OVA #11: The Seal of the Right Eye

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Warning. This OVA chapter contains depictions of rape as the it bases of one of the episodes of SAO: Alicization. If you don't like anything that involves rape, I suggest you stop reading this chapter now. You have been warned.


Kiba and the others still sat in the living room of the Hyoudou residence. He was hesitant of telling everyone of the Seal of the Right Eye. After all, it brought him many terrible memories.

Everytime he tried to speak, he would have to take a deep breath.

Rias: Yuuto, it's okay if you don't want to say anything.

Kiba: No, no. I-It's fine. It's just...I really need to get it off my chest. To put it simply, the Seal of the Right Eye was this seal in our right eye that would prevent us or discourage us from breaking the Taboo Index. It requires a great amount of willpower to do so.

Asia: Does Y/N-san have it as well?

Kiba: For some odd reason, no. He didn't have it.

Akeno: Have you broken it before? Has anyone else broken it?

Kiba: I...did break the seal. But I only did it because it was the right thing to do.

Xenovia: Why? What made you break the seal?

Kiba: (takes a deep breath and exhales) It began when our pages had told us about a problem about their friend, Frenica. Her sword mentor was a seat higher than us and was also a high-class noble, meaning they could find ways around the Taboo Index and could get away with it. How I broke it...


One more warning. Stop reading now as the rape depictions begin soon. Again, stop reading if you don't like anything that has to do with rape and sexual harassment.

March 23, 380 in the time of the realm of humanity

Eugeo and Kirito were waiting in their dorm rooms, waiting for Tiese and Ronie to show back up. The two were cleaning their swords to pass the time.

Soon, a bell was rung, signaling past curfew.

Kirito: Isn't that the four-thirty bell?

Eugeo: Eh? (looks out window) You're right. Is it that late already?

Kirito: Ronie and Tiese are late. They've never been late to clean before, have they?

Kirito stands up from his chair, grabbing the scabbard for his sword and sheathes it.

Kirito: I have a bad feeling about this. (opens window) I'll check the primary trainees' dorm. They might be on their way here, so you stay and wait for them.

Eugeo: Hey, Kirito, you should use the front--

But it was too late already as Kirito had leaped out of the window, grabbing the branch and making his way down the building.

With no choice but to sit there, Eugeo sits on the couch, waiting for their sword valets to show up. A knock could be heard coming from the door. He smiles, thinking it's their sword valets. Heading to the door, he opens it. It reveals a young girl with brown hair in a two-braid style. She had brown eyes and was wearing the primary trainees' uniform. Her clothes were wet as it was raining hard outside.

???: Um...are you Elite Disciple Eugeo?

Eugeo: (uneasy) Yes. And you are?

Frenica: I-I'm Primary Trainee Frenica Cesky. I-I apologize for coming to see you without an appointment. But I just don't know what to do!

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