Chapter 6; Don't you get it?!

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Wilbur was shocked at what Tommy said. He didn't believe Eret would do such thing. "Let me see you're phone Tommy." Wilbur said calmly, in which Tommy handed it over shaking. Wilbur almost gasped when he read the message that Eret sent.

Eret..? No, he and Tubbo got along well, why? Why..what is going on..he wouldn't. Wilbur thought, he got up and walked over to Tommy who started to cry again, his tears falling onto the wood table. He bent down too look at the boy sitting down. "Listen Tommy, I won't let Eret hurt you again. Alright? I'll ask him too not scare you anymore." Wilbur said. He  didn't want to believe that Eret would do such thing. He didn't want to believe it. It's how Tommy was when he found out about Tubbo. Tommy stood up and said four words. "You don't get it." He said, walking too the bathroom, locking the door behind himself, he held his head, still hearing voices.

Tommy? Please don't cry. Don't cry, please? It'll be okay, he won't hurt you. Please get Justice for me, please..

"I will Tubbo, I'll make sure he gets what he deserves. I won't let you down." Tommy responded. "Tommy, you are hearing Tubbo aren't you?" Wilbur said on the other side of the door. "I understand, b--" Tommy cutted Wilbur off yelling back; "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, NONE OF YOU DO!" He yelled. "Tommy-" Wilbur tried to speak only to get cut off again. "DON'T SAY THAT BULLSHIT AGAIN, OKAY? I KNOW TUBBO IS DEAD, I KNOW HE IS." Tommy yelled, crying uncontrollably. "Tommy open the door." Wilbur said, trying to calm this situation before the others got home. "No, just go wait the others I'm not coming out." Tommy said, hearing Wilbur's foot steps walk away, fading as he got farther and farther.

~Back with Eret and everyone else at the fair~

"So what happened exactly Eret.?" Sapnap asked, messing with his hands. "Well, Tommy tried to attack me as a joke with one of the props, and I kinda had to pin him to get him to stop." Eret said, lying through the smirk of snickering on his face. Sadly, everyone nodded and decided it was best too head home. They all got into one car and headed off too George's home.

~Once they all got home~

They all walked in too see Wilbur swearing to himself on the sofa. "Language Wilbur!" Darryl said, biting some cotten candy he had kept. "Yeah, sorry." He responded, looking stressed. "Where's Tommy?" Dream asked. "He locked himself in the bathroom." Wilbur responded, looking at everyone walking to take a seat somewhere in the living room. "I'll go try and talk to him." Dream said, walking over to bathroom knocking on the door. "Tommy, open the door, it's Dream." He said. "Go away." Tommy said, his voice soundly like he's been crying for awhile. "Listen Tommy you let me in right now, okay? I just want to talk." Said Dream, his hand on the doorknob. Tommy reluctantly agreed, and opened the door, letting Dream in. Dream looked at Tommy's face, it was all puffy and red, stained with tears. "Tommy, please tell me what's bothering you." Dream said sitting down on the floor where Tommy was at. " wouldn't get it." Tommy responded, covering his face and curling into a ball. "I've been a child old before Tommy, I'm sure I'd get it." Dream chuckled. "It's not about that, and I'm not a damn child." Tommy said, even though his mind was everywhere. He still hated that he was  called child, but at this moment, he really felt like one. He felt like he wanted to curl into a ball and cry, being comforted by anyone, just someone that cared.(That last part was inspired by Keeylwastaken.)

Dream looked at the boy, who was sitting their quietly. "Eret lied about you attacking him didn't he?" He said. "I'm scared Dream, I just wanna go back to my family now. I don't wanna be here anymore." Tommy responded. "Don't worry Tommy, you're going to get home soon, we have a flight planned out for you, as you'll be flying alone alright?" Dream said, that comforted Tommy who smiled at Dream. Who smiled back, "Now c'mon, we are all gonna finish that movie." He said, opening the door too see Zak. "Zak?" Dream questioned. "Yesss?" Zak said, acting strange. "Zak! You can't easedrop!" Darryl said walking up to drag Zak back to the living room. "I wasn't easedropping!! I was..listening!" Zak said, trying to defend himself, gigging to himself as well. Tommy and Dream walked back to the living room, Tommy sat on the floor, and Dream went to sit with George and sapnap on the sofa. "Alright, I want to chose a movie!" Tommy said, almost forgetting what happened earlier. Tommy grabbed the remote and put on the Hamilton musical show. "Are you kidding me?" Zak groaned. "Nope!" Tommy stood up, Fundy joining in as the opening song started. Sapnap pulled out his phone to record the two singing, Wilbur jumping in the middle of the two singing the end of the song. "You guys are so weird." Zak said sticking out his tongue like a child. "Tommy acts more like an adult then you Zak!" "OOOOHHH." Fundy yelled. Zak just groaned again slumping down in the sofa chair he was sitting in. "Fuck you." He said under his breath. "Language!" Darryl said, laughing.

Tommy sighed, thanking himself he came on this trip. He may have thought it would've gotten worse the. What happened today, but it's always the end of the day that's the best. Man I have some weird friends. Tommy thought. Remembered himself that these were all adults that played Minecraft, so he understand why they were like that. "I'm so posting this on Twitter." Sapnap said, playing the recording back to them. "Do it do it!" George chanted.


Comments flooded in, Sapnap reading them all.


"Bruh moment"


"Where is Tub--" Sapnap stopped himself. They turned to Tommy who looked at the ground and sighed. He looked up and nodded, smiling a bit. He wanted to make sure they thought he moved on. They all smiled back, and went back to reading comments.

Hehe two updates in a day? Wow maybe a third soon? 👀 I wanted to make a happy chapter for yall, so this is kinda it. Also I had to add HAMILTON IN IT! Cause I'm listening to it, hah. Hoped you enjoyed reading :) I take suggestions for the next chapter! Or any negativity that I could use to help me make better chapters/books! Also, would you like to see a chapter of them all going to a live action play of Hamilton in the future? 👀 Anyways have a nice day thanks for reading! (・ω・)つ⊂(・ω・)

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