Useless And Dumb Update.

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So this isn't related too the story at all, but.. guys..


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I just wanted too say thank too you all for reading this, and I'm so happy so many people enjoy it, even if I made some of y'all cry.. hands tissues

Again, thank you so much, have a wonderful day, I know this update is useless cause it's been a long time (Only like two months.) Since this ended. Also, alot of you are asking where is Wilbur? Is he found, WELL HERE YOU GO, SORRY FOR BEING A FORGETFUL PERSON AND NOT WRITING IT- ಥ‿ಥ May the "Good ending part 2" continue..

It's been a week since what happened. Everyone was shaken up. Everyone always got into a huge VC every morning, and night. Just too make sure everyone is still alright.

"Damnit." Tommy said, holding his head. Tommy had a huge project he made, just for finding Wilbur. Wilbur still was missing, he knew he was still somewhere in the UK, everyone else still were there. Mostly too confirm everything with the judges and law.

Tommy's eyes looked up from the paper and pictures when he heard a call coming through from discord.

"Hello?" Tommy said, sounding tired.

"Tommy! Tommy!" Fundy said, catching the boy off guard. "You know how Wilbur is still missing?" Fundy said. "Yes, no need for the reminder.." Tommy responded sounding quite sad. "We might have a clue on where he is! I know this is sudden, including what happened last week, but we're asking if you could come back down here. Too be with us when we find Wilbur." Fundy said, taking a breath after. Tommy's eyes lit up, without a second thought, Tommy screamed; "Yes! Of course, obviously!"

Fundy smiled, and said they planned out the flight, all they need too do is wait.

Tommy packed all his work, and pictures and clues for where Wilbur could be, he smiled.

Let's find Big W! We can do it Tommy!

"Yes, we will Tubbo." Tommy smiled, closing him eyes too shed a small tear.

~The day of the arrival~

Tommy called up Dream asking for him too get him from the airport. "Are you here?" Tommy asked. "I've been here, I've been trying too tell you for the past 10 minutes!" Dream chuckled, honking the horn of a car. Tommy walked towards the car, too get tackled by Nihachu, and Fundy. "TOMMY!" Niha yelled, "You're okay!" She smiled. "Yes, I am!" Tommy said proudly, chuckling. "Alright let's get in the car." Fundy laughed, opening the door for them.

The four arrived home, Darryl saw them opening the door, and ran into Tommy, hugging him tightly. "Alright! Alright Big B! Hands off!" Tommy laughed pushing Darryl back a bit. "What does? Anyways! Welcome back Tommy!" Darryl said, a light in his eyes. "Hey Tommy." Sapnap said from the other room, walking out too greet the young lad. "Hey bitch." Tommy chuckled, flipping Sapnap off. "Is this because I killed you're cow!" Sapnap said, putting his hand on his chest dramatically. "Yep!" Smiled Tommy, placing his bag on the floor, opening it up too alot of papers. "Woah.. what's all that?" Dream asked, sitting on the ground where Tommy was. "Clues." Tommy responded in a sturrn voice. "Clues for Wilbur?" Darryl asked, sitting by him as well. Fundy joining the three on the ground. "No wonder you looked tired." Dream chuckled, nudging Tommy. "Oh be quiet, at least I'm good looking enough too be surrounded by women!" Tommy said laughing. "Really? Also says the one who can't even talk too one!" Dream responded, laughing after. "Anyways, I was able too..yawn too track the photo back, too the time it was taken, and with that, I was ab..yawn! Able too.." Tommy stopped, yawning. "Awh, does the child need his nap?" Sapnap said, poking his head around the corner. "Shut the hell up!" Tommy responded, a yawn after. "Language!" Darryl said. "But.. really Tommy! You should sleep. " Darryl smiled, helping Dream and Tommy off the ground. "Yeah, there's a open room down the hall too you're left." Dream said. Tommy nodded and went off, falling flat on the bed. I haven't slept in like 2 days.. Tommy thought, shutting his eyes.

"Tommy! Tommyinnt..where could you be~?" Eret chuckled, swinging around a small knife in his hands. Tommy shedded a tear, closing his eyes, trying too hold in a scream. "Found you!" Eret yelled. Tommy screamed. "What did I say about getting in my way?" Eret chuckled, holding the boy up by his shirt's collar. "Eret, please." Tommy said, able too get those words out before it was too late. "Please won't do anything..say hello too Tubbo for me, will you?" Eret said smiling, holding back the knife.

Tommy screamed, flinging himself up and in a cold sweat. He rubbed his head. "Just a nightmare Tommy!" Tommy said, reasureing himself. He got up too see everyone in the living room, going over Tommy's papers and  pictures. "Oh! Good morning Tommy." George said, waving slightly. "Hi." Tommy said, sitting on the floor by Fundy, who was staring at the paper. "Tommy, how'd you'd do this..?" Fundy asked looking over at the boy. "I just want too find my friend, and I'll do anything too do that." Tommy smiled.

"Wait, so he's..oh my god! YES! HES HERE! HES HERE!" Tommy repeated, jumping up and down. "Calm down you crazy muffin!" Darryl laughed. "I'm sorry I-" Tommy chuckled. "We're going too find Will?" Niha asked, smiling. "Yeah, we are." Dream said, smiling looking at everyone in the room.

~The next day~

Fundy, Nihachu, and Tommy all went too the location of where Wilbur would be. The three walked through a horrible trail, leading deeper into the UK woods. "God! that?" Fundy asked, pointing at a building. "ITS WILBUR!" Tommy yelled, running ahead and banging on the door. "Fuck! It won't open! Fundy, you're strong! Open it!" Tommy demanded. Fundy sighed, and pushed the door open, Tommy looked a little confused, when he realized he tried too pull it open. The three walked inside, their eyes widened when they saw a flipped over chair. Niha ran too the chair, seeing Wilbur half asleep on it. "WILBUR!' Niha screamed, Wilbur's eyes shot open, looking around and almost crying once more when he saw his friends. Fundy untied the man, who quickly ran too Niha and hugged her. "You guys actually came." Wilbur mumbled. Wilbur looked up at Tommy, and smiled, opening his arms. Tommy ran too his friend, hugging him. "Fuck you." Tommy mumbled chuckling. "Me? I was the one...nevermind." Wilbur laughed. The four all walked back too the car. Heading off for home.

"So Tommy, really did this?" Wilbur asked, sitting on the floor as the rest nodded. "You crazy ass child! You did this?" Wilbur asked. Darryl shot eyes at Wilbur's words, but shrugged it off. Tommy nodded. "I guess you can say he upgraded from child too, prograMANer?" Fundy said, chuckling. "How does programing have anything too do with this?" George asked, laughing. "I don't know! Let me have my jokes!" Fundy said, crossing him arms.

~3 hours later~

Everyone had went off too bed, Tommy sat on his bed, thinking.

Hey, Tommy? Thanks, thank you. For the revolution my good friend!

"Yes Tubbo,

For the revolution."


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