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Racheal walked quickly through the stone paved street.

Avery had told her that it was okay to go to the school early because the owner lived there.

She also gave her money for enrollment which she initially refused to take.

"It's for all the work you've been doing here, stop acting so self righteous and take it,"
Racheal's veins almost popped from her forehead as she took the money.

The school was an old looking building which, although towered over the little shops and houses in the area, was in no way a huge building.

It was built with red bricks and a lot of windows. Right on top of the front door was a sign that read 'Windsor'.

Racheal stares at it but had no idea what it said.

"This was never an issue back at the temple..."

She knocked twice and waited.


She began to shuffle her feet awkwardly at the discomfort of having to wait with no reply.

Just as she was about to knock again, the door opened.

A man in his mid 20's who towered over Racheal stood on the other side of the door.

He held a broom and an apron which greatly contradicted the stoic look on his face.
His brown eyes gazed at her lazily, as if he could barely keep them open but they held a silent intelligence that Racheal picked up on immediately.

"What do you want? Classes don't start till 9."
The depth of his voice startled her. Despite his attire, Racheal was very intimidated by this man.

"Um, I'm not a student...yet. I want to enroll. "

The man answered with a hum as he appraised her.

"I see, come in. Mrs Ingram will see you."

Racheal bowed slightly in thanks and went in before the man shut the door.

Inside the building was cold, probably due to the brick walls and sparce furniture.

The man led Racheal up a flight of stairs to a room just beside it.
He knocked on the door and opened it.

The room had a small table with a small elderly woman behind it. The only other furniture was a chair opposite the table and two large bookshelves against the walls, filled with books.

"Mrs Ingram, there's a girl who wants to enroll."

The woman looked up from a book on the table.

"A girl?" She adjusted her pair of glasses.

Racheal felt that they were too big for her.

"Quite a young one. Why would you want to study here? To be honest, it's more of a book club for old geezers than it is a school."

"Well, I heard of this place from the neighours and decided that I want to study here," Racheal said smiling a bit too brightly.

"I see. And what form of education have you had?"

Racheal stared at her feet as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"None." She said as clearly as she could.

This seemed to peek the old woman's interest as she stared at Racheal more intently.

"What's your magic affinity."

Racheal's heart sunk. She couldn't tear her gaze from the floor.

They're going to turn me away. Can't I even study without magic?

DISCARDED: The Ones The World Did Not NeedWhere stories live. Discover now