Chapter 11; NO, PLEASE. (Bad ending hehe.)

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As Eret and Dream locked eyes, Eret sighed and pulled the gun up too Dreams chest. "Do it. You bastard." Dream growled, mumbling cuss words under his breath.


Darryl screamed while everyone else sat this silent. "Oh tsk tsk, what a sight. Oh this'll never do!" Eret mocked as Dream fell too his knees and on the floor. "George, Sapnap, help me clean up." Eret said, knowing full well having you're best friend dying while you took care of the body was a terrifying sight. "NO, DREAM." Sapnap screamed picking up the man in his arms George running down to check his pulse. "Oh? You think there's a chance Georgie?" Eret said, pointing the gun back at Dream, another shot going off. "Hope is non-existent my friend. Don't even try." Eret mocked as he walked around stopping infront of Darryl and Zak, a grin on Eret's face grew big. "Bad, oh you silly fucking muffinhead." Eret said, mocking Darryl. "La-" Darryl was cut off, as a gun was pointed at his head. "Shush, or else." Eret said, smiling as he tilted his head. "Nikki! I almost forgot about you, you're wondering what happened to Will aren't you?" Said Eret as he got down to look Nikki in her terrified eyes, tears falling down from her eyes. "Yeah, by the time I'm done with you all, him and Tommy will be the only ones left, then..Bam Bam! Only one left." Eret smiled, as he messed with the trigger with the gun. "Zak, I have a question." Eret said looking daggers into the man's eyes. "What..?" Zak asked, closing his fist. "I'm tired with all this shooting, can you go to kitchen  and hand me a knife?"

Zak nodded silenting wanting to keep his life, not knowing what Eret would do. Zak walked back out too the living room, and handed the man a knife, his hands trembling. "Thank you, now got get Bad would you." Eret smiled sinisterly. Zak stopped walking, and stared at Darryl, his best friend. "No, I won't." Zak said, as he turns to face Eret.

"Bad choice my friend." Eret said, charging at Zak, Zak's eyes widening. 

~With Tommy~

Tommy sat there, tears falling as he thought.

I failed you Tubbo, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.....

Thank you all for reading. I'm really happy how this turned out, now I'm going to cringe as my friend reads this story while I die inside on our call! Love you all (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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