Chapter 10; Eret, how could you?

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What Eret said raced through Wilbur's head. He frantically shaked his head, almost hitting Eret, as he cried. He looked down on the ground, until he saw Eret walk away. Wilbur tried to move around only to fall over, stuck on the ground.

~With everyone else~

"I'm going out to look for him. I can't wait any longer!" Nikki yelled grabbing a jacket. "Nikki, I don't think that's a good idea, don't worry he might have just stayed somewhere for the night." Fundy said, putting his hand on her shoulder letting go after she ran out the door.

"Where are you Will?" She mumbled to herself. "Wilbur's gone." Nikki heard, she turned around. No one there, she looked around frightened, as she stumbled down on the floor, as Eret walked out. "I never liked how you joinned the SMP my friend.. oh well." Eret said, walking closer to the girl who was tearing up, her tears rolling down her cheeks. Eret grabbed the girl putting cloth over her mouth, she didn't pick up a fight. She let it happen, she was shocked, confused, scared.

~With Tommy~

Tommy has just landed back at his home, his family wasn't there, so he sat and called up Fundy. "Fundy! I landed, are you all okay?!" Tommy yelled slightly. "Yes, yes Nikki just went out to find Wilbur, she didn't believe the photo, she didn't want too." Fundy responded, continuing his words after he sighed a bit; "Tell us what he going on Tommy, with the photo, with Eret, with everyone." He said ending the sentence on a worried note. "FIND NIKKI NOW, ERET IS GOING TO GO FIND HER, FIND H---" The power cutted out from George's home. "Hello? HELLO?" Tommy screamed. "FUCK!" He yelled, he couldn't do anything but cry.

Hey! You're the leader Tommy now, Wilbur isn't here so you need to help! Second in command! You got this Tommy, tell him, TELL THEM!

The voice said, Tommy nodded, silently saying; "I won't let you down Tubbo, not again."

~back with everyone~

The power came back on, everyone stood in shock at what stood infront of them. "Hello, old friends." Eret said, holding a gun with he placed in his pocket, leaning on Nikki who was tied up on the floor. (Haha got my eddsworld reference? No okay ;-;)

"Let her go Eret.." Dream said, walking closer. "Not, a step closer." Eret responded, pointing the gun at him. Darryl was sobbing in the back, terrified, Zak trying to comfort him, Fundy was shocked and closed his hands into a fist, George and Sapnap stood there, George trying to get the kitchen phone. "All of you, sit down. Now." ,Eret said, moving his head towards the living room. Everyone quietly sat down, Darryl sobbing a louder, covering his face. "Oh my Lord, BAD! QUIET." Eret yelled, point the weapon at the crying man, who made him shut up, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "Now now, who should be fir--" Eret was cut off by a knock on the door, "Don't, say a thing." He mouthed to the rest of them. "Hello sir!" Eret said happily. "Need anything?

"Yes, we need to speak to the owner of the house."

"Sorry! I think he went out, I'm his friend."

"Ah, alright. Here, this is for him." The man said, handing over the paper, and walking off.

"Here George." Eret said throwing the paper at George, George grabbed a pen, "signed" his name and gave it back to Eret to put it back outside. Eret didn't look at the paper, just gave to the man who read what George put, and walked away. "Now now, lets all think, who should go first, should it be..Bad?" Eret said, grabbing Darryl up, point the gun at him. "Or..Sapnap?" He said, pushing Darryl back down on the couch, walking over to Sapnap, Dream stood up, and ran infront of his friend. "Dream, I don't think that was really a smart choice, my good friend." Eret said, sinisterly smiling.


Also, my new book is out, it has a short introduction chapter, for you too read while I work on everything  else, thank you for reading! ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳° This may or may not be the second too last chapter... ;0; shhh...

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