16 - Awkward Silences and Confessions

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Hanna pov

I sit across from my father. He smiles at me before taking a bite of his meal. I think about what I should say. Surely I wasn't the only one who thought this silence was awkward.

"So how's school?" He asked casually, saving me from my thoughts. I didn't know how to answer. Should I sound brainy and tell him I was passing? Or would that be bragging? Did it bother him when people brag? Did Kate usually brag? I bet she did. She seemed like the type to brag about things.

"It's okay, I guess." Was the answer I came up with, and he nodded. I was stressing out. It was the first time I had been with mt dad for ages, and I was so nervous. That's when I got a text. I apologised, then looked at my phone.

You have half an hour to tell daddy your little secret. Good luck.
- A

I panicked. How would he react? Was A really forcing me to come out to my dad? How do you even do that?

I guess he noticed I was panicking, because he gave me a worried glance. "What's wrong, Hanna?" He asked, and I thought over everything carefully.

"Do you mind if Emily comes here? We need to tell you something..." I began.


Emily sat beside me, holding my hand underneath the table. She had agreed to come to the restuarant to help me out, and had taken all of 5 minutes to end up sat beside me. My father was staring at us, waiting. I could tell he was curious as well as concerned.

"Dad....erm......me and Em are...." I was choking on my words, not knowing how to say it.

"We're together, Mr Marin." Emily burst out, then gave me a reassuring look. She brought our intertwined fingers up on to the table, in full view of my father. He seemed to be thinking really hard, and then gave us a smile.

"I knew it. I guess I owe your mum some money." He shrugged, and then went back to his dinner. I swear my jaw was hanging open.

"Am I in a movie or something? Did you just say what I think you did? Or imply what I think you did?" I asked, and my dad gave me a smirk.

"Me and your mother have been waiting since you were 13 to hear you admit it. Both of you. It was obvious that something more was going on." He explained cooly.

"You made a bet?" I was still so shocked he had taken it well. And to bet on it?

"Yes. Your mother said you would tell us together and make a deal of it." He smiled again, and everything melted inside of me. I was happy. Emily gave me a huge smile before leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"No kissing or stuff in front of me. Public shows of affection make me embarrassed." He reasoned, making us laugh.

Again, my phone buzzed and I took my hand out of Em's to check it.

You're welcome. Now you don't have to sneak around.
- A

I didn't understand. A made me tell my dad to....help me out? What?....

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