Chapter 2; I still hear the voices

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After Tommy yelled at Dream, he decided he would go on a walk. It was late but he was 16, he can take care of himself. He put on a green coat and walked around his neighborhood. Counting the steps trying to get what happened off his mind until he heard;

"Tommy! Look, bees.!" A voice said, it sounded like Tubbo?!

"TUBBO?!" Tommy yelled out, No response.

Tommy just kept walking, but still heard Tubbo's voice, seeming like ever time he heard it, it got worse and worse, closer and closer.

"Tommy! HELP! DREAM HAS A SWORD" Followed by laughter from the voices.

Tommy cried on his way back home when he heard one sentence he won't get out of his head.


Tommy pulled at his hair and bit his nails, worrying, crying, and just overall being a mess. He got home around 7:36. He walked inside and looked at his phone on his bedside. He opened it up and looked through his texts.

              ( Toby(Idiot) )




Tubbo- [3 attachments]

Tommy-bruh moment

Tubbo-oh shut up, wanna stream with me?

Tommy-sure green boy better haven't given my disks to that skEpPy guy

Tubbo-A NEW WAR!

Tommy looked through their messages laughing, and crying. He stopped only to receive a call from none other then Badboyhalo or known as Darryl. "Tommy! The others wanted me to talk to you, you okay." Darryl said, sounding worried, you could hear rat in the background barking at who knows what. "I-I'm fine bad, tell the others they don't need to worry. I'm fine, if they say it again I'm going to fucking-" Tommy was interrupted by a "LANGUAGE, and Tommy, you aren't okay. I know when someone is lying, I've worked with kids before. Now just tell me what's wrong." Darryl said calmly.
"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG? MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD, THATS WHATS WRONG BAD, WHATEVER THEY ARE TRYING TO DO WON'T HELP BRING HIM BACK OKAY? HE IS GONE, f-forever." Tommy yelled as his voice cracked and broke, crying loudly. "Can you come on SMP later on tomorrow? By 1:20?" Darryl said, trying to keep this call calm, not wanting anything to go wrong. "Alright." Agreed Tommy and as he hanged up, he heard the voice again this time he saw something. He swore he saw Tubbo or someone that looked like him, standing in his room, but right when he blinked, they were gone.

I'm so going insane.. Tommy said, getting into bed and set his alarm for tomorrow.

~The next morning, a few minutes before he planned to meet them~

"You guys here yet?" Tommy said, he didn't talk or sound like the Tommy they all knew and.."Loved". He sounded tired, sad, and just overall sounded like a edgy emo kid you'd find by a ally. "Well Tommy, we all bought a ticket for all of us to go the UK, everyone from the SMP will be joining us." Said Fundy. "Mhm! It'll be so much fun!" Bad said.

Did they even hear what they were saying?! THEY WANTED TO HAVE FUN? ITS ONLY BEEN THREE DAYS SINCE TUBBO'S DEATH. They want to act like nothing happened, what the fuck.. Tommy thought, but he agreed to go. Maybe he could get his thoughts cleared, and stop hearing those voices.

~The day of the trip~

Tommy was the last one too arrive, he walked into a big crowd and looked for his friends. Until he felt a hand grab him, "WHAT- Oh, Hey Wilbur, you scared me.." Tommy said, still in the tone he was a week ago. "What should we do now?" George asked. "Let's watch a movie at George's house!" Said Sapnap, grabbing George's house keys from his pants pocket and ran out the building. "SAPNAP, YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING." Dream yelled. Everyone followed, Tommy stayed behind, singing Hamilton in his head, he heard that voice again..

"Tommy! Help! Please, please Tommy! I'm going to.." Tommy snapped out of his thoughts when he was flicked on the head, by Wilbur. "You okay? You've been standing out here for like a minute, everyone is inside." He said. "Oh! Sorry, I guess I just got distracted.." Tommy said laughing it off and walking past Wilbur inside.

They all stayed in the small living room, watching the movie laughing.

~Tommy's POV~

I don't know how came over me, I just started to cry, I felt scared, I felt like something was there, crushing me. I curled into a ball, I would talk even if I tried. "Tommy? Tommy!" Wilbur called. I didn't look up though, I just cried, I missed Tubbo, someone took him away from me, someone took my best friend. Who.. who though..?(If you saw the POV on tiktok YOU ALREADY KNOW! don't spoiler it >:0)

I finally got lifted my head, everyone was around me, I felt so embarrassed, I ruined everything. "Tommy, this isn't like you. We know Tubbo...'s death hurt you, but you have to learn to move on." George said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "NO I WONT BELIEVE HE ISNT DEAD! I KNOW HE IS OUT THERE." I yell and run out the front door and sit on the side of the road, crying. Fundy came out and sat next to me. "Listen Tommy, We all miss Tubbo, I know you miss him alot, but you have to face the truth that he won't be back." He said, trying to make me feel better. "NO! He is alive! I hear him! He always asking for help, and I'll help him GOD DAMNIT!" I yell and run farther from the house and into an ally.

"Tommy! Tommy are you okay?"  I hear the voices again. "N-no, I'm not okay Tubbo, they don't believe that you're still here." I cry to myself, I am lying too myself. I won't admit it, I can't if I give up on believing he isn't dead. He is going to be dead, I know he is there.. I know.

"TOMMY! OMG, THERE YOU ARE, YOU CRAZY MUFFIN HEAD DON'T RUN OFF AGAIN." Darryl yelled holding Tommy in a hug. Darryl never really liked how Tommy cussed alot, but this.. he felt like he really cared right now. "I-I'm sorry for running off I..I.." I was cut off. "It's okay Tommy, I understand what you're going through..denial, you don't want to believe it still. You don't have to, but one day, you're going too have to face the truth, and we will be here for you when you do that." Darryl said, calming me down. I'm glad I have friends like this, but now I'm the youngest of the whole group, I have no one to talk to, about stuff my age, cause me and Tubbo would always talk about it, don't cry don't cry again Tommy..

~3rd Person POV~

Darryl walked Tommy back to the house and let him inside, Wilbur hugged him. Tommy always felt like Wilbur was a big brother he never really had. "I-I'm so-" Tommy was cut off again. "It's alright, I told them what you said Tommy, we understand okay?" Fundy said. "But I do have a question, what do you hear..?" He said slightly worried. " used to be things Tubbo used to say, talk about the church prime, laughing, bees, Tubbo things," Tommy choked back a tear. Trying to explain what he heard. "It's alright Tommy, take you're time." Fundy said. "He said things like.."Please don't hurt me, I didn't do anything." O-or.. he said "Tommy help me! HELP." It scared likes he told me what he said the night he was murder...Ed." Tommy choked causing more tears too fall down. The whole room was shocked. They all decide that Tommy, Will, Fundy, and Eret would talk to Tommy about what happened. 

That was a long chapter 1354 words in the story! WOW! Longest chapter I've made, giving myself a pat on the back :] thank you for reading! Don't worry! Their'll be some happy chapters, key word: Some, I still take suggestions to the story, as long as you don't ask me to ship anyone, as this is NOT I repeat NOT a ship fanfiction, hope you enjoyed have a nice day stranger ^‿^♡

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