mind off of it.

It seemed to work for the most part: Hunter had become excited again, tail wagging, and headed for the backyard, not waiting for the fox.

He sighed and followed him. With every step, he regretted his decision. He managed to find his way out and was greeted with a smiling face and a glaring sun. He shielded his eyes and then felt a ball come into his paw. He grabbed it unconsciously and held it, surprised.

He tossed it back at the smiling wolf, who tossed it in the air slightly a few times.

Hunter spoke up, "Here, try tackling me. See if you can knock me over."

Roger paused and furrowed his brows. "Wait, what?" he asked, but the wolf only took a crouched stance and waited.

The fox paced around, running through all the possible consequences of running into the wolf. If he could knock the wolf over, then he would be on top of the wolf, on the grass, holding him for that moment-

He blushed at the thought and shook it off. He knew he was not strong enough to knock him over, so he need not think about it. He knew the most likely situation would be that he ran into the wolf and fell, unable to do anything. Worst case scenario, he would merely injure himself. As tired as he was. He was about to refuse but looked at the wolf, who looked ever eager.

He sighed, braced himself, and prepared to run. "Are you ready, then?" he asked. The wolf nodded, and he darted forward.

As expected, he slammed into the wolf, and it felt as if he had hit the wall. Hunter's muscles were like rocks, and he only felt the shock of force as he fell back.

He found himself sitting on the floor, feeling sore. He looked up at the wolf, who laughed and looked back at him.

Roger rubbed his shoulder and said, "I feel like I'm going to injure myself."

Hunter picked him up and said, "Just one more, then, and we'll be done. You'll be fine."

The fox hesitated. "I don't know, it's like running into a wall, I kind of don't want to..." but he trailed off.

"Please?" the wolf begged. He had a sly smile, a soft mischievous grin briefly flashing across his face. Roger did not know what he was planning, but he trusted the wolf not to injure him. He sighed and agreed.

He went back to where he was before and prepared himself. He once again confirmed that the wolf was ready, and then darted forward.

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