Chapter 5; A Dreadful Day

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Tommy arrived shortly after Fundy, they met up and waited for Eret.

Tommy's chest feeling like it would explode any second. He couldn't bare it, but he'd have to treat Eret as a friend. A friend, Tommy repeated in his head.

"Tommy!" He heard someone say and was brought into a side hug. "How have you been?" Eret said, grinning.

Tommy was sick too his stomach, he pushed past those feelings, and just nodded. "I'm okay, you?" Tommy said, forcing a smile on his face. "Glad you asked, never better!" Eret said, his face filling with glee. "Anyways.. I was thinking we could head down to the cafe down the street!" Fundy said, continuing his sentence after a breath." And then..we meet up with everyone else at the fair tonight!" Fundy said, a smile growing bigger on his face. "Sounds fun, maybe they'll have stuffed foxes. You furry." Eret chuckled, looking at Fundy. Almost ignoring that Tommy was still there. "Oh be quiet." Fundy responded, snickering. They all walked, and talked. Like normal friends,

Normal, just act normal Tommy and you won't be hurt. Tommy repeated in his head. It hurt him to act this way, he just wanted to stand up and expose everything about Eret, of what he did. Tommy shook past those feelings when they arrived at the small cafe. They all say down for a bit, talking about what they want too order.

"Excuse me!" They all turned to see a girl standing there, a sparkle in her eyes. "Are you Eret?" She turned too ask Eret, his face lighting up. "Yes I am! Are you a fan?" He said, standing up. He didn't look scary at that moment, he looked like normal old Eret. Not a monster, a friend? "Omg..OMG! Yes I am I'm such a huge fan I love you're content so much! Can I get a picture, oh my god." The girl said, freaking out. Eret gladly took a photo and the girl was on her way.

How can he act like this, aftering a cold blooded murder, that he committed? What..? Tommy was shocked. "Tommy! Get up, it's time to go to the fair!" Fundy said almost dragging the boy out the door and down towards center of the city.

"Hey guys!" Darryl said, his voice as high as ever. Smiling big. "Okay so! I was thinking we split up!" He said to everyone standing around. "I'll go with Zak. Dream, sapnap, and George can be together, Fundy and Wilbur, and.." Darryl said, about to finish the sentence that would haunt Tommy. "Tommy and Eret!" Darryl finished, the smile never fading. "Sounds good, c'mon slow pokes!" Sapnap yelled and Dream and George, running off to a ride. "Hey! Wait up idiot!" George yelled being the slowest of them all.

Everyone ran off, leaving Eret and Tommy alone.

~Tommy's POV~

I started to breathe fast, I am alone. With a insane murderer. What if he hurts me like he did too Tubbo? What if what if. I stop myself when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "What are you waiting for Tommy. Let's go." Eret said, he didn't sound happy. He sounded, sinisterly happy.
~Third person POV~

Tommy hugged himself softly, as he listens to Eret, talking and acting normal. Until they both stopped a corner of the fair where Eret pulled Tommy into a place no one could see them.

"You listen here, Tommyinnt. If you, say one more fucking thing about me being a murderer, Tubbo, won't be the only one that's gonna be GONE? YOU HEAR ME?" Eret yelled at Tommy holding him up with both hands. Tommy teared up almost crying of fear. He struggled to get Eret's grip released, until he heard Wilbur yell. Eret quickly sat Tommy down, still crying. "Oh my god, Tommy I didn't mean too! You okay?" Eret said, faking his loving nature, too just make sure nothing looked strange. "Eret! Hands off Tommy okay? He's clearly uncontrollably crying, what the hell did you do?!" Wilbur yelled but in a calm voice, almost sounded like when Tommy stole Wilbur's stream and wallet! "Wilbur." Tommy said through his tears, "I wanna go home." He said, trying to stop crying and wiping his tears away, only for more to fall down on the boys hoodie. "You're gonna go home, I'll drive you back, and I will talk to Eret as well." Wilbur said, turning to Eret at the end looking at him seriously, almost looked like he was gonna slap him. Tommy picked himself up and Eret followed behind Wilbur and Tommy, who headed for the group. "Oh my goodness!" Yelled Darryl running up to Tommy and hugging him. "Tommy what happened?" He asked. "He doesn't want to talk right now, I believe Eret can tell you. I'm taking him home alright?" Wilbur said pointing at Eret and everyone else. "Alright." Dream responed, putting his hands in his pockets, very worried.

Tommy and Wilbur we're halfway through the car drive, when Tommy finally spoke up. "Wilbur are you mad at me?" Tommy said finally calming down from what happened. "Of course I'm not, why would I be angered?" Wilbur said, confused at the question the boy asked. "I-I feel like im ruining everything with being to sensitive over Tubbo..I'm just being, a burden." Tommy said, putting his hands over his face laying down in the backseat. "Tommy! Of course you aren't, everyone goes through that, I know how you feel, we all do. You and Tubbo were best friends, of course you would feel this way. We will always be there when you cry, even if you interrupts what we are doing, se don't care. We only want to help you move on, it may take away, but we will do it for however long it takes." Wilbur said, his words calming Tommy, who sat looking at the windows as they arrived at George's  home. "Why are we here?" Tommy asked, very confused. "Well we all planned to sleep at George's house tonight, as we all have to leave back to our own country in a few days. That okay with you?" Wilbur asked. "Mhm." Tommy said walking inside and taking a seat at the table in the kitchen, where Wilbur sat, before asking. "Tommy, show me why you think Eret..did something horrible to Tubbo." He demanded, holding his hand out, probably for Tommy phone.  Man, he really is like a brother. No personal space. Tommy joked in his head. He shook his head. "I can't." He said.

"Why not Tommy? Give me you're phone, you're basically blaming Eret for nothing."

"I just can't!"



"I asked why, Tommy."

"Because, he said..he said."

"He said he would do the same to me if I told anyone."

Thank you for reading :] I'm gonna try and post more today because well, I have alot of free time, and ✨ boredom ✨ Hope you enjoyed have a wonderful day! ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°

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