Date #2

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I sit at the breakfast bar in my kitchen and watch as Tristan moves around my kitchen with ease. It's like he never stopped coming over. He was so at ease with everything. He was attempting to make sandwiches for us. Mine was supposed to have cheese and scrambled eggs. His was supposed to have ham, bacon and scrambled eggs. He didn't allow me to cook cause he was scared I'll ber exerting myself. So I was forced to sit and watch him ruin my lunch. He had just taken the eggs out and he stared helplessly from the egg to the pan that didn't have any butter at all. I grinned at him, he was so cute. 

"I can break an egg." Tristan says defensively.

"Of course you can, even a baby could. It's a matter of breaking it so it falls into the pan." I tease him laughing hard. 

Tristan glares at me playfully. 

"If you don't put anything on the pan, the eggs gonna stick to it when you pour it in after you figure out how to break it." I tell him. 

"What do I put in it then?" Tristan asks setting the egg back down into the box. 

"Butter." I say and stand up to walk to the stove. The pan was already steaming hot. Tristan joins me at the stove and adds the butter. I take theegg and hand it to him. He holds it in one hand and then I guide him by breaking the egg at the side of then pan and then over the pan. He doe the other egg similiarly. The egg is almost cooked and he still hasn't broken it apart "You want to break the egg up before it burns?" I prompt him. 

"Right, yeah. That'll be a good idea." Tristan says and takes the spatula and chops down on the eggs. 

I switch off the stove and the pan begins to cool down. "Leave it there. Get the rest of the ingrediants first" I tell him. I transfer the egg to a plate and then wash the pan and add oil to it. I let the oil heat up and help Tristan assemble my sanwich. 

"I'm gonna cook the bacon." Tristan says 

"Do you know how to?" I ask him smiling at him as his face changes to a skeptical one.

"Come," I say and take the bacon with me. Tristan stands behind me and I let him take the bacon and spatula. I wrap my hand sover his and then I nod my head telling him to put the bacon in. Tristan clevery throws the bacon into the pan and the oil jumps around. "Next time try not to burn youself. Or me." I say and then I guide his hands as the bacon cooks. When that's done, Tristan smiles proudly at his work. 

"Okay, now you go sit there. I am taking over." He says and walks me to the stool again. 

I laugh and sit down and watch as he assembles the sanwich and places it in the toaster. He walks over to me and I turn to face him. With me on the stool we are at the same height. I wrap my legs around his wasit and hols him close to me. "Will you please kiss me?" I beg him. 

"Nope." He says firmly but he leans down and kisses the back of my ear and I moan and lgive him more excess to it. 

"Tri..." I say my stomach already in knots. He pulls away and smiles at me traces my face. 

"I'm glad you told me about this. It's like finally, there isn't a white elephant in the room. We finally have no secrets between us." He says holding me in his arms. 

"Me too, it feels good to talk about it with someone and also I can finally be honest with you." I say smiling at him. 

Tristan pulls away then, to take the sandwichs out and I watch as his muscular well shaped body moves around the kitchen. He sets the plates before us and sits down next to me. "Bon appetite" He says taking his sandwich and shoving it in his mouth. I smile and take  a much smaller bite. I taste the egg and cheese but realise it's too bland. 

"We forgot salt." I say laughing. 

"Damn. Do you want some now?" Tristan asks worried. 

I shake my head and continue eating. "How long have you liked me for?" I ask Tristan out fo the blue looking forward and half-hiding behind my sandwich.

"Well, let's see, I liked you when you ate ice cream with me at the park and would eat the ice cream like it was going to run away if you didn't devour it then and there. I espsecially liked you when you always insisted on being in my team when we played at the park. I liked you when you stood up to me and Jasper when you caught the two of us stealing, I liked you when even though you knew it was wrong you covered for us at the shop. I liked you when you used to come over during Christmas and take ownership of the cookie jar my mum made. You would be so persistent. No one could take it away from you. I loved that. You only shared it with me and that too was little." Tristan says laughing. I laughed with him remmebering those days when that was my one and only worry. 

"I liked you when that dog was on the street and it wasn't actually lost but you pretended it was and practically dragged it home. You parents were so shocked. I swear their expressions were priceless.  Your mother was ready to send you with the owners of the dog then." Tristan says taking a bite of sandwich. I was watching him as he listed it to me. He turned to face me and turned me so I was staring at him directly. "I liked you when you met us after that agonising two weeks and you burst into tears and you didn't want anyone but me to hold you while you cried. I liked you when you would smile at us even though you were upset. I loved it when you would put on a act of happiness and carefree with us just so we won't be upset about it. I loved the way you talked to Jasper and calmed him down when his parents hadn't come home that Christmas too. Then I just began loving everything about you. Everything you did, said. Your laugh, the way you'd look around to see if anyone was staring you at the park. The way you'd laugh so hard when you were on the swing. I swear I am still jealous of that stupid swing." Tristan says smiling. 

I can't hold it back anymore. I pounce at Tristan and sit on his lap. "I love you." I say and kiss him. Tristan kisses me back but it's really to one side and gentle. 

"Baby, Please. I can't kiss you now. I don't want to." he says and holds my face. 

"I love you." I tell him again.

Tristan smilies at me, "Date two and you're already professing your love to me." he teases me. 

I roll my eyes at him and scrunch up my nose at him. 

"Oh god, I love it when you do that. I just want to pull your nose." he says and touches my nose. 

I do it again and cuddle upto him. Tristan wraps his arms around me and holds me. "Don't you want to continue eating?" he asks me after a while. 

"Nope. Too full." I say and hug him. 

"Fine then be ready for crumbs in your hair." he say and I hang onto him as he leans forward and takes his sandwich and bites in. He has about a quarter left so it isn't long before he's done. "Babe, you gotta get up sometime." Tristans says stroking my hair. 

I shake my head and I feel his chest rumble as he laughs at me. Tristan kisses the side of my head and carries me out of the chair and puts me down on my own stool. "I will clean up" He says unlatching my hands from aroudn his back. 

"Wow, Tristan Shaw, cleans?" I say in awe mocking him. 

"HA-Ha" He says and walks around the counter and takes the dishes and brings them to the sink. I stand up and walk next to him taking a towel so I can dry. We are almost done when I hear the front door opening. I look at Tristan scared out of my wits. Crap. Tristan looks at me shocked too. I pull him with me to the back door. "Go!" I say and shut it. I don't see where he's going but I turn around just in time to see who it was: Jasper.

I stare at him shocked and relieved at the same time. Jasper however has a more drastic expression "What the hell" He exclaims. 

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