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Magic can also be found in certain types of animals (they are usually endangered or extinct), however these animals cannot perform magic, they mostly only have special traits.
Examples of such animals are;
The Tejina koi- these variant of koi fish has the ability to change it's colors sporadically.
The Tribus Macaca Fascicularis- which is a monkey with an extra arm on it's back.
And finally the Marvis butterfly- with tar black wings, this butterfly can momentarily stun humans when they stare at it's wings.
There are rumors of other magical animals, but only the existence of these three have been confirmed by humans.

It was still freezing from the snow that had fallen the previous day.

Racheal has a jacket and gloves on as she sat besides Micah on a bench.
The sun had already set and the only lights visible were from the castle behind them and the night sky.

"So, magic instructor huh? How'd that happen?"

Racheal laughed and shrugged.

"This is actually my first job as a Magic instructor. I was recommended by my proprietor."

"That sounds like a story."

"Not really. I decided to learn how to read and eventually I became interested in magic; especially magical oddities. It's all so very interesting," she said, her eyes glowing.

Micah smilled.

"I know right. Humanity hasn't scratched the surface of magic."

"What if humanity has scratched all that it can?" Racheal asked in a low, pondering voice.

"What do you mean?"

Racheal turned to him and anxious excitement, like she was about to reveal a taboo secret.

"What if we aren't alone. Ancient texts from the 9th century and prior talk about mythical creatures like fairies and mermaids like they were normal but after the void age, creatures were never spoken of again. Isn't that a little odd? What if, they do exist!"

Micah swore he could see golden rays seeping from her. It almost blinded him.

"That's one heck of a theory. It's almost unbelievable."
But Micah did not look like he did not believe.
For the first time since they met, he felt like he was finally seeing her and not Enid's parent.

"Almost...but not quite.


Two weeks had passed before Avery heard the knock she had been waiting for.
Enid spent a week recovering from her fever but even after that, she had refused to leave her room.

"Come in, the door's open."

Enid opened the door.
She had lost weight overnight.

Her hair was matted and shaggy and she had bags under her eyes.

She walked up and sat on the chair opposite Avery. They were in the library.

"Took you long enough, I thought you were going to cry for God knows how long."

Enid did not reply, she just stared at Avery lifelessly.

"I mean, it's not like she's gone forever.

"Funny, that's what Racheal said about Micah."

"Well she was right. He's not gone forever either. Suck it up, we have work to do."

"Shut up."

Avery stared, mildly surprised.


"I said shut up! It's your fault this is happening!" She screamed hysterically

"Really? Educate me. How is this my fault."

"You were the one who kept telling her she was nothing; she was Racheal! If I hadn't said that I wanted to live here, we would be in the temple together.
Now she's left me, just like Micah left me. Just like my parents left me. Why does everyone leave?"

She burst into violent tears.

Avery tapped her feet on the floor, patiently watching this new side of Enid.

"You're surprisingly thoughtless, aren't you?"

"Shut up!" She yelled again

"What about Racheal? She had no one either but she spent most of her life taking care of you. Hasn't she earned the right to finally do what she wants?"

Enid's hard cries turn to whimpers. She did not want to hear what Avery had to say because she knew she'd be right.

"You know Racheal loves you but apart from that, she has always wanted to be part of whatever you would become. She knows she can't do that as just a maid without magic so she's trying to be as much as she can; learn as much as she can.
It's so sickening, bettering yourself just to be part of someone else's life...but I feel like we're similar in a way."

"Racheal is nothing like you," Enid muttered but Avery heard her.

"The only difference between us is that my end goal is fame and a life beyond royal debauchery but Racheal's is merely the primal craving of satisfying her curiosity and for that we're both willing to do anything. So for both of our sakes, you better focus on yourself and your training. We can't wait to see what you'll become."

Enid who till then, sat quietly as Avery rambled sighed and got up.

"You made absolutely no sense to me...I'm going to bed. We can continue with your stupid lessons tomorrow."

Avery grinned.

"Atta girl."

Author's note
This is a pretty short chapter. I apologise.
Stuff's been happening and it has become increasingly harder for me to focus on my story.
I will try to do better

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