OVA #4: Sparring Matches

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Kiba, Klein, Xenovia, Asuna, Irina, and Y/N were standing in the training room of the Hyoudou residence.

Y/N: So why are we all here again?

Klein: Sparring!

Y/N: Uh huh?

Klein: What? You going to chicken out?

Y/N: But we aren't going to have a bet.

Kiba: Then let's make things more interesting.

Asuna: Like what?

Kiba: We were planning on having a big dinner later on as celebration for Asia, Issei, and Y/N for winning their respective activities for the Sports Festival so whoever loses the sparring matches, will have to buy the supplies for the dinner. There will be redemption matches so the true loser there will have to pay for it.

Xenovia: I like the idea.

Y/N: Sure, I'm down.

Asuna: I guess.

Irina: Sounds fun!

Klein: Then let's get this started!

(A/N): Going to primarily focus on the reader's fights. I don't want to make this too long as these are usually short side stories.

The first match was between friends, Xenovia and Irina. Xenovia was the better of the two, but it was a close match. The next match was up against Kiba and Klein. Klein didn't last that long and ended up losing in two minutes.

Asuna: Looks like it's our turn.

Y/N: Sure is. (draws Night Sky Sword)

Asuna: Oh? Not using the other one?

Y/N: It's been awhile since I've done one-handed. Thought I'd give it go during this match.

Asuna: (draws Lambent Light) I won't lose.

Y/N: Same here.

The two get into their stances and prepare to duel. Y/N rushes forward using the skill {Vertical}. Asuna counters the skill using the Rapier Skill {Linear}, dashing forward, thrusting Lambent Light forward. A loud metallic clink could be heard as the two metal blades clash together. Using Skill Connect, Y/N uses the skill {Vertical Arc}, swinging his sword down then upward like a v-shape.

Asuna dodges the oncoming attack and uses the skill {Oblique}, which was similar to {Linear} but it's thrusting power was more powerful. Y/N parries the rapier and sends it down, bringing the sword back to his side and uses the skill {Slant}, swinging his sword up diagonally from the left. Asuna raises her rapier and narrowly deflects the blade, shaving off a few strands of her hair off. She jumps back, using her light based magic attacks to fire at Y/N. The Black Swordsman uses the skill {Deadly Sins} to cut down the light based attacks.

Asuna couldn't see as the he cut down the attacks and high speeds, causing the light to attacks to shine brightly as they were cut

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Asuna couldn't see as the he cut down the attacks and high speeds, causing the light to attacks to shine brightly as they were cut. As soon as she opened her eyes, the tip of the Night Sky Sword was near her throat.

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