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☁︎ junchan • « jun + chan; ace.»

☁︎ sickfic. 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘃𝗼𝗺𝗶𝘁.


3:00am. chan let out little moans as he tossed and turned, clutching onto his stomach. he whimpered at the pangs of pain hitting his head and shivered at the feeling of the blankets against his skin.

you didn't need any special education to know that chan was sick.

and badly.

the poor boy hadn't slept the whole night. he didn't know how he ended up this way, but he knew he'd have to suffer alone.

chan coughed, then letting out a wet burp. he ignored it at first, but then the burp arrived again, sounding worse than before.

uh oh.

he then gagged, clasping a hand over his mouth. the male dashed to the bathroom, dropping in front of the toilet bowl as he vomited. the food he ate that day was a greenish-yellow tint, and disgustingly chunky, which made him vomit again.

chan clutched onto the sides of the toilet bowl, tears streaming down his face as he choked on sobs, continuing to puke. it hurt so bad. and he felt so tired.

his knuckles had turned white at the pressure he was holding onto the toilet with.

to chan's surprise, a warm hand made its way underneath his shirt, rubbing comforting circles.

"it's okay. you're okay," a calming voice spoke.


earlier on, jun had stirred awake from the noise chan was making earlier. he was worried, since chan never made such noise unless he was sick.

and as he expected, he truly was.

he went to the bathroom, following the gagging noises to see his dongsaeng. he was crouched over the toilet, puking his guts out. the colour had drained from his slightly tanned face to a pale white, jun scared at how badly ill he was.

jun ran to chan's side, bringing a hand underneath his shirt to rub circles. skinship always helped him feel better.

"it's okay. you're okay," he spoke in a reassuring voice, patting chan's back with a free hand.

"hyu-ng," the boy choked out between tears before bending his head down to throw up again.

"god, chan. how long have you been feeling like this?"

chan lifted his head, finally done emptying his stomach. he spat out what was left, almost collapsing due to how exhausted he was.

jun stablised him with a hand on the back, stroking his sweaty hair.

"your forehead's really hot. we should get you back to bed, hm?" he suggested, chan replying with a weak nod.

jun lifted chan up from the floor, making sure to hold onto him in case he fell. they slowly walked back to their shared room, jun carefully resting chan onto the bed.

"i'm gonna get a thermometer, definitely some towels.. are you thirsty, chan?" jun asked, earning a small grunt as a yes.

"okay, i'll get you some water. and everything.. else, be right back."

jun rushed out of the room, darting to the bathroom to grab everything he needed for chan. he tried to grab everything as fast as possible; the poor thing looked like he was suffering.

he also got a trash can in case the younger threw up again.

he brought everything back to the room, organising it on the nightstand.

"okay, can you open your mouth for me?" jun asked, picking up the thermometer.

chan opened his mouth slightly to enable jun to put the thermometer back into his mouth. the poor thing was too weak to hold it there, so jun did it for him.

a small beep became audible and jun removed the thermometer.

"99?" he exclaimed, looking worriedly at chan,  who had flinched from the sudden yell.

"sorry. but i need you to take these fever reducers, okay?"

chan shook his head with a pout, turning over.

"kang yuchan."

the boy gulped at the use of his full name.

"if you don't take these right now.. i'll do my aegyo."

chan turned around to face jun.

"you wouldn't."

"i would."

the boy folded his arms, facing away from the medicine.

"yuchannie~?" jun cooed, moving his head into his view.

"oh god, please," chan begged, grabbing a pillow and slamming it over his face.

"junnie wants you to take your medicine. pleaseee-"

"fine! god, i'm too weak to reach up and flick your forehead right now," chan grumbled, taking the fever reducers and downing them, a sour expression on his face after.

"it's strawberry, it should taste good," jun put the medicine back in the box.

"sure doesn't taste like it. eurgh."

jun chuckled at the boy's reaction, getting a towel off the nightstand to dab his sweat from his forehead.

"how do you feel?"

"better 'cause you're here."


"but you love me."

jun shook his head, earning a pout from the younger.

"you know i'm kidding. do you want anything else?" he asked.

"cuddles?" chan begged.

"but i'll get sick," jun said.

"pleaseeee?" he whined.

"fine, only if you promise to sleep. you need rest."

jun went over to the other side of chan's bed, climbing in before holding him in his arms. chan snuggled against his hyung's chest contently, earning a low laugh from jun. he eventually became sleepy after the hair playing, his eyes closing down.

"night, channie," jun kissed the side of the boy's head with a smile, soon falling asleep as well.


hope you enjoyed !! ♡︎

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