Chapter 1

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My name is Skylar Clifton and I have a giant problem. What is it you might ask? Well you see, I have fallen in love with my best friend!

Jade Tate.

She's everything anyone could ever want. She's beautiful, talented, understanding, and best of all, reliable. The kind of gal that's always there when you need her and always has your back. So just one question, how the heck am I ever going to get her to like me!?

To give you some background on everything, we first met in middle school. I had just moved here from Texas. You see, being from Texas a lot of people automatically assume things about you. Like they actually thought I was going to be some country accented redneck. Maybe my bright ginger hair and pale pinkish skin didn't help me that much. People thought they had me pegged. Expect they were totally wrong!

I don't have an accent, for the most part.

I don't like Barbeque, yes even my mother disowns me on this.

And I don't like country music, nor have I ever owned or ridden a horse.

Seriously, what is up with that stereotype? Like people really think Texans are cowboy hat-wearing, horseback riding, barbeque eating rednecks? That is not even remotely true. I mean have you ever been to Houston? Now if you told me Texans have a thing for pickup trucks well... can't really argue with that one.

Anyway! I'm not like any of those things. I like to keep to myself. Head down, eyes forward kind of girl. I'm as introverted as they come. Always have been. Trying to socialize with people stresses me out. I get all clammy and start blabbering random nonsense. It's actually really unfortunate and embarrassing. With that being said,

Here is how I met Jade Tate.

My mom is convinced I am 'extraordinary' that I could make it big. Because of this, she enrolled me in this fancy private school for talented people. I'm talking about future pop stars, actors, and Olympians. That kind of thing. In summary, I am an introvert in a school filled to the brim with extroverts.

I will seriously pay someone to put me out of my misery.

Any takers?

Why does my mom think I am extraordinary? Well here it is, are you ready? I Skylar Clifton, am a really fast runner. Pretty impressive right? Yes, you can all have my autograph when I make it big.

Okay no, but seriously back to reality.

Jade is what people like to call a triple threat. She can sing, she can dance, but most of all she can freaking act. This last detail certainly plays a major role in things. See what I did there, role, like actors take on roles... no?

Right, back on topic.

So how did I meet Jade? Well, Lincoln's school of the gifted has a tradition. If someone moves in from another state and enrolls in the school you know what they do? Well, picture this. There I am the geekiest, saddest, most introverted looking kid walking in on my first day mid-fall semester.

Not only was I late due to my annoying little sister hogging the bathroom but I am also deathly afraid of surprises. So, there I am, walking into the school for the first time and I nearly pee myself and have a heart attack simultaneously. Now that's what I call talent.

Why did I nearly die on the spot? Well, the whole theater and dance program was waiting for me. They did a spontaneous flash mob. Like I am talking full-on high school musical. Something out of some b-rate Disney movie. It scared the bejesus out of me. They were jumping on tables and spinning around singing some type of welcome to me.

I just stood there trying not to pee myself and waited until they stopped. Then Jade Tate walked over to me and gave me a tour of the school. Keep in mind I was only like ten years old when this happened. This school is different they actually trust their students so a ten-year-old giving another ten-year-old a tour of the school wasn't that out of the ordinary. At least to them, it wasn't.

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