Chapter 4; Buzz Buzz

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Tommy had set up his computer, and joinned the SMP. No one else was online, so he just walked around. He was still reminded about the fun times he had, but it all stopped when he had an idea. He ran over too where the bee's were kept, and grab about 10 on two different leads. He quickly tied them to a fence and got building. It was a amazing build, glass ball, filled with trees, and flowers as well as everything Tubbo liked.., Tommy ran to the memorial and broke it down, taking the blocks and running back over to the glass ball. He re-built the memorial, shedding a few tears, but quickly wiped them away.

"Perfect." Tommy said to himself to look at his re-built memorial for Tubbo, bigger, better, and..sadder. Bees flew everywhere, Tommy took off all his armor, and sat looking at the banner they used. He stood on a block of stairs and left the game. So when he joinned back it was sitting on the "chair".

An hour pasted and Tommy joinned back, he saw alot of people on. He looked at the chat and pondered. "A-are they fighting?" Tommy said out loud. He could hear Wilbur cussing from the other room, typing and talking in his mic and game.

[WilburSoot]: Who the fuck broke it if you don't say anything right now I swear.

[Skeppy]: I didn't, I wasn't online

[Dream]: I was the one who built it, so I didn't. I wouldn't do that too Tubbo.

[Tommyinnt]: I did I broke it

[WilburSoot]: TOMMY? WTF? Get in my office omfg.

[Tommyinnt] Trust me, just wait for me to get too where you guys are! I need to show you something.

Tommy's character arrived and everyone turned too follow the boy. They all walked until they saw a path.

[Tommyinnt]: Walk down there :)

[Dream]: if this is a trap, I'm going to beat you next time we meet up tomorrow.

Tommy chuckled, but sighed, and followed the rest walking down the pathway. "Tommy! Get in here!" Wilbur yelled from his office. "Coming!" Tommy said. Rushing over, "Yeah?" He said opening the door, too a hug? "Uh- Wilbur?" He questioned. "Thank you Tommy, I'm very proud of you." Wilbur said put both hands on the boy's shoulder, showing him too his office chair, where Wilbur sat and Tommy sat on his knees on the ground. "I'm sure, Tubbo would love it." Wilbur said smiling, he was streaming as well. Chat was going fast, questions of people who had no idea. People saying they smiled so much when they saw that , pogchamps flying bye.

Tommy talked with everyone, on the VC. "Tommy, you really made us think someone broke down Tubbo's grave." Fundy said, a chuckle in his voice after. "Yeah, it's really nothing, you said I needed to move on. This helped a bit." Tommy smiled, knowing full well, he never did move on, not even a bit. He just lied to himself again, and again..and again. They all looked at the memorial and joked, and laughed about the fun things they did together, with Tubbo, with everyone..

They hadn't have cleared everything up on Twitter, none of them bared to it. So Tommy decided he would. He wrote;

"Hi everyone, you must be confused on what happened if you haven't heard. My best friend, Toby, or Tubbo, is gone. He is dead. We hate to admit it, but he is. I'm sorry we hadn't cleared anything up, all hate comments will be removed without a second thought. (Miss you bro, fly high.)"

Wilbur patted Tommy's back. "You really make us proud Tommy." He smiled. "Thanks Wilbur." The boy responded, looking up and walking back to the guest room.

There was a question on Tommy's mind. Why..why did Eret do that. Why? He grabbed his phone and texted Eret,

Tommy-Why did you kill Tubbo?


Eret-He had it coming, anymore questions, and I won't hesitate.


That didn't work. Tommy chocked at the thought of his friend coming up too him with a gun, a knife..anything that could hurt him! Tommy grabbed his head with his hands and shaked his head. "You okay Tommy?" He heard Niha say from the door. "Yeah. I'm all good." Tommy said in response to the question. "Alright well, Fundy asked Wilbur if you could go hang out with him and Eret, and he asked me to ask you." She said, smiling.

Tommy stopped, his breathe racing. "Tommy?" Niha said. Tommy didn't even think about it." "SURE!" Tommy said quite loudly. Not happily, just confused, almost sounding worried.


Eret sent you a message.
  See you tomorrow bud.

Tommy's eyes filled with tears, how dare he call me bud..even as a sick joke. DOES HE KNOW WHAT HE DID? Tommy just put his phone up. He wipped his tears away, and waited for the hell of tomorrow to come. He would have to stand and talk too the man..

Who killed his best friend.

Thank you~! For reading!! :] I'm really happy of how this story is coming out, what will happen tomorrow? You'll have to wait and see! :D hope you enjoyed have a nice day (・–・) \(・◡・)/

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