Sorry another update. :)

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Alright so, I've decided that I'll be writing, ANOTHER BOOK! So that means I'll have 3 books to take care of, if you ask why well here's why I really wish to not get detailed into it; Because of everything that is happening, I feel that if I don't so something more then I'll be well "useless" you could say, and writing these books make me feel like I'm doing something important! I'm almost done with my other book, and this one is about half way done(hint hint hehe). So I'll be starting on the other book, I'll tell you what it's about here cause like, yeah. It's basically another AU with MCYT, of the mobs, they all are formed with a mob, two sides Peaceful and Harmful. I don't know if it's gonna be a shipping book or not, probably will do oneshots on it but, who KNOWS! So I'm going to try and update all the books daily, and if not, well I didn't cause I probably was busy with school work, or some other stuff. That's all :] thanks for reading the update! The next chapter will be out today, and the new book will be out. By probably tomorrow! :D ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

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