Chapter 7; Day of terror.

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Everyone woke up around 6-7. Eating breakfast and talked about video ideas, coding, and just life. Until Zak yelled; "GUYS, LETS GO TO THE BEACH!" He yelled, jumping out of his seat. "Sure! Sounds fun." George said in response, walking to his room to change, everyone else nodded or mumbled in agreement.

Tommy on his normal white an red shirt with some shorts, and sandals, deciding it'll be funny to wear socks under them. "Tommy, you are killing me with those shoes." Niha said, looking at his poor choice of fashion. Tommy shrugged as they walked down to the beach. Dream chased George with a crab in his hand, Sapnap following behind, laughing as hard as he could. Tommy just sat down on the towel, and watched everyone mess around. "Aren't you getting in?" Wilbur asked. "No, I'm good right here." Tommy said in response watching Wilbur shrug and walk back to Niha who was asking him to build a sand castle with her.

Tommy looked at the boards out on the water, remembering when him and Tubbo went boarding and almost drowned. Good times.. good times. Tommy thought. "Hey Tommy!" Eret said, a smiling grin on his face. Tommy looked around and saw no one else, he just looked at Eret and nodded. "Come get in the water Tommy! It'll be fun." Eret said, grabbing Tommy's arm pulling him into the water, Eret's smile not fading only getting bigger, bigger.. and bigger.

Tommy was tall, but even he couldn't stand normally without him standing on his tippy toes in the water. "What's wrong Tommy?" Eret said mockingly, pushing Tommy over making him fall into the water. "Sorry, Tommyinnt, but you've gotten too far in my way." Eret said under his breath. Pushing his foot on Tommy chest, keeping him under the water.

Tommy! Remember, you can't give up yet. Please don't, water breathing potions~!

Tommy heard the voice say. This is real life not a dumb GAME. Tommy thought. Tommy decided it was best to hold his breath and stay under till Eret swam back up too the beach or away. Tommy held onto a rock until he was sure Eret was gone, Tommy almost fainted from the loss of breathe. He swam up and took a huge sigh of relief. Tommy grabbed at his shirt, where his heart was, it was pounding. Eret had left the beach leaving Tommy there. He walked back to the towel to find a note, "Hey, sorry but, we decided that it was best for you and Eret too talk about your problems :) - Everyone" Tommy ripped it too pieces and put on a jacket that was left.

~At the house~

"You sure he'll be okay?" Darryl said, biting his nails, and shaking worried for Tommy and Eret. "Yes! I'm sure, they need to work it out." Wilbur responded. They turned too hear a knock on the door. George opened it too see a wet and "crying" Eret. "Eret! What happened!?" Fundy said, "Wheres Tommy..?" Dream said quietly. "I couldn't do it, I'm sorry." Eret said under his fake tears, sounding realistic. "Tommy.. no." Wilbur wispered to himself. "I went to find Tommy, I couldn't I just couldn't I didn't know where he was, I'm sorry! I-I." Eret said, covering his smile under his hands. "It's okay! It's alright, we will find him alright?" Fundy said, trying to calm the situation.

"FUCK." Wilbur yelled. Darryl looked at him, not able to say language, as he was heart broken at the fact another one of his friends disappeared. "Wilbur..calm down, we will find him ." Niha said, hugging the sobbing man. Everyone went to where they slept and sat down talking to each other about what happened, Eret walked too the bathroom and laughed at his reflection. "Two down, only seven more too go." He said to himself quietly.

~Back with Tommy :(~

Tommy shivered in the cold, turning dark. He tried to find his way back to the house, but was only able to get lost more. He looked in the pockets of the jacket and pulled out a smartphone. Yes, no password.. He thought too himself. He typed in the numbers of Wilbur's phone and waited for him to pick up. "Hello?" Tommy heard from the other side of the line. "WILBUR, PLEASE." Tommy yelled. "TOMMY?! OH MY GOD. WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT HAPPENED?" Wilbur yelled crying. "I don't know, please. I'm scared I don't want to be here anymore." Tommy said, choking back on his tears, full of fear, sadness, and betrayle. "Okay, stay on the line I'm coming to find you, try and head back to the beach." Wilbur said, as Tommy heard a car starting in the background. Tommy only made a "Alright" noise with his mouth, and retraced his steps the best he could. It was dark, and from being under the water for so long, Tommy could barely still walk, he saw the beach and smiled tumbling over and sitting down on the towel that was still there.

Tommy heard a car pulled up and running noises. He jumped up and turned around, seeing Wilbur pull him into a hug, both sobbing their eyes okay. "You fucking okay, you're okay." Wilbur repeated. "Yeah, I guess I am. I'm not dead am I?" Tommy laughed, trying to lighten the situation. "Let's go back, everyone is so worried." Wilbur replied walking back to the car, he turned around to see a frightened Tommy, who covered his mouth and hugged himself with both arms. "I can't. I can't see, him." Tommy said.

"What do you mean, who is him?" Wilbur said walking back to where Tommy stood. "Eret, I can't I CAN'T!" Tommy yelled, sobbing. His smile gone. "Fine, but why? Why do you hate Eret now? You two used to get along so well..what happened?" Wilbur asked.

"Tubbo is what happened, and Eret. He killed him, I know what you're gonna say, But HE TRIED TO DROWN ME AS WELL, BECAUSE YOU GUYS LEFT ME ALONE. IM SCARED WILBUR, I DONT WANT TO DIE." Tommy yelled. Wilbur pulling him into a hug. "I don't want to die, I don't want too Wilbur." Tommy repeated as he sobbed, choking back the tears, making more stain his coat. "I know, you won't Tommy, I won't let you, tomorrow we will let you fly home, alright? You won't be hurt anymore. You'll be okay, nothing is going to happen." Wilbur said, calmly the boy as he cried. Wilbur helped Tommy into the backseat. Tommy laid down as he heard the car start, and drive off. He just sobbed more and more, wishing Tubbo was here to help him through this. Wishing he had his best friend back.

Hah! YOU THOUGHT ID MAKE A HAPPY CHAPTER >:D Ok I'm sorry (´-﹏-';), but thank you so much for reading. :)) What will happen next after Eret finds out Tommy didn't die, WHAT WILL HAPPEN THE REST OF THEM? DUN DUN DUNNNN!N! (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

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