Chapter 64 - Taint

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"Is it... bad?" Hunter asked the fox. He had looked away sheepishly as the fox sat next to him against a tree.

Roger shook his head. "No, no... it's uh... it's perfectly natural."

The wolf softly said, "I always thought something was wrong with me when it did it."

The fox tilted his head. "No, nothing's wrong with you. But uh, when it happened... what did you do?"

With a shrug, the wolf responded, "I would just wait for it to go away. I didn't want to make it worse. I thought that maybe I had done something to hurt myself."

"Did it hurt, though?" he asked the wolf.

Hunter thought for a moment, then said, "A little. Like when your legs are sore from running, but I didn't do anything with it to make it sore, so I thought... like maybe I broke a bone or something."

Roger patted him on the shoulder. "It happens to everyone. Well, not the interpretation of it is an injury, but at least... uh, it poking out from time to time. It's part of growing up."

The wolf nodded. He continued, "It means you're becoming an adult, 'cause uh... well, it's... hm. Well, when it's time to have kids, that's the... important part, I guess."

The wolf did not look like he understood, though. Roger asked, "Do you remember if you saw anything inside that thing we threw away?"

There was a nod. "Well," Roger explained, "Inside was a little bit of fluid, right? That stuff, when uh... put inside a... girl will eventually make... kids, to put it simply. And when it pokes out from time to time, your body is preparing itself."

He still did not understand fully, it seemed, but at least he was absorbing the information. The fox continued by asking, "Have you ever woken up and it was all sticky or something down there?"

The wolf immediately looked away, his ears folded, but nodded slowly. "Y-yeah. Once in awhile."

Roger smiled. He thought that it was cute the way the wolf reacted to it, not at all as he had imagined. While it was not uncommon for him to exhibit humility, the fox did not catch him very often as embarrassed as he was now. It made him seem a little more normal, and at the same less so.

"That's perfectly natural," the fox said. "Sometimes you build up so much of that, uh... liquid, your body has to get rid of it somehow. It usually does it when you're sleeping."

"Does it happen to you, too?" the wolf asked him.

The fox blushed. He had thought that the conversation would remain one-sided, but now his confidence ebbed. "Well, yeah... like uh... once in a while. But uh, 'cause I, uh... well, it doesn't happen too often anymore."

Hunter looked at him, interested. "How'd you get it to stop?"

Roger shook his head. "Well, it doesn't stop, really, I just... I just get rid of that liquid by... by myself, that's all. Then it doesn't have to do it while I'm sleeping."

"But... how?" the wolf asked. It seemed like such a thing had plagued him, and here was the solution. He was almost desperate.

"Well, remember when I mentioned earlier about... jerking off?" the fox asked. He hesitated as he asked the question, feeling that he was crossing several lines of which were prohibited to him.

The wolf nodded, so he continued, "Well... pretty much... that."

Hunter frowned and furrowed his brows. "I don't know what that is, though."

Roger resisted the temptation again. "It's kind of something you just... do. It's really better that we, uh... not really talk about that here, and I don't know if I should be the one you should talk to about it, really."

The wolf lowered his head. "I'm sorry. Is it a bad thing?"

Quickly, Roger shook his head. "No, no, not at all... well, to some it might be. It's just... not something discussed in public, especially not something done in public. No, it's a private and personal thing, but it's not something... bad. Something most just figure out by themselves, and do by themselves, 'cause it's like... pretending to do... something with someone you, uh... love, I guess."

The more he thought about it, the weaker his retreat felt. He played the situation over in his mind, and it was just not what he thought he would be getting into. He had assumed that everyone masturbated, and it was a fairly safe assumption, but of course, there were always exceptions. Still, for someone like the wolf, he thought, it would have just been normal, since he was always in such close proximity to others, and...

Then he thought about the isolation that seemed to be prevalent in his life. Perhaps that was the key to it. He began to understand just why the wolf had reacted in such a manner to it, as unusual as it was.

Hunter had shaken his head once more. "I'm sorry, I don't get it."

Roger sighed. "Well, it's, uh... I mean, you don't have to."

He tried to judge the wolf's expression. He seemed eager to figure out what the problem was, which was commendable if it were any other subject. The fox gulped and said, almost as an aside, "If you really want to know what it is, I'll explain it to you, but not here. It's not a bad thing, it's just... embarrassing to me, I guess."

He felt arms wrap around him again as the wolf pulled him into a hug. He heard an "Okay," as well as saw a smiling face, heard a wagging tail thump against the tree. He felt like he condemned himself to a difficult situation in the future.

Part of him told him that it was a bad idea, that everything that had lead up to this situation was a series of things that he should really not have done, but it was in the past now. The wolf trusted him, and he felt like he was taking advantage of such trust. Still, it was but a mere explanation, so it could not really hurt.

Another part of him told him that it was what he wanted. However it was like putting poison in the well, he felt.

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