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🍍- part two!

hyunjin twisted and turned underneath his bedsheets, his eyes squeezed shut as if an attempt to block out the horrid dream he was experiencing. gentle whimpers left the boy's lips; why could he never sleep well?

he tossed and turned repeatedly, his breathing speeding up. he couldn't cope with such a dream. it was getting to a point where he felt like he was suffocating.

"leave me alone... please..." he mumbled, gripping the sheets with his hands.

this one was much worse than usual.


changbin had gotten up for some water from the kitchen sink. his hand reached for a glass from the cabinet when he heard a thud from hyunjin's room.

"hm?" he took a step back, leaning back.

his eyes stared at the white wooden door with not only confusion, but slight worry. was he okay?

oh, of course he was. changbin just liked to blow everything out of proportion.

there was absolutely no need to check on him. things like this happen.



changbin found himself in front of the boy's door regardless, knocking thrice. the door creaked open slightly from the third knock, changbin taking that as an invitation to come in. he first peeped into the room, not seeing hyunjin on his bed.


he fully opened the door, looking down by his feet.

he gasped upon seeing the sight on the floor.

hyunjin was shivering on his bedroom carpet, his eyes tightly closed. he was shuffling around where he lay, restless.

"hyunjin!" changbin dropped to his knees, shaking the boy's arm with a little pressure. "wake up! please.."

hyunjin shot up from where he was asleep, panting heavily.

"a-are you okay?" changbin asked, staring at the blonde who now had tears running down his face.

hyunjin looked at changbin with glassy eyes. he just needed somebody to hug. tears leaked down his reddened cheeks.

"it's okay... um. how do you comfort someone crying? just..." he wrapped his arns around him, pulling him into his embrace.

hyunjin instictively buried his head into the crook of changbin's neck. he smelt good. like, the type of scent to make hyunjin sleepy. he nuzzled gently, closing his eyes.

changbin stroked his back in a caring manner, his heart sinking a little. did he always have these? whatever they were, they seemed to make him really upset.

"how do you feel right now?" he asked, looking at hyunjin.

"mm. sleepy." hyunjin mumbled a reply.

"come on. let's get you back to bed."

changbin wrapped his hands securely around his waist, lifting him and sitting him on the bed. he laid his head onto the pillow and placed his legs onto the bed also.

"alright. all done. are you gonna be okay now?"

"...wait. don't go. stay for a little longer." he said with a sleepy pout, grabbing his hand and nuzzling into it.


changbin actually ended up sleeping next to hyunjin that night. he held him close after the boy had flinched multiple times from whatever dream he was having.

he didn't know why. but at that moment, with hyunjin held tight against his chest, his heart began pounding. as if he was flustered.

changbin was never one for skinship, but with hyunjin, he had just... clicked.

"...who are you really, hwang hyunjin?"


its finally done!! sorry for the weird ending! im back and will (hopefully) post more! i love you all, and stay safe!!

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