Chapter 9; WATCH OUT!

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Tommy looked at his phone, knowing exactly what was about too happen.

Early that day, Darryl went out for a walk trying to clear his head. He looked at his phone, seeing alot of tweets wondered about him and everyone. He quickly snapped and photo and headed down the road, still unknown too what he captured.

Tommy covered his mouth looked at the photo;

Tommy rushed to text Darryl to warn him, he texted Darryl;

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Tommy rushed to text Darryl to warn him, he texted Darryl;


Darryl- Typing..

Darryl-What are you talking about?


Darryl- Typing...

Stopped typing.


Tommy was crying, not knowing most passengers on the plane were starting at him, he didn't care, he only cared for his friends safety. He wasn't there to help, like always. He thought nothing would happen when he left, he was wrong. He thought he just ruined everything, he didn't.

-Ring Ring!-

"Hello?" Tommy said, trying too hide his tears. "Hey Tommy." Darryl said worried, Tommy gasped out loud and screamed, "BAD, OH MY FUCKING GOD YOURE OKAY! WHAT HAPPENED?" "First off, language, second off, thank you if you didn't warn me I don't think I would have made it out of there." Darryl said, as he smiled, unable for Tommy to see. "Where are you?" Tommy asked. "Well I'm kinda of lost, I called up Zak too come get me, I'm by the cafe downtown." Darryl responded, sounding glad his friend worried for him and told him. "How's the flight going right now Tommy?" Darryl said, wanting to change the subject. "What? I mean, it's alright, everyone is asleep, well..was asleep." Tommy looked around to see people sharing death glares at him for yelling, what can he say! He played Minecraft and made videos! "Oh my goddness, I need to go!  Bye Tommy!" Darryl said, putting his phone down from his ear, hearing a car pull up, he walked towards it too look who was in the driver seat.

~Back with Wilbur~

Why didn't I trust Tommy, WHY? I'm such a fucking moron, god DAMNIT.
Wilbur thought to himself, trying too untie his hands. "FUCK!" He yelled out, barely able to hear with the tape around his mouth. "Hey hey hey! Looks who's wide awake!" Wilbur heard coming from a door. "Hey buddy, who knew that you're friend, Eret! Would be the one who killed Tubbo." Eret said, mockingly. All Wilbur could do was tear up and try and move.

"Anyways, I was going to get Darryl, or our lovely Badboyhalo, but SOMEONE, had to ruin that." Eret yelled, sighing after. "Oh well! Let's see, who do you think should be next friend? Zak, Dream..George, Sapnap..Oh! How about..."


Hehe, short update! What will happen next also, you know I couldn't do that to Bad! :( During this writing I had ANOTHER IDEA, yes another idea, wow. For another book (ノ*0*)ノ, though I won't start writing that for awhile! :] Like I said, the next book will be out tomorrow or probably in the early morning cause;

Sleep? Who she, loved to meet her! ;)), thank you for reading everyone! <3 almost at 1k reads! *Happy writer noises*

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