Chapter 1: The Black Swordsman

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This book will be a little bit different. It will be entirely third person. In the beginning, Y/N will not reveal who he is to the ORC. It's not until Kiba challenges a duel to Xenovia and Irina to a duel in season 2 is when he'll reveal himself.


It was entirely dark out in the small town of Kuoh. A black haired boy was seen, standing on the edge of a building's roof. 

The boy had two pictures in his hand. The other was in his jacket pocket. On one of the pictures, there was three kids. One was a younger version of him, black hair and black eyes. The other kid had brown hair and brown eyes while the other young kid had chestnut hair and violet eyes. The other picture had a group of kids that were at least around fourteen years of age. One particular boy stood out though. He had blond hair and blue eyes with a arm wrapped around the same black haired boy. This was Y/N.

He stood on the building, letting the wind blow by him. His jacket flows in the way of the wind. His two swords that rested in the sheathes on his back. He looked up at the sky and let a tear fall out.

Y/N: Kiba...Issei...Irina...everyone. You all must think I'm dead now. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promises to you.

Y/N was a kind-hearted boy growing up. Always caring for his friends and family. Despite losing his parents in a car crash at the age of 8, he didn't let that get to him. He was most happy when he had his friends at his side. Especially his best friend Kiba. The two were great friends. Even rivals as they spent most of their time dueling each other. But since the purge he's become a loner. He would remove himself from society. Basically meaning that he would try to avoid contact with most people.

But nowadays, he's considered dead among his friends. Kiba thought he had perished when the church members had purged them that day. Y/N was forced to survive in the hellish cold. He was soon picked up by a devil. Her name was Serafall Sitri. One of the great devil kings. While she wanted Y/N to become a member of her peerage, he declined politely and had said that he rather gained power on his own rather than granted. She respected that decision and has kept contact with him throughout the years. Y/N had requested Serafall that he remain the secret. While she was confused why, she considered him friend as did he so she honored the request.

Throughout the years, Y/N had grown stronger. Improving his skill with the sword and gained the ability to infuse his magic into them, strengthening his attacks. He dubbed these abilities as "Sword Skills." While he did know some minor magic spells, he rather used his swords do the talking. In order to make a living for himself, he worked as a mercenary. Going by the name of 
"The Black Swordsman." This was due to the single hand sword he wielded, Elucidator and the black cloak he wore. The coat of midnight.

Most of the jobs he got were from Serafall and the Governor of Fallen Angels, Azazel. But he has gotten some jobs to slay stray devils from the Devil King Sirzechs Lucifer or the Head Angel, Michael. While he knew God had perished from the previous Great War, he had asked that he was kept a secret from Irina. Michael understood as Y/N wanted to tell her that he was still alive on his own accord. Same thing with his friends Issei and Kiba.

Something vibrates in his coat pocket. He pulled out his phone and received a job to slay two stray devils. Both the jobs were about 4,000 yen each so Y/N accepted the job. As Y/N walked to the job location, hands in pocket, he thought back to before the purge. What if he wasn't taken away from his friends? What if he was never in the Holy Sword Project? He always did fancy Irina. He even had a crush on her growing up. Despite the tomboyish side she showed, it never really bothered Y/N. He then wonders if he was still with Kiba and if the purge never happened. Y/N always liked dueling him. But that was in the past now. The only thing he could do was move forward. 

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