I just need to say this.

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This isn't about the story or anything, I want to address this. Please stop doxxing Dream, Tommy, Sapnap, EVERYONE! Sapnap's middle name is getting thrown around, while Tubbo is getting sent DEATH THREATS for not knowing what "ACAB" means. This is insane, as well as Sapnap's dono's from his stream with was taken down.  Example of a dono I saw on the stream; "I want to blow you off while you game." Which is absolutely DISGUSTING. He is a young adult, while most of the fandom is at least 10-17 year olds. They may have said it was okay they didn't mind, but you're not just making them feel uncomfy bit everyone else. People also tried to leak Dream's full name, which is almost illegal in a few places. This needs to stop, and, I'm going to bring up the a6d drama for a second, even though it's "over". For all those people who tried to tell them to not be friends with a6d, STFU. It's their life, not your's, their adults, they make their own choices.

This didn't explain much of it, so I'll break it into parts for those reading.

Sapnap's Dono's; First off, the dono's are disgusting, and another example(TW Mention of suicide) "I am about to overdose I need advice." .. someone donated that, on a stream, let me say this once and only once.


Yes they can give little advice about small things like telling you nice things, or helping you be more social or anything, but not that. I'm sorry, but Sapnap is not you're therapist, go see a professional, not a 19 year old streamer!

Tubbo's death threats: During one of Tommy's stream, Tommy got a dono asking about ACAB, Tubbo asked what it meant as he doesn't know what's going on in the USA, as he is British and lives in the UK. He said "well not all cops are bad." Which he meant no harm in, he had no idea what it meant, he only was confused cause he didn't know. But going out of your way to DEATH THREAT A 16 YEAR OLD, is gross and wrong. That is just disgusting, and disturbing if you participated in that.

Dream and Tommy getting Doxxed;

I don't have alot of information on this, but Dream's full name is almost leaked, and Tommy's home town I believe. Which, why do you want to know that? That sounds like some stalker stuff.

That's all I really wanted to say, unfollow me if you want too, but I just want to address this, as the dream team fandom has gotten worse, and worse. It's truly saddening to see this happen, and if it goes to them hard too the point they stop streaming. The people who did all those and things are the ones who are gonna be like; "why did they quit? Come back PLSSS :("

I'm sorry, for this update, even though this book is over, im using this book as it is a bit "popular" you could say, and I want too get this out to as many people. I am absolutely disgusted at the fact this is happening, but we will all get through this, and we hope for this too stop, is the best we can do, and respect their privacy.

Stay safe, stay lovable, have a nice day.

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